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  Feb 2015 Flita Fernandes
A thousand way to love
A thousand people to fall in love with
I chose the one that was most unlikely
i chose the one that, i knew in the end, will destroy me

A thousand pretty girls
A thousand you could have easily had
but it was me who chose you
and it was me who loved you back

A thousand roads
A thousand options
not a single one
that will lead me to you

A thousand pain
A thousand reasons to give up
Love has limits
heart know nothing of

A thousand tears
A thousanf relieves
I have got them all
but without you, I have nothing

**A thousand star-crossed-lovers writing
a thousand poems in this moment
One of them is me,
my muse being you, always
Out of all the people who could have tore me, why did it have to be you?
  Feb 2015 Flita Fernandes
The angels, with their folded wings
walk on silent ground

They know not whether
to weep,
or wield their sighing harps.

It seems like hearts are stones,
or jewels would they be?

Precious gems, maybe.

Of different hues,
with scattered light.

Encrusted, unpolished
by time and tears,
by things spoken and not. ...

The angels, moving forward--
with their timid halos
and shorn heads-
their soles
touching sacred ground.
Disyembre, 2013
Flita Fernandes Feb 2015
A thousand memories are made,
Every night and day,
Polaroid or mere time,
Memories that you will share in life.

Looking back, you will feel,
Nostalgia a feeling of longing shall reel,
Every scent and song from the past,
Will evoke a memory in your dream.

Floral perfume from mothers locks,
Mixed with dirt from  childhood fights,
The smell of paper and endless books,
Is it exams or the fright?

This familiar emotion of delight,
So very strange and foreign,
But in empty roads of memories,
It's a feeling you've never forgotten.
Flita Fernandes Feb 2015
He was like a breath of fresh air,
No, not any kind of air,
The kind you gasp for, after bursting out of the waves,
The kind you starve for,  after a long run in the woods.

He was strange ,wild and carefree
Something I was not,
Each move he made burned its way into my lungs,
And stamped his essence to my soul.

As the waves swallowed the sun,
His eyes promised my lips,
And my soul rose from the darkness,
Strengthened by the foundation of his spirit.
Flita Fernandes Feb 2015
He wanted to see me,
No. Not with my hair all done up,
The liner on my lids, or the
Fake smile stained with red.

He wanted to memorize my raw flesh,
Devour in the  magnificence of my soul,
Bathe from the innocence in my orbs,
And wash away the insecurities with his love.
Flita Fernandes Feb 2015
I confess,
I was afraid to love him,
Afraid to give myself fully,
Soul and body.

Afraid to stare into those stormy orbs,
That could somehow see through the cracks
Of my broken soul, etched with scars,
This mirror of misery.

He was a mystery I couldn't solve,
Things my mind didn't understand,
But my heart did, words my mouth
couldn't speak, but my soul sang.

But all that I knew was he loved me,
Like the sun died for the moon,
The way he dove into my soul,
And sang my demons to sleep.
Flita Fernandes Feb 2015
The garden of blood,
Where bodies and grenades,
drizzle upon the boundaries,
fighting for religion, power, and greed.

The golden glow of Apollo  embraces the heavens,
and reflects upon the Scarlett land turning vermillion,
as the last ray grabs onto the strings of dying ****.
The Grimm taints the field with his presence.

Death whispers with serenity,
as the beat of his heart thumps down to a notch or two.
Memories of loved ones flood his brain with,
nostalgia love and longing.

One last touch. One last glimpse and one last breath.
Promise of honor, hope, and security,
The lifeless body lies in the garden of death and sacrifice,
And returns to ash with nothing left but memories to share.
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