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 Jun 2018 cleann98
If you can't see
anything beautiful about yourself
get a better mirror
look a little closer
(I see my big blue eyes lol)
but just
stare a little longer
because there is something inside you
that made you keep trying
despite everyone who told you to quit
you built a cast around your broken heart
and signed it yourself
you signed it
"they are wrong"
For only you
will ever know your worth
so stare a little longer
"they are wrong"
 Jun 2018 cleann98
~ ⭐ ~
                               thin bamboo
                             paper lanterns

     high up
     touch the sky
     give light to my

are lessons                        
in our failures                      

chase the    
light   in   life  
dare  to run  and

                                         face with the
                                           candle that burns

that the    
lights will guide  
you    to the  right  

your eyes                                        
Let your heart                                        
be   the    tender                                          

your scars
with your pride
Each have special

                                         ­  such big fears              
                                           of times ahead              

the life
of my words
and my lanterns

your life's                
true meaning                
don't be afraid                  

~ ⭐ ~
These Lantern poems are super fun and now, it's slight addictive!
These Lanterns light words of life which I hope will brighten someone's day.
One of my many dreams is to attend a Lantern festival in Asia, specifically Japan and China. I've always wanted to go.
There's something so magical, something enchanting about watching lanterns float away. A beautiful sight.
Life has many lanterns. Be in awe!
It'll show you the way.

Be back soon!
Lyn ***
 Jun 2018 cleann98
 Jun 2018 cleann98
Everyday just seems like a battlefield--
A one-sided war that I can only hope to conquer
Nothing about it seems remotely fair
Yet I was never given a voice for them to hear

> i need you <

I brandish my rusted sword
I ready my porcelain shield
Both so comically breakable
Much like the fragments of my shattered will

> please take me away <

My lips quiver with fearful anticipation
My eye lids shut in hopeful surrender
I tighten my grip and let out a shallow breath

> anywhere but here <

This is it--
    this is my impending death
Were there really--
    no other options left for me to take?
Or was I just too busy--
    wallowing in an ocean of my own mistakes?

> save me <

I wasn't ready--
        I never was.

< please >

But I'll try--
        just like how I always do.
Sometimes I wonder how many choices and opportunities I've missed--all because of my own cowardly behavior and self-doubt.

> you can't always be a damsel in distress <
> it's best to take chances and try to help yourself <
 Jun 2018 cleann98
Seazy Inkwell
I stand,

not for anyone or anything, not for any categories, boxes, standards

Things that add or drag me

You breath,

you don't deserve to be mistreated, misunderstood, misrepresented

or subtracted by this world.

I fight,

for myself, for the ideas that illuminate darkness, for the good and honest people

who multiply my joy,

You speak,

for all your beliefs, your experience, and your important part upon this world,

a world divided.

I run,

without care or fear, stumbling and aiming for the horizon

where high hopes expand exponentially.

You walk,

patiently and devotedly, all your plans intact in that brilliant mind

a mind proportional to mine.

We learn,

Times may change, words may rearrange, people may disengage,

Since we have parallel lives, never converging, never emerging, never meeting

Know then: you are the one, equal to none, when we hold hands.
 Jun 2018 cleann98
Nat Lipstadt
this kids,
is how you do it

in the mid of the dark hours,
when two am is your new oldest friend
when sleep, your oldest old one,
left town on the midnight train,
taking your peace of mind

though she is far away
lost in dream-thoughts caught,
but only twelve inches close,
granting you an unasked permission,
you ok to stroke her hair,
undisturbing her, yet comforting yourself,
every voice in your temple'd altar praying,
one glorious chorus godly chant:

Oh Lord, what would I do without her?

and you stroke her hair and are saved.


May 2014
 Jun 2018 cleann98
i still hunger
for the wonder
in your eyes

but i want to be
the one who feeds
the love to me
this time
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