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Maybe I'm Just
A Little Afraid
That Whenever
Someone Gets
A Little Closer
To Me,
They Always Have
To Leave Me
And Find Someone
If My Heart Was
A House,
I'd Watch You Burn
It Down To The Ground.
she moaned an octave higher    
and he waded deeper into the valley
dragging the low notes out of his person
till dissonance became consonance; and
a soft symphony caressed their souls
in a quiver to oblivion
 Dec 2015 Euphoric Acid
Cody Haag
The man stepped into his childhood home,
Like a thief breaking in,
He had never belonged there,
So it felt wrong, a sin.

Now that his parents' light had been quenched
And he'd been granted access to this place,
He traced his hands over the mud-room bench.

He explored the house, touching
And feeling
The many things his parents had owned,
Things that left his mind blown.

A bible, a cross, a portrait of daily devotions,
A sad smile touched his face,
What a notion.

These people who hated him
And had hung him out to dry,
Had convinced themselves they were justified,
Before they died.

Before their bodies blended with nature;
Disappearing into the very soil,
They no longer had to remember the toil.

It was fresh in his mind.
His fingers left the bible,
And that was the last time.

He wouldn't be back,
He'd never think of them again,
They had caused nothing but pain
For little Ben.
Burst into tears
At 11:11am
I could count on all ten fingers
All the things
Just all the things
We as millennials so coyly say.

Of course I miss you
And the way you blinded me
With cheerleading happy go lucky
But I don't know that its even you
My heart aches for.

We write our new script
We text and we miss
I drink coffee and barely have time to

I can't eat all that fried chicken
This quail is so gamey
I felt like I was biting into one of my young.

Everything revolves around
******* dollar bills
Warned against ****** openness
I thank the heavens I no longer
Am responsible for your past
I thank the heavens I no longer
Wake up in a room smelling of
What your perhaps, maybe
Potential could be.

"Don't fall in love with someone's potential"
My photographer friend says to me.
I remember, I remember it so well
Sitting in a classroom
Speech & debate, black pant suit
I was just getting started
But I had a legacy, a name
They all whispered
Abandoning the shadow of my brother
A man competed against me
Seemingly harmless
He had a chuckee cheese doll, he sat upon on his desk
I remember performing
He performed right after me.

He came up to me afterwards
And he so arrogantly said
"You have a lot of potential!"
My friends and I all chuckled
This man child with his chuckee cheese stuffed animal
His honest to God terrible performance
I was 4 years younger than him.

I remember at the awards ceremony
Winning first place
I don't think he even placed
And I thought
"Don't ever doubt me."

Don't fall in love with someones potential
Perhaps don't try to predict someone's potential
And most certainly
Never forget your centeredness.
Any great aspiration,
Requires perspiration,

In order to be establised.
We need to work hard for the dreams we believe in,nothing great and long lasting comes easy.
Edited -» 01-12-15
The curve of my lips
Gives you thousands of rays
That nothing else can give

The smile on your face
Gives me millions of reasons
To love and to live

You call me Sunshine
The one and only
Light of your day

I call you my Rain
The one that heals me
And takes my pain away.
She and He--
Always a beautiful story :)
 Nov 2015 Euphoric Acid
John B
Hard to think of a stink as pungent

Without repelling those who sense it

Grand grotesque and sour smell

Beloved by all

In diminution
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