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Sep 2018 · 411
Mary Jane
MARY JANE by Warissara

By the side of the lane
I caught a glimpse of Mary Jane
Dressed in purple, Dressed in green
Her kisses sweet like tangerines

Nothing ever seems the same
Her perfume takes away my pain
Numbs my brain and blows my mind
Leaving all my worries behind

Mary Jane
I can’t complain
I feel the love when I hear your name
Cos this game I play
Day by day
Come what may
You’ll always stay
My ode to Mary Jane
Sep 2018 · 356
Being Me by Warissara
Being ME by Warissara

I live in an environment
where I have had to keep up my self awareness everyday and every night
And because of this I have stopped getting drunk
And Because of this I have stopped getting high
Because I know this sounds sad in this day and age
But I always fear for my life

I’ve been called pretty much everything under the sun and moon,
but I’d rather be out there than stay in my room,
because I’m living and following my dreams,
Hoping that peace and love still means what it means,
and for some reason, I still have to keep on fighting
transgender woman individual life people Uk prejudice
Lately, I’ve been having flashbacks
of a time I spent with friends
and no loose ends,
In a park called Southsea Common,
Nearly 2 decades ago.

I was so in awe whilst measuring the weight of my flaws,
at how a friend of mine
sang and played guitar in front of loads of strangers,
cos back then I was never as brave or as talented as him.
But you see....despite the slight melancholic melody,
That beautiful day was and always will be why I sometimes think the way I do today.

Or do I?

For I am sure I am not the only one who’s so glued to my smartphone and my social media apps,
Never mind what every other ‘syndicate’ does but
That’s what really gets on my **** at times...

Why have I become so attached to them?
and perhaps so dependent on them?
That one which has a movie made about it...
as well as all the nicknames and insults it’s been given,
It’s a shame that apart from animal cruelty and no respect for others, everything else i really wanna post is forbidden.
And I’m still making that decision and to think of a day to finally enforce it,
But I
I don’t have the will power Captain!!!

All those juicy addictive news feeds had replaced my dying interest in watching tv, the news, MTV, even some movies and pretty much everything else!
Facebook has everything AND everyone in pretty much one place!
Gone are the days of sending letters and even the amount of texts and emails to each other...
Like a lover of the free world ....I am still trying to get used to the digital age,
And how if I am not careful and self aware,
It’ll take up all of my time,
distracting me and by now I have this magic trick where I can make it seem like my iPhone is permanently stuck to my hand and my thumb is getting more exercise than any other part of my body.
You see the only excuse I can think of right now...
I just don’t wanna miss a thing!

So who knows whenever I leave Facebook ...
I just may NOT be able to cope with an almost forgotten reality.
Jun 2018 · 601
The Meaning Of ‘Life’
here I am...
and doing what I can
To live this thing called ‘existence’


Wait up!

Before I continue....
This is going to be a long one
and may be new to some of you...
So before I continue,
I’ve got nothing to lose,
by sharing my beliefs with you....
For this is something I MUST do,
I’m no guru,
And I’m certainly no preacher,
but perhaps a healer,
so maybe listen to these words,
Of which I’m pretty sure you’ve heard already,
I assure you this won’t be deadly!
And it’s even politically correct

You see,
this body that you see me in,
with a name, an ego,
and well, anything else I have been assigned with,
Day in,
Day out
is just an image,
a bridge between the spirit world
and the living world,
In the name of Nature,
in the name of Karma,
and in the name of what we all know as...
the universe.

Don’t you just love how diverse and connected everything and everyone is?

I wish it wasn’t relevant but it’s a shame that some people around us just can’t accept this.
All I can do is tell you that you can’t change others, only how YOU adapt to them in a positive way
because we must all preserve our reputation, another important perception and seal THAT with a kiss so whaddya say?

Our own mental health should come first right?
well, THIS is how I cope because at the end of the day,
It’s only myself who can be my own true guiding light.
it’s gotten me through my worst and weakest days,
and let me strongly express this that these feelings we go through is just a phase.

So just incase YOU are feeling under the weather today,
don’t forget that even though you are just an image that not only YOU have helped to create,
Not everyone sees, thinks and feels the same way,
It’s okay to bear in mind that time is what you make it,
so don’t let a beautiful illusion like YOU go to waste
Jun 2018 · 725
Adolf ****** may have been an evil *******...
In fact he was without a doubt.
I don’t need to remind us all but the things he said and did is kinda what this is about.
I’m sure I’m not the only one who’s imagined....
What if ****** and the Nazis won?
What would the world we live in today be like?
cos the powers that be have still got us under their thumb.
Some say some Jew called Rothschild has taken over,
But like a 4 leaf clover,
I’m not going to let that conspiracy get to me
cos I already worry too much about my own life
as stress can sometimes cut me open
and feels just like a blunt knife.

So getting to the point....

I have no issues with America and her people,
I’ve been to Montana, Washington, New York and even Seattle,
It IS a little too big for my liking,
But that’s not the point in this rant that I’m writing,
I do wanna cite though that for the record I loved Obama,
Despite the air strikes upon Syria he ordered he didn’t cause too much drama,
Maybe certain Americans just love starting wars,
Who knows? maybe cos of their ridiculous gun laws
Every country has their own patriotic flaws,
and eyesores in the dilated pupils of foreigners.
I tell you what though....
I look at those differently these days,
I used to love the taste of them but now they just remind me of a certain pig headed face,
Calling him a disgrace is an understatement,
it seems like everything he does is just for his own entertainment,
I can understand why the red necks voted for him,
cos he knew what to say to get his puppets on a string,
and the thing is
is that this all feels like a Hollywood movie,
Rudely perverted, ****** and *****,
with no happy ending,
bending their laws
Of what is right and what is wrong
we’re either longing for another saviour or the end of the world,
at least for now

Jun 2018 · 578
Well, what can I say?
I played a show not long ago
And it’s been playing on my mind
You see what i love to do
remains true to me
and helps me to unwind

So Let’s be kind
and rewind just a little...

I have to remember I can’t please everyone
Sometimes I wish my heart wasn’t so tender
And I sometimes I wish I could

It’s on the tip of my tongue,
But I just can’t put my finger on it,
It’s like I’ve got an itch on my nose,
One that grows and grows,
and then again no one knows about it,
why I post such a negative thing on FakeBook,
Cos i’m so hooked on that one thought,
That’s brought me to my knees,
Posting on Stutterbook seems like my only release,
And then I think to myself...
Wait a minute!
THIS is MY way of life
No one else’s!
I am NOT doing this for them,
I am doing it for me
As long as I love writing
As long as I love producing
As long as I love performing
And even recording
And rehearsing

I now have a better understanding
of what hard work means
Blood, sweat and tears
Something that takes years and years
I’m happy to mention all my fears are fading,
Erasing all my doubts I had as an artist
well, I could’ve just said carthasis,
But I just had to look on google translate
so I can demonstrate to you
That I am always learning
Yearning to get better and better
Cos like I mentioned earlier
This Is
MY way of life
Jun 2018 · 268
I give up....

I give up pretending to be something that I am not

I give up pretending to be an angry person for she possessed me yesterday

I give up pretending to ignore the issues that others may have because at the end of the day, it’s very likely they are similar to mine

I give up building up a wall that’s just made of my own self righteous ego and nothing BUT

I give up spending second after second on a social media platform that’s not going to get me further in life and instead go back to living in the 90s before the time of getting stressed out with dial up connection and having to do PC art using Paint instead of Photoshop.

I give up holding my iPhone frickin’ 7 in my hand and because I can, I throw it on the floor and get the hell out of this ****** cursed claustrophobic flat and go outside and breathe in the fruits of the loom and the United colours of NOT frickin’ Benneton and feel my body become global hypercolour from the inside out changing from red to green

I give up all that’s just a deadly toxic disease that I have caught because of the powers that be, the propaganda, and all the lies, and its only when I do this and go outside, I realize that the world I reside in doesn’t have to feel like it’s shrunk in some oblivious size and by doing so



Jun 2018 · 452
An auto-pilot cruise through the static oceans
and all I had was you as my muse
Fused with the wires, nuts and bolts of my heart,
That thus were still missing certain elements
compassion, empathy or perhaps other things that were not able to come to light
Our bodies intertwined and the warm soothing sound of your breath seething through my ears at night
Outstanding arrears fuelling my fears of losing my faith, my face, as if it’s just me who has fallen from grace,
No longer able to place my hand upon your skin,
As I’m so blinded by this anger that I have allowed to plague me from within,
If only we could begin....
Again and again and again...
So as I take a deep breathe in,
While you’re SO captivated doing your OWN thing,
We tried an experiment,
But all it did was leave a dent in our egos,
Broke these illusions we had of a life between us
for you and I,
not US and WE
will always be
Extraordinary pioneers
We are who we are
We love who love us
We love who hate us
We love our Gender

Call us Girls
Call us women
Call us Ladies
We are TransWomen

Stop being confused
Stop being surprised
Stop calling us He or It
We hate that pronoun

We are females we as others
We deserve our rights like others
We deserve love and affection
We deserve Respect like others

We are tired of your nicknames
"Is a he or a she", "what is this?"
It hurts please stop stop stop!
We are fine ladies! Full stop !

You scared our fellow ladies
They are crying in closet
They are lonely in families
Because we are Transgenders!

Stop abusing my brothers
They men and so proud to be
Don't be confused by what you see
A transMan is a powerful Man!

Respect them now and forever
Stop calling them ladies or things
They are men **** and classy
They are men always and forever

See us slaying down town
We are lovely and attractive
We know who we are friends
You can't change us Sit down!

Don't be confused by Breast
That the **** chest of our brother!
He is strong enough to be proud
We love our bodies and gender

We won't hide because you hate us
The more you see us feeling proud
The better you understand us
We are Proud Transgenders!

We ladies need our Freedom
Government think about us
All women are equal in the country
We need all care and attentions!

Stop calling us Monsters
We are human beings
We deserve our Rights
We are citizens like others!

This ain't western culture
This ain't Sodoma and Gomollah
This is the  gender of Us
We are Proud Transgender people!

Pastors stop that hate preach
That hell you need us to go in
That Sodoma you always sing
All were from Those Bibles

If you accuse all LGBTI people
To bring back ***** or Gomollah
First remember that bible you read
Was brought by Evangelists

We had gods and goddesses
Africa knew no White God
We had Love and respect
Read , reread and Rereread!

Love wins and will win
You are taking us nowhere
We are here to stay and slay
Ourselves Genger our Pride

We are done by your hate
Is our time to shine bright!
You gonna hate us today
And you will love us later!

TransWomen are women
TransMen are Strong men
Transgender is a Gender
Respect us we hurt no one!

"Transgender Right is Human right
TransWomen are women too
TransMen are men as well
We claim no war but our Freedom
We claim no hate but our Respect"

Poet : Skylar G Peter

Poem: we Are Proud Transgender people
Skylar is a 23yo transwoman originally from Rwanda but had recently fled to Uganda. Both countries are very transphobic and homophobic so I can only imagine how much she is struggling especially with her own safety. I would be most grateful if you can at least share this poem as much as you can to raise awareness. Thankyou
Apr 2015 · 1.1k
Bees in my Stomach
Bees in my stomach,
I despise the way they work,
But it's for the best,
I think I've passed the test,
And now, I continue to walk the Earth...
Rest my mind, my body, my soul,
Let it be cold, cos things will unfold,
Do as the Laws of Nature has taught me,
Caress me, hold me softly...
You see,I am my own tunnel,
My heart is my light, for when I need self- revival,
I know I'm liable,
I know I'm free,
I know I've been broken,
But I've preserved my sanity...
That's just a temporary word,
I'm shaken and stirred,
Cos I've seen and heard so many things,
Things that most people would ignore,
I feel pity for them as they remain behind closed doors,
We've all got our flaws,
And theirs is not mine to speak of,  
As I cough, I exhale all the negative energy,
I don't need that inside me,
But bad cannot be bad without good,
And good cannot be good without bad,
I try not to be mad at the world within me.
So, as I lay here pondering in my bed,
I'm at harmony with all the things I have said,
My only regrets are when I get lost from the here and now,
This is how I'm gonna keep on breathing,
And in the mean time,
My wounds and scars feel relieving,
Perceiving the world almost like Lord Buddha would

— The End —