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kell May 2019
Clean cut and pristine, be what they want you to be
why dont you see?
if you follow their rules and regulations theyll never push you away
youll never be alone,never in pain, you'll be so happy my dear
dont be yourself youre hideous inside and out.
follow the leader its the best game to play
follow those perfect girls with there perfect ways in a perfect house
on the beach with the oceans waves.

D O N T   Y O U   W A N T  THAT?
No... I want my messy life and crazy hair with an okay house with breathable air with friends that know the real me and truly care,
I want an imperfect love and out of ordinary family
somthing real is more appealing then palm trees and fake weaves
I want to see the raw beutiful world no fake,plasterd on a tv.
beauty is what is right infront of me.
and i wont change
not for money,houses, cars, or fame
This is me a reckless beutiful mess
and im PERFECTLY fine with that.
use your pain for power
  Apr 2019 kell
Jonathan Campbell
Let’s love hard and reckless.
Like the sounds of madness,
That mutter insults into our ears.
We are perfect as long as we don’t think,
but that is what we are programmed to do
We’ve done it for so long;
Engrained into our flesh.
We can’t be pleased.
Stuck in a cyclone.
A Vortex.
Endless if we can’t find our way out.
Two souls
to find
their happiness.
When it was right
In front of them
All along.
Love is a Vortex.
kell Mar 2019
Our generation will be known for nothing.
Never will anybody say,
We were the peak of mankind.
That is wrong, the truth is
Our generation was a failure.
Thinking that
We actually succeeded
Is a waste. And we know
Living only for money and power
Is the way to go.
Being loving, respectful, and kind
Is a dumb thing to do.
Forgetting about that time,
Will not be easy, but we will try.
Changing our world for the better
Is something we never did.
Giving up
Was how we handled our problems.
Working hard
Was a joke.
We knew that
People thought we couldn’t come back
That might be true,
Unless we turn things around
(now read from bottom up)
love generation hurt 54
  Feb 2019 kell
Shofi Ahmed
I know not how many
million stars there are.
But I know there is
only one earth.

Maybe we have counted
the protons of the atom
as many it has in its nucleus
counted the electrons on the run
orbiting the nucleus.
But the spinning circle is a zero
yet to compute the unifying one!
It's a pattern spans the universe.

I know there are
billions of us human
out there on earth.
But all I want is only one.
Just to count on
a permanent one!  

The big earth
is a bigger zero null.
Standing on barefoot
without the perpetual one.
No glue, no roof nor a sign
only on one pure rigid science!
kell Dec 2018
Sunflowers reach,
Up to the skies,
My experience is sad,
And so are your eyes
A spirit is evil,
And so is your smile.
don't you leave
stay for awhile.
kell Dec 2018
My creativity is haltered,
i'm stuck on a continuous train
I could stop if my brain would kick in and find a exit or a object to throw in front of it
but its stuck moving,thoughts over thoughts thrown away down they go, down the drain.
I don't even think twice I know its not good enough for them I ask why, why isn't it good enough for them?
i'm running low on fuel, im drained and my creativity is on the floor stomped all over by people I don't know,
I scream for them to stop,
The train came to a halt
  I got off it was the final stop no more room for me I was empty and useless and no good for society.
but when I got off others did too. They pleaded that I bring back what I once had i cannot i stopped the train for some kind of acceptance I was on my knees for people who didn't know me
and yes I was begging for them to show affection
They are strangers, not friends not family but there criticism seemed more important to me. its what the people want
not me.
Were forever stuck on the train of
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