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They bombed Gaza
Gaza lived
Humanity died
She walks and stands
where he now resides
with a rose in hand
their eyes collide

in her eyes, his world
where time is on-hold

his tongue freezes
a chilling breeze
everything is stopped
like a broken clock

heart starts to beat
with a rhythm they never heard

moments slip away
He wishes her not to leave, this day
BUT she does, silently
his heart turns back cold, and grey

the air is thick,
breathing is hard
And darkness starts to slide
while light starts to hide

and he is again blind
lonely with that rose, left behind

He misses her so bad
but why is he so sad?
it's unfair?!
days  pass, without her near?!

He loses the desire, for everything
He wants again to be nothing

waiting for her to come back
Now or later, but intact
maybe he still has hope
deep down he knows it’s weak

He realizes the truth he seeks
and his cold heart speaks

To tell a story of a stone pile
That came to life for a while
Only to turn back to a lifeless pile
Sometimes we need to let it go...
Sometimes death is just the start
and between life and death, there is always another world

** special thanks to Batool Jafri for proof reading
Behind every memory
there is a shadow
that fears the dark...
You are my tattoo
Etched into my skin
Marking me forever
My beautiful reminder

You are my pain
I will bleed for you
As I help you heal
Admiring who you are

You are always mine
I want to have you
A need to wear you
Be my tattoo
She wove a picture of glory with her hand
Each thread showing the colors of nature
To behold its attributes twas grand
All the features making for allure
Her beauty ever so astounding to sight
Blue of sky stretching over the vast terrain
Pristine snows covering mountains of height
Red soils spanning across the open plain
So splendidly embroidered our globe
With hues of green in the vegetation
Floral shades sewn through this gorgeous robe
Truly stupendous of decoration
Our planet possesses so may fine tints
She is a wonder of such divine glints
 Feb 2015 Deenah
Fidgety Midget
Corners of My Mind
Won't let me leave you behind

I want to move on
Now that you're gone

You chose to die
I still don't know why

But I am alive
and my empty life I will revive

But you still lurk there in the
corners of my mind
and of my pain you still constantly remind

Let me be
I so very tired you see
I am fed up with pain and tragedy

I will never forget you,
of that you can be sure
but, please, pain, I can no more endure

So please leave the
corners of my mind*
and let my weary soul unwind
 Feb 2015 Deenah
Luca Abate
Her Eyes
 Feb 2015 Deenah
Luca Abate
Her eyes are the most beautiful things here
They start to fill up with tear
But only when I'm around her
So It's best I leave my dear

© Luca Abate
 Feb 2015 Deenah
 Feb 2015 Deenah
Sometimes feelings don’t translate to words.
Sometimes they can only manage to translate to silence. 

And sometimes the best thing you can hope for is having someone to understand the poetry of your quietness.
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