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You said there are two people inside of you. One that loves him, and the other one that wants to keep me, as your best friend, as a lover, as a secret.

You didn't speak of me to anyone, you formed fairy tales and mystical lands in your mind, and carved an imaginary place in your heart for me. And even though I spent every second of my time there, loving to be your fictional muse, being happy with just being together in a fairy tale, you were happier with somebody else in the real world.

When I seek you from inside the looking glass, I feel sad each time, because I see people outside who are happier with someone, and then I see you, happier with him. Sometimes I see your smile, and I'm fine, nobody will be happier than me. Then I see your hand in his, and tears fall, even though I know you're happy, but somewhere I will never be completely, not without you. You never see, this bunny also loves you back, and he wants to hold your hand and take you on adventures too. You never see that he is crying, he yearns for you.

When your man pushes you away or suddenly the weight of the world becomes heavier, you jump back inside the rabbit hole. You find me in our secret chamber, and I shout and scream when I see you there. Not because I don't want you here but because I hate why you had to come back so late.
But then I quickly throw away my anger and you manage to turn my frown upside down and we go, away on our adventures. We go, away to a place in the fields where you love me back too. And I don't want to leave that place. I don't want to leave. But you always have to go. Back to reality. And I don't say a word.

You say we're best friends and you'll always come back, that You'll always have me in your heart. And I look away because I can't show you my tears. All I want to tell you is that, I'll always have you in mine too, but the only difference is I have nobody else, but you.

And you go, and I stay, because this is my home, the place where you and I belong together. But you leave me alone, and I have to fall asleep. Because I don't know how to have fun alone, I don't know how to go on adventures without you. I tried, I was able to explore other spaces and sounds, but I never was happy, because I always wanted you around.

Sometimes I grow tired, sitting here waiting alone. I climb up the hole you dug, and enter the real world, and chase every nook and cranny to find you. And sometimes I manage to give you a surprise, sometimes I manage to take you back. But sometimes you shut the door on me, sometimes you don't want to be anywhere near me. Sometimes you act like I'm a plague, you pretend I'm just a stranger, and shoo me away.

Sometimes, I weep and quietly go away. And you come back and never say sorry, but I know you are, I know you care because you came.
But sometimes it feels too much, and then one day, one moment i got too selfish, I wreaked havoc in your real world, I was that upset. I went crazy, because isn't that life without you, a handful of insanity? The crazy rabbit. Don't believe him, you tell everybody. "He is just making up stories." What do you expect me to do? I cry and go back home. I have nothing to prove to the world; how do I tell them, you're my friend, when you can't even tell that to your close ones sometimes. How do I prove to people you love me too, when you can't even tell that to yourself sometimes.

And yes, for a moment I got selfish. For a moment I wanted your world to crumble. But you see the anger for a moment and say I'm evil, you don't see the sadness when you're not there, you don't see the care when you used to come back hurt.

Now you don't want to come back anymore because you are scared of me. But is it okay, you can be selfish all the time, and I got scared of losing you, tried to cause the damage, only for a while?

I'm been hoarding "I'm sorry" signs next to every street you pass through, but you ignore them like they were never meant for you. You think I'm not sorry, because friends don't hurt friends, right? But I didn't mean to hurt you. Hurricanes don't know they hurt people, and I was just rain.
And now I've flooded my own place, and I can't go anywhere from here. I'm screaming, come back, because you're sunshine. You make this place come alive. Don't you see, there were only thunderstorms here since you last left? But oh, how would you? You did not even dare to come back.

I miss you now, I need you now. I'm sorry. Even though I said it a million times, I'll still say it again and again. I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I'm terribly sorry. Please don't hurt me like I hurt you. I just lost my sense once, please don't punish me repeatedly. Come back Alice. Come back, come back.
I love you.
this isn't a poem, it's just words flowing out of me. i am not much of a poet, but i didn't know how else to write this. :(
Amain I want to maneuver
Onward into her incandescent
Cloak, as the igneous smoke
That arises. Mine eye's art
Tired and crying; as I just
Want one fragment of her
Skin to feeleth. O' as a man
For I'm weak, as an extra-
mundane being mine thought's
Come out faster then mine
Word's canst speak. I wilt
Continueth not in the flesh,
For the flesh burdeneth the
Soul; though in patience
And spirit, ourn long-
Suffering shalt be made
As the finest of gold. O'
Loveliest Jane, thought
Of mine thinking's, red
In mine brain, How the
Day's and night's art
Long, though I wilt
Still continueth in
Prayer, hymns
Song. Giving
Glory for what
I do hath. In happy or
Sad, good and bad; I'll always look ahead.
To the morrow wherein mine frown wilt be laughter and the roses I shalt giveth thee wilt be of rose loving scent. O' soon mine tear's shalt be dried, and mine phantom wilt no longer be in rent.
As I giveth gratitude to ourn Potter who maketh all thing's new,
Who bringeth water, with droplet dew, who maketh bird's hath nest's, and babies hath homes, in places of peacefulness. O' if the morrow doth for some reason not arrive; I'll send thee an engravement on mount Malindang, With the ring that never
Made it to thee; and mine kisses to spell thy name.

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane Nagley dedicated ( pookie dedication)
Amain- at full speed.
Canst- can..
Long-suffering- having or showing patience in spite of troubles, especially those caused by other people.
Rent-a large tear in a piece of fabric...
Wilt- will...
Morrow- tommorrow- next day....
Wherein- in which...
          to leave
she gathered
up her
things, keys
& a coat, a
quick note
why she had
          to go,
but the 
finality of the
scene gave
       the bleak
view a
different hue,
         the sun
glass shone
brighter, the
lighter, the
called out in
to be walked
   to her to
        hold on.
White fleshed the wild roots
cold in caves of soil the bulbs, the tubers
burst through aged brown clay, wet through mud slick rains
sun drunk buds of tulip leaves, petals painted pink
bird chirp and groan of ponds, a soft bedded mossy home
of woven fern and forest fronds, home to night's invisible frogs
white moon dogwood blooms, calls heard lovelorn
through an open window.
There's nothing more romantic
          in my eyes
        Than holding your hand
   And talking about our lives
          Because in my mind
The only thing better than the fantasy
        Is the intimacy I feel
  When it's just you and me
Sapiosexual: Finding someone's intelligence to be their most sexually attractive feature.

For DaSH, the sexiest and smartest man I know. <3
“You are worthless!”
Somebody close to me said.
“Not worth a ****!”
It was somebody in my head.
“Never have been.”
The ******* went right on
“And never will be.”
It never has been gone.

My entire life
These words have been there.
I have tried hard
To act like I don’t even care.
But they hurt me
Took joy from all I try to do
And bring me down
Because I fear they are true.

I have tried hard
To prove that I do have worth,
I’m not, nor have I ever
Been the **** of the earth.
I have worked hard
To make my way among men,
When I start to believe,
The chanting starts over again.

Something in me
A different kinder sort of a voice
Gently urges me
To accept that I have a choice.
It softly tells me
That early on I was damaged
And I must accept
My self-confidence was savaged.

So, slowly changes
Come about in what I am feeling
And I see more
Of what cards fate is dealing.
I changed people
That I let into my life today.
I let the past go
And let those voices go away.
The LORD is my Shepherd, I shall not want
I dwell in fields of green
Led by His hand I may drink my fill
From streams where few have been
Though I may walk through death's shadowed vale
His presence calms every fear
Through the dark dangers He sets a feast
Whenever my foe comes near
His goodness and mercy shall follow me
Throughout my days here on earth
Then take me home where forever my eyes
Shall behold all His glorious worth!
Sung to the tune of 'Cloud-Shadows' (music by James H. Rogers)
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