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Along the faithful stretch of tensile black ribbon
Homesteads garnished in sporadic , hospitable shade
Sunshine releasing every brilliant pigment ,
summit eloquence in festive motion ..
Botton land fathers toil a plethora of viable hillside earth ,
Afternoon chimney fires season the air with -
-Hickory and Oak kindling from creek-stone hearth
Silver Guineas patrol the forest edges , cordillera
Mountain Deer free themselves from the ******* of the midday struggle , recede into wooded escapes , immune from discovery ..
Copyright March 31 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
A generous amount of ferocious wind , a ladle of roaring thunder and a cup or two of 'nerve racking hail ..'
A handful of blue lightning with a pressure cooker full of rain ,
an armful of 'nasty charcoal nimbus' and 'puppy dog- puffy cumulus' stirred into a heaping bowl of 'humid Georgia sunshine ..'
Turn the Old rooster weathervane to the East , hurry up and gather the last pile of leaves ..
Get the turkey chicks in the barn , shut down the smokehouse ..
Tie the scarecrow off , call the family together and head for the storm cellar !
Copyright March 31 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Luscious Spring is wonderful avian theater ... The cameo appearance of Bradford Pear ,  a fragrant , beneficial Chestnut Tree of April ..

Melodious springtime , 'Creations Opus stage ..'
Voluminous , arthropod soloist , capering
the riparian rivers , break the searing afternoons ,
sing to me , the cool blessing of night ...
Copyright March 31 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Petrichor and wisteria interlace at the empyrean .. Electric blue spatiality , brushed in sable waves , protracted shadows connect days end ..
Concertos of twilight mourn her passing .. The insatiable Harvest Moon shimmers afresh ...
Copyright March 31, 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Playful Fawns in early Aprilis garb
Foraging the Sepia brown patchwork detritus ,
the clap of brookside along the foggy divide ..
Eastern hens answer the question of Chickadee
and Brown Thrasher ..
Bitter Blackbirds command the fire breaks ,
multitudes shifting from canopy to rain washed
visible pasture .. Move South , quietly disappear ..
Copyright March 31 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
True as the oceanside bonfires ..
Embers that parlay their very existence ,
at mercy of Poseidon's petulant expanse ..
Gale-borne , maritime id ...
Devout seafarers in perpetual , celestial
navigation ..
Copyright March 31 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Snapping Shoals remind me of a long lost song returned to eager ear..Whirling eddies , cascading melodies , driftwood memories  ..A summertime carol on root-bound shores , Smallmouth Bass dancing the silver pools , caterwauling Jays and Ravens ..
Red-tailed Hawks skimming her surface , dragonflies of every color
sailing into forever .. Sack lunches .. Laughter and fellowship ..
Copyright April 1 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved

*** Just  north of Jackson , Georgia
Blackberry blossom and glorious Honeysuckle vine
Dark green Ferns and scented Loblolly Pines ...
Brush , briar thickets reducing visibility to arms reach
An Ole grey Opossum high atop a Cottonwood Tree ..
Thick floors of pine needles and knee high wild grasses
Yellow Locust , green grasshoppers flying in advance on stair -step hillsides leading into chilly Walnut Creek ...
Sandbars filled with quartz and mica , glistening between the 'Brick red clay cliffs' as far as you can see downstream ..
Painted turtles and Blue Herons , Cottonmouths and Black Racers ..
The music of life at every turn , every ripple of water , swaying River Birch ..
Copyright April 1, 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Throwing daisies into Crystal Lake
Feeding Pekin Ducks , smoking blueberry blaze
Relishing quiet time with my friends , the
water striders and Trumpeter Swans , elder
passersby waving from the roadway ....
Chewing tangy grass , collecting runaway
thoughts on a Renoir masterpiece kind of day...
Copyright April 1 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
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