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dlx Aug 2016
I know now,
Why people always saying like this in a film,
"You can buy everything except the love,"
Well, now I know
What the meaning of itself,
Love is not buyable because indeed,
Love is free
Love costs nothing
Love applies to everyone, no exceptions.
Then why besides there,
Mostly girls always saying like this,
"No way. My love is expensive, ya know?!"
Well, I'm a girl
And I know exactly what it means,
We say like that stuff because we don't want you to give us a billion dollars Chanel bag, we don't want you to build us a mansion, and we don't need your cash cash.
We just wanted a love by yours. A true love and a pure hearts of us.
If you boys can give us love, just love, we don't need those money and bills.
But nowadays, I don't know why everygirl wanted their boys to give them a tiffany n co every anniversary.
Well, if you want to talk about it,
I'm sorry I can help.

- dlx
dlx Jul 2016
I will be everything if you want me to.
I will be anywhere if you need me tho.
I will be something if you like to call.
I don't care I'm crazy when I'm with you.

When I'm with you, it didn't feel like wrong.
Everything goes right and everything is just beautiful.

I don't much mind what everyone think about us, they said we're dangerous and dark.
It's just because they only see with the eyes,
They're not understand and look at by the heart.
I don't care about anyone think of you, they can talk what they want.
I just want to listen to what you say.
You're naughty, cringey, or a smoker.
I don't care.
Because love is just love, for anyone and everything..

- dlx
dlx Jul 2016
I saw you left me,
In front of me,
Let my eyes wet,
Let my hair blows in the wind,
Let my lips balmed with the tears
Let my heart bleed.
You left me, that day.
I still remember you said, "I'll be missing you everyday, everytime, and every beat of my heart."
But now,
Just tell me how to cry when you were gone.
Just tell me how to calm when I miss you like crazy
Just tell me the reason you already planned,
Why you did everything to me if in the end you will leave me?

I'm reaching out to you
Can you hear my call?
Can you hear that my heart screams?
Do you feel called?
This strange days I've been through without you,
Can you feel me like I feel you?
I miss you like this, crazy.

Just tell me the night when you decided to move out,
To somewhere further,
And all you did to me was calm me down not to cry,
Not to hate you, and punch you up.
And over the roads we passed that night, your fingers never be separated from me.
I miss that.

I really wanna feel you beside me.
Treat me like a best friend, sister, and a mother.
You always try to make yourself idiot when I'm upset.
We hate the same things, but always, I wanted you first.
I really need those gold old days comes back.
Is like kaleidoscope of memories.
The never ending story.
The unknown story for two strange mates.

What a truly farewell.
I'm crying.

Dear, B.

- dlx
dlx Jul 2016
As what people said,
Write first, decide what the title then.
Think first, and you can speak your opinion.
Draw first, paint it later.
Wear first, the problem fits in you or not, it doesn't mind.
Love first, and you can feel loved.
Smile first, and you can get a bonus.
Make other happy, then can see their smiles make your day pops out.
Act first, and thinking about the risks later.

It's hard to start but it's simple to end.
It's hard to see but it's easy to look at.
It's hard to make but it's easy to destroy.
It's hard to fight but easy to let go.
It's hard to make things goes right but easy to stop it.
It's hard to make things lasts forever while it's easy to start all over again.
It's hard to say but it's simple to write.

That's what we do.
That's what we live.
Welcome, to the reality.

- dlx
dlx Jul 2016
Appreciate little things,
Accept the bad things,
And embrace failure.

It may seems simple.
But nowadays,
I think it's so hard to find the people who always accept everything on their own,
They're not blame anyone,
But make it as a lesson.

Th ain't the same thing as I expecting
People get angry easily,
And always blame on something that doesn't even make any sense
People get hurt and end up feeling guilt.
They just throw their problem into something beautiful and destroy them with their guns.
Their rude words.

As you see and you're right,
It is just a words,
It's not hurt your body, make you bleeding, or even killing you.
But it could make things worse,
Hurt your mind, bleed your heart, and **** your soul.
You might just see me speechless, standing there, listening to you rambling.
Without knowing exactly what I feel, what is really going on inside of me.
You just see me alright,
But deep down, I feel the deepest sad in the deepest trough of my heart.

I bet you don't know.
You will never know.
And I hope you don't know tho.

- dlx
dlx Jul 2016
Stranger Sun -

You only look in one side,
You don't care about someone who hides in the bushes adoring you so much,
You don't care about how someone saw you in her opinion,
Which is rare, special, and unknown.

Maybe you'll never know about it,
Because all you do is just do everything for yourself,
You might be know it, but you never care about it.

People, your friends, your family, can give you everything that you want,
They can give you anything,
A thousand gems,
A million dollars,
A billions stars,
And they can give you their world.

But I ask you for now,
Is that the things that really make you happy?
Make you smile within a cry?
Make yourself living your life?
Is that really necessary?

Look down, look back, and look at the other side.
There's someone out there really wanted to make you happy
But she's just too afraid if she ends up make you illfeel
She has no guts for facing the facts that you just don't care about everything, anything, and the things that she did.
She's scared to be left with feelings of guilt, hurt, and sad.

Can you just thinking,
How if she never loved again?
How if she never feel the love again?
How if she always waiting for you?
How if she can't control herself to loving you this badly?
How if she loss her words to describe and explain how much she wants you?
How is she got lost, and you are one of the only destination she had,

And it's called Home ?

Answer this.

- dlx
dlx Jul 2016
Over this million of people,
How can I still fall for you?
Over this million thoughts,
How can I still missing you?
Over this billion stars,
How can I still stuck up here and listening to my songs that soon will be yours.
Over this nonsense feelings,
Why I still can't see you within me dancing on the rain?

Over this freaking words,
Why I still can't tell you hmily? - dlx
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