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dlx Jul 2016
There is always a hope for everyone who believe in magic.
There is always a scratch of hope for everyone who can find the lights
There is always a way of getting hopes for everyone who pray to God
There are always a thousand ways to get a hope to everyone who stands for Love.

Love is stronger than everything.
In love,
There's no anger, destruction, or destroyer.
Love is pure,
If you can keep it safe and sound.
Love gotta find you,
If you never forget how to find love too.
Love will always come to you,
Whenever you feel alone, sad, or depressed.
They always comfort you, no matter what.
If you keep believe in them,
And not destroy their pureness.
Love is not painful, love don't lie, and love doesn't betray.
It depends on how you get into
If you wanna get a good love, do a good life.
If you wanna live forever,
Find your hope in your love.
Not find the love just in case you got your muse.

- dlx
dlx Jul 2016
I'm standing in the rain
Under the lamp street
Shelter under the lights
A million lights,
Sky, stars, and the moon
I owe them
I envy them
They wake themselves to make the others sleep well
Without compromise and agreement
They're willing to burn themselves so that people can stay warm
They're not afraid of the dark
Even if they are alone in the dark rainy sky,
They keep struggling,
Not because their job, but also their hearts and soul.
They live for the nights
To make people feel the night with a warmth of their skin.

Sky, moon, and the stars
Thank you for your lullaby.
To always keep me dream awake at night.

- dlx
dlx Jul 2016
Sometimes we try to hide our feelings,
But we forgot that the eyes can't lie.
Our eyes can speak,
Louder than mind.

If only your eyes look at me
The way I look at you
Revealed my thoughts of you
All of my thoughts
And is all about you.

- dlx
dlx Jul 2016
You know
It's like you holding into something.
Unseen. Untouchable. Unnoticed.
But you keep holding it.
Unstoppable. Undescribeable. Unbearable.

dlx Jul 2016
I don't care what I'm gonna say here
Whether I'm saying a good things or a bad ones
I don't even care
Because you can make a toxic turns into my favourite coffee
You can make sianide turns into a cream and grows a galaxies in my coffee
You can make my words turns into a beautiful poets
You can make the whole world stops just because of the way you stare
You can make the rest of human falls a sleep because of your sweet cinnamon smile
And I won't stop making you special
Because anything you do, just the way you are,
My words is never enough to describe it even I posted so many poets here

Whatever pronoun is good for you.

- dlx
dlx Jul 2016
This things would drive me crazy
Cause outside there's no feelings darlin'
You say it's hard to tell
What I've been thinking lately
Cause behind closed doors I'm a fool for your love

When your photos appeared on my feed, and found you in the school's hallway, or even heard your name
It turns me anything
I just suddenly thinking about what I've been through
I feel like,
How long should I continue to wait?
How long should I have to wait?
How long should I hide this feelings?
Not to tell you, tell anyone, and tell my brain to stop thinking about you

"Say it and **** it up or hide it and let it **** yourself instead."
The best quote ever.
But I just can't do that. Just can't.
But in the mean time, I also already **** it up
It's not that tiring when waiting but it feels exhausting.
I feel like I'm too youbg for this game.
For this ****.
But what should I do?
Say what I feel and **** it up?
Well, I've been thinking that idea lately
Stuck up in a complicated feelings
I don't know what should I choose
Say it and **** it up or hide it and let that **** **** yourself.


- dlx
dlx Jun 2016
Meet someone in a perfect timing and a perfect reason is everyone's wishlist
But the reality is just *****
There's no coincidence at all
If you want to meet, just say it
If you miss him, just call him
If you need, just ask
If you love him, just let him know the truth

Well, I believe in a quote ;
"Coincidence. That's an explanation used by fools and liars."
Well, lately I've been finding a lot of dating app
Which always say that meeting someone is just easy as downloading the app, faster than you think.
Just wow
You can't just easily trust anybody among their social media, like
Photos, status, bio, that's all lies
They just wanted to prove that they have a good apperance so they can get a lot of chats
But it's okay, 'cause at least they try an effort.

Besides there, I believe in quote ;
"People fall in love in a mysterious ways, maybe just a profile picture on instagram."
We don't know right?
We all do

I'm just waiting here and hoping that there's a coincidence will come to me.

- dlx
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