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Dec 2014 · 568
Danielle Joanna Dec 2014
I think about
how summer could be.
How the ocean could touch our toes,
how the powder soft sand feels on our feet
how the blowing air blows through our hair
I think about how summer could be if it wasn't for endings.

I think about
how autumn could be.
How the brown colored leaves fall from the tree
and the hard orange colored pumpkin appears for thee
Halloween they say
orange colored day
sad to say
he's not here to stay
I think about
how autumn could be if it wasn't for endings.

I daydream about
how spring could be
How roses open their petals
and how the cherry blossom tree blooms
how colorful my day could be
I think about
how spring could be if it wasn't for endings.

I'm thinking about
how winter could be
How the cotton soft blanket feels on our skin
how we could share coffee latte together under the mistletoe
how hot the fire place feels inches away
I think about how winter could be if it wasn't for endings.

but all seasons last, they come and go
and we will realize we need to grow
as the seasons go by
we'll learn to say bye
and learn that there is a reason why.
Nov 2014 · 695
Lost and Found
Danielle Joanna Nov 2014
Tracing the patterns of dust shining creatures in the night sky
Wishing that every sparkle will equal to
a day without trying
a day without crying
a day without denying
that I am as good as you imagined me to be.

I spent many, many years
the broken pieces I have, ever since the day I felt like I am torn

Still, after years
I am still the lost girl in the crowd
I do not know where I belong
I do not know where I will fit in
I do not know who I truly am

I kept on guessing
maybe I am a geek
maybe I love reading books
maybe I am part of the White Girls who drinks Starbucks everyday
maybe I am sporty and manly like all the boys in my class
maybe I am just a piece of work who is worth to be kept in the shelves for years

I asked myself for thousand and thousand of times
Who am I?

Then, a voice whispered to me and it opened my heart fully
He said
"Darling, you do not need any more or any less.
You are my creation, a masterpiece, therefore
you are my Princess and I am your King.
You are my child and I your Father.
You do not need to find yourself underneath every person's shoe, because you are MY CREATION, A MASTERPIECE and I love you for you."

Right there and then
I found myself
I fixed myself
and I know who I am

I am His child,
He is my Father
Although I am not as good as you think I am
His judgment is all that matters.

I am the kind of girl
who you'll see outside
thinking and staring
at the dust shining creatures in the night sky
wishing that every sparkle will equal to
A new blessing
A voice from my Father
who resides in the heavens.

That is who I am
and I'll be forever grateful.
Right after science homework
I opened my account and started typing.
Oct 2014 · 838
A Much Bigger Smile
Danielle Joanna Oct 2014
Could this be another heart break?
Could this be another start?
Could this be another tearful day?
Could this be another spark?

Could this be just a normal day
filled with ups and downs as always?
Could this be a day for another chance
to dance, to love, to live?

I know that its over
between you and I
and I know you're caught up with her
which I'm aware from the start.
I cried my eyes until they're tired
I cried my heart away
but I know I want you happier
and I know it's not with me
that you can smile 24/7 of a day
it's not with me you can laugh all day long
it's not with me you can smile while reading my text to you
she makes you happier
and i know
I want that for you.
this is actually a song...
it probably wont sound nice when you read it as a poem
but I hope I made a point

Thanks for reading:)
Oct 2014 · 510
Danielle Joanna Oct 2014
If love means
wanting you to be near me everytime
then i love you
If love means
being jealous but understanding it then i love you
If love means
waiting for you to talk to me
then i love you

If love means
being happy with the little things then i love you
If love means
putting you first before me
then i love you so much.

I do not know anyway else to tell you this
If love means
accepting your flaws,
your imperfections,
your mistakes
then i am very much
in love with you.

I love you
Your past
Your present
Your future
I love you
The whole you.
I love you.
Dedicated to someone who has a very special place in my heart..

I love you♥

Not so poetic:(
I'm sorry
Oct 2014 · 3.0k
The Maze Runner
Danielle Joanna Oct 2014
There was never a safe way out.
The maze, its in us.
Though we want to get out
We can't
Wherever we go
It follows.
Whatever we do
It's here.

Though we want to stop feeling
We cant.
Because the maze is with us
Wherever we go, whatever we do,
It's just a matter of choosing east or west, north or south, wrong or right.

It consists of decisions
Along the way,
It can help you or destroy you.
But if you take the risk and let it in you
You have a better chance of surviving.
Ironic, I know
That is what love is.

It can ****, it can encourage, the maze is something everyone has. And it is not a trap. There is really a light after  the black shadows. A rainbow after the pouring rain. A smile after the several pain
**The maze is what keeps us alive.
Without it, we are already dead.

— The End —