Someone once told me Whenever I was lost I should look to the stars They would guide me home But where are they tonight? The sky is cloudy and grey And no stars are in sight Why aren't they here? When I need them the most I'm so, so lost and I need them *I need them to guide me home
Yesterday was tough Tougher than before It broke me down inside Left me crumbled on the floor But then I remembered the semicolon
Today was hard Harder than before It killed my soul a little Left me bleeding on the floor But then I remembered the semicolon
A small mark Seems insignificant But when examined further Becomes magnificent An authors way Of saying hold on don't give up just yet there is plenty more to come
Tomorrow will be painful More painful than before It will break me down Leave me broken on the floor But I will remember Forever more That small, simple mark Giving out hope for all
I pretend that I don't care When really I am screaming From the frustration of failure And the disappointment of Letting you down I brush off the hurt With a flick of my wrist Pretending it's not a big deal When on the inside I am crying
Fake it till you make it Has become my new motto Except I am excellent at the fake it part But have yet to make it anywhere All I am good at Is building up my walls And constructing masks To hide what I really feel So I don't seem like I care But I assure you I most definitely do
I keep being told I need to be more positive Can't you see that I am trying I am honestly trying But it's so hard When all you can see Is the dark in everything Or those demons That haunt your memories It's so difficult When your only enemy Is yourself And all of your doubts Crowd your mind It's really tough When nobody can see How much effort You put into being happy And always smiling It's so hard When they can't see How much your trying To be positive *Honestly, I am trying
There are so many things I want to tell you For you to understand There are so many reasons I want you to know For leaving you behind It's not your fault It will never be The only person to blame Is me I seem to ***** up Every friendship, relationship Everything I do I'm the mess, the problem The huge grenade I cause disaster and pain Anywhere I go So don't worry It's in no way your fault The fault is all mine The ***** up, the mess The problem, the grenade It is all my fault
I didn't mean to fall for you It was never supposed to happen We were just meant to be friends Helping each other out I was only there as a shoulder For you to cry on Or a pair of well tuned ears To listen to your pain My job was to be objective To guide when I was needed But instead I fell in love With the way you talked How you breathed and smiled I fell for your laugh, your walk Even the way you cried This was never meant to happen Although I'm not sorry it did I'm a better person for knowing you And even though I'm walking away I want you to know I loved every single second And I will still continue to love you Even though it was *never meant to happen
Being happy is a rare thing these days And when I am it's like the sun has stop hiding My smile is a relief from all the pain And the world seems to be shining I am grateful to those few people Who can brighten up my miserable days Lift up my spirit and state of mind And turn the grey skies to blue You have no idea how much you mean In every single way possible I just want to thank you and say that *I am so, so grateful
It scares me that you know Exactly what I like You see right though my i'm okay And all the happy words I write It scares me that you can List things that make me laugh Or the things that make me cry And always break my heart It scares me that you know More about me than I do And even more than I know Everything about you It scares me how much you care When no one else does When I am all by myself With nobody else to love It scares me how much I need you To do the things you do To stay always by my side And to just be you
Why do people have to constantly make me feel bad about myself? Exercise more Dress more like a girl Get a job Wear make-up Stop being so sensitive The list goes on Instead of making these comments And forcing my self-esteem further and further Down into a dark abyss Where it will be harder to retrieve each time Can’t you just be happy with who I am?
How do you say goodbye To all the things you love How do you leave All of it behind Do you whisper The words As quiet as you can As soft as a breeze How do you say goodbye To everything you have How do you turn away And never look back Do you walk As slow as possible Or do you run So quick you're invisible *how do you say goodbye
You told me to talk About the things in my head Or else I might explode Into millions of pieces But there's just one problem When I try to talk About the things in my head No one is there to listen
I wish you were my valentine Or knew that I wanted you to be I wish I wasn't so alone Or that you would finally see me I wish I could hold you close Or whisper in your ear I wish that I could tell you How much I really care I wish you were my valentine Or even just my friend I wish you knew who I was Or loved me until the end
I keep fantasizing That maybe it could be me The girl you long for Or daydream about I can see it in your eyes The distant look Of a man wishing, wanting Someone or something I am clinging tightly To a small thread of hope That your feelings for me Haven't changed Just as mine haven't For you Although I know I need to stop pretending I can't help myself I can't stop myself from dreaming
The soft candlelight Illuminating her grim fate Flickers in the gentle breeze The glowing moon Casts her shadow long Swinging calmly in the night Her quiet screams Suddenly silenced By the necklace of death Her troubled soul Finally set free From her prison in hell
She went to the place Where she doesn't exist So his voice couldn't reach Into the deep, dark abyss So she lay in the dark Trying hard not to feel The pain that was roiling It all seemed too real How can she get better Climb from this place Empty the dark inside Re-construct her face Can't he see what he did He broke her apart Forced her to fall And live in the dark She feels all the pain All the hurt and the stress It's all way too much Just one giant mess So she goes to the place Where she doesn't exist And his voice doesn't reach Into the deep, dark abyss
Why does music Make me feel so much? Some songs bring hope But others bring pain Some bring joy Others bring rain I was once told Musicians feel things A little bit different Like there is some Deep connection in soul That strengthens Each time we hear a note Why is it this way? The way I feel Sometimes kills me I turn on my music And break my own heart Over and over As I repeat the songs That rip right to my center And make me feel So strangely So differently To everyone else
I love lazy, at home days With sweatpants and ice cream Cuddling and watching movies Doing nothing but being silly Dancing in the kitchen Board games in the lounge Hot chocolate in bed I love the timeless feeling With that little bit of sun But enough chill in the air To bundle up warm The fuzzy socks and beanies Blankets strewn everywhere I just love lazy, at home days
Sometimes I can't stop The tears, the pain, the lies Or the thoughts, the words That trap me Sometimes I can't stop Playing the same song Over and over and over Until it's all I hear The words resonating Through my soul Capturing how I feel Sometimes I can't stop Losing myself in my sorrow Falling again and again Into the darkness That creeps along On the edges of my vision Just sometimes I can't stop Being the disappointing mess I am Broken and unfixable Unreliable Until I can get a grip And replace my mask It only happens sometimes
Am I so oblivious, that I notice nothing? Not my friends newly dyed hair or green pea coat. I miss the looks, the stares, Stuck or maybe protected in my own little world....
I'm not very good, but I'm trying to let out my feelings in a different way...
Sweetheart hold your breath Nobody can hear you Close your eyes and pray For another chance Darling hold it all in Nobody is listening Stand by and hope for a new beginning Watch as life flashes by
It's me I'm my own enemy I create the demons That live in my mind It's me I'm the villain Who breaks the hero Until they can't survive It's me I'm the assailant Who beats myself up And falls to the ground It's me I'm the monster Who pulls myself down And burns my soul to black
i want to stand underneath the clouds as the rain f a l l s in s l o w m o t i o n to feel every single drop as they hit my upturned face and r o l l down my neck in serene streams that take away all my thoughts leaving me clear clean and *blissfully empty
I think I like the way Your hands engulf and warm mine I think I like the way Your eyes seem to sparkle and shine I think I like the way Your smile can light up a room I think I like the way For me you'd go to the moon
It's okay I'm used to it Being a disappointment I've become numb To the pain That comes with it It's okay I'm used to it Being a useless mess I've become cold To the ache That accompanies it It's okay I'm used to it Even though I shouldn't I no longer feel The hurt That comes each day *it's okay i'm used to it
There's a girl in the mirror And I don't know who she is At least not anymore Where there once was light There is now darkness It seeps through her pores Her eyes are dull and lifeless Seeing nothing but the demons As she stares at the walls The tears have cut sharp tracks Into the contours of her cheeks Ripping her skin as they fall Where there once were curves There are sharp, jutting edges Showing her soul to the core Her mind no longer thinks Or works in any single way As she lies still upon the floor She no longer belongs here With the living and breathing But in the darkness forever more Pain is her very best friend And death shall be her lover As soon as she makes **the call
Raindrops splatter Tears that don't matter Painting the pain on my skin Words slice And create a vice That breaks the girl within Thoughts swirl Emotions whirl Where can I begin? Bones break A heart that aches Disguises that wear thin Feeling wrong Can't sing my song Will never make up for my sin..
It's four in the morning And I am all alone Except for the shadows That call me home The darkness is mingling With the tears that fall Giving strength to the demons That await in the hall
There is nothing left Of this soul of mine It has broken away And it's so hard to find There's nothing left For me to show It's been taken away By my ghosts
today started off bad physically, mentally and everywhere in between i was not in a good space weak, shaking, upset and then you said hi i was instantly lifted i do not know how you do it my heart feels light my soul flying high and although the sickness has not gone it is lingering behind you still make me feel better
I can't help but compare myself To everybody else It's just something I do She's so much prettier He's so much smarter And soon it's all I can think These thoughts circulate in my mind And I don't think they'll ever leave
Nobody sees The hurt The pain The loneliness Nobody sees The cracks The strain The sadness To them She's just another girl Caught up in the tide Thrown about by the waves And left alone to die
Nobody sees The cuts The bruises The seeping wounds Nobody sees The stitches The sutures The bleeding heart To them She's just another lost soul Struggling to survive Fighting a battle, a war Waiting for help to arrive
Erratic breathing in and out Tears welling in and out Emotions spilling in and out Storm brewing in and out Stop breathing in and out Storm slowing in and out Emotions receding in and out Tears stopping in and out Calm breathing
I stood outside In the pouring rain I let it soak in To dilute the pain Each drop washes The hurt away Holding all of those Unshed tears at bay I stood outside The wind it winds Around my ankles To corners of my mind Each whisp clearing The clutter away For me to look at Some other windy day
Just when I think I'm finally getting better And that the shadows have receded Something happens And suddenly I'm not I'm not okay I'm not better I'm back where I started With the shadows as my only friends
Hold me tight So tight That all my pieces Fit back together Hold me close So close That all my parts Click back together Hold me so I can Stop falling apart Over and over again
You asked me why I write these words Well I can tell you one thing I don't write for you Or the strangers that will read them I write to clear my mind Get rid of all my thoughts To dislodge those memories I have constantly fought I write to express what I feel In a calm and collected way To wipe my slate clean And erase my bad days I write to run To escape From a world I am sick of And all the pressures of the day So no, I don't write for you Or for the strangers out there I write for myself So I don't have to care
That girl With the sad, tired eyes Sitting alone in the corner She's over her life of emptiness And she just wants to leave
That boy With the gloomy, grey cloud Following him wherever he goes He's finished with his life of darkness And he just wants to disappear
Those people With the falling apart lives Breaking slowly piece by piece They are done with feeling like this And they just want to get out of this dark, hopeless world