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 Sep 2018 Emmanuel
Joy B
You want me to bow at your feet.
Give you all the glory
You think you deserve.
Well, I walk in like a storm on a summer’s day

Want me to be completely honest?
You deserve to rot
Melt away    
Disappear from existence

But here’s what I want to actually happen:
I want you to be happy
For you to have joy
To see the world as good

I know what you did was wrong.
You know what you did was wrong.
Just go on in the world spreading love,
Because when my daughter asks about my childhood,

I want her to see the world as it should be

Not as it is.
Full of people like you
Who think they can get away
With things like what you did to me.
manipulates emotions.
indices emotions.
forms expectations.
creates utopia.
inspires lives.
sets the tone.
promotes calm.
excites individuals.
establishes a whole new form of communication through common enjoyment.

Music is powerful.
Crying isn't an atrocity,
It's beautiful.

It shows that you have a functioning soul;
It expands and contracts
It can feel emotion and display it.

It shows that you understand importance of life;
It displays your hurt and pain
It displays your dissatisfaction

Crying shows the world that you're sensitive and that you have a heart that deserves to be cared for.
 Jul 2018 Emmanuel
Thomas Peters
God didn't save me
I did not need him to
I am strong enough on my own.
If there even is a god
Why would he listen to me?
Why would he believe in me if I don't reciprocate that belief?

I let my guard down and
became something I swore I would never be.
An addict, a thief, a worthless pile of nothing

I hit rock bottom so many times I began to enjoy the pain
The Rise
The Fall
Getting high is great,
but most are silent about the journey back down

I failed so many times I began to accept this life,
but you cannot fail at life.
not completely at least.
There is no such thing as success,
and there is no such thing as failure.
There are only actions and their corresponding reactions.
Everything else is subjective
Heros and Villians

I'm too old for fairy tales
So I'll open this book one last time
Light a match and
Fan the flames

This book was badly written anyway.
 Jul 2018 Emmanuel
i feel like a sailor lost at sea
but the sea is filled with people
and the boat i am steering is my mind
you are the island i saw far in the distance
with fruits of gold
mountains of silver
and streams of crystals
sand of emeralds
and sunshine made of citrine
a moon of pale opal
and stars of pure diamonds
and as i rushed to shore holding out open arms
you vanished
and i was simply just a sailor, having a hallucination
lost at sea.
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