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 Jul 2018 Emmanuel
A lone wooden boat floating out in the sea
The waves crashing down from every side
Nothing to lose, there is no more of me
From the onslaught of water I've nowhere to hide

Finding a harbor, the ultimate dream
It never was meant for this one to pass
Flashes of the end I can already gleam
By the elements beaten, nature's hard to surpass

Raging against the current with one final try
Beaten back yet again by the winds of despair
Accepting my fate, getting ready to die
Wondering in my mind if fate could be repaired

Final thoughts spared for those still on the sea
The dark abyss opens with jaws of cold steel
Living to consume noise means nothing to me
Everything was transient, nothing was real
 Jul 2018 Emmanuel
Artists are often
broken people
using the fragments of themselves
to create something new
and although
being healed
feels so complete
sometimes i want to be broken again
sometimes i want open wounds
so i can use the blood
to paint sunsets
so i can use the torn off pieces of skin as a canvas
so i can carve
masterpieces with the jagged bones left behind
but I can't bring myself to break my own heart in the name of Art
 Oct 2017 Emmanuel
It was your child too
I dont understand
how you can
leave me broken
or how you could
easily turn your cheek

Tell me how you
can not feel the pain
i would like to know
so i can practice
the art of feeling
nothing at all
she miscarried.
 Oct 2017 Emmanuel
Eddie Matikiti
Love connects people
Brings them together
Binds them together
Keeps them together
Love is a beautiful thing

May the excitement of the day
The beautiful dresses and suits
The magic and joy in the air
Scores of family and friends
Never cloud the fact that
It's all about love
Love is a wonderful thing

This is the day made by the Lord
Ordained before time
Cherish, enjoy and treasure it
It's the genesis of a sacred union
Two hearts woven to be one
To live in holy matrimony
Love is a powerful thing

We wish you well
We pray for you
We support you
Blessings and fortunes be upon you
Good health and longevity be upon you
Prosperity and success be upon you
Love is a glorious thing

May your house be filled with love and laughter
May you be a powerful force
May the best years of your lives start today
May you show the world:
Love is alive
Love is a beautiful thing.
 Oct 2017 Emmanuel
~ ☾☀️☽ ~
Your fate was woven in the silence of time.
Embroidered with dread and pain.
Made bearable with bonds of friendship and love.
~ ☾☀️☽ ~

Disrobed in the darkness, the sky freckled
with the light of stars, shivering.
Never will we forget the undying.
~ ☾☀️☽ ~

For fate is something twined in a misty veil.
Ignore the flute that sighs a sweet melody.
For you, Noctis, will be bound to your threnody.
~ ☾☀️☽ ~

Born with the Storm's Blessing,
in all it's strength and might and glory,
all that will be left for you is a ruin
of crying waters, deathless flames, and
flooding song of the Oracle's lyre.
~ ☾☀️☽ ~

Her hair of spun gold; a primose in white,
and pearls around her slender wrists.
In her hand, a sylleblossom, bent low
in your final kiss.
Your final promise.
~ ☾☀️☽ ~

She stands strong, her trident in hand,
knowing that she is a phantom of
transient life.
She looks at you.
In a field of flowered ice.
Standing as days of harsh sun and rain pass by.
~ ☾☀️☽ ~

It haunts you.
The memories of where you dare not
~ ☾☀️☽ ~

Give yourself into the song of the sweet summer bird.
Give yourself to the Oracle - the Morn's Star who
fears no sun in her wake. For she was born
to die in the light.
As are you.
~ ☾☀️☽ ~

No need to be afraid, Noctis.
Your corona is a crown that befits no other.
For all shall witness it's splendour and glory
as the Chosen King.
The days are waning.
~ ☾☀️☽ ~

The nights are burning.
Alive with daemons and weeping plagues.
The Sun and Moon reap pain sown
from so long ago.
~ ☾☀️☽ ~

It's alright.
Because you will be beyond our world.
Where you will no longer be weary.
Where you will no long be pitied.
Where you will finally be free.
~ ☾☀️☽ ~

Where Love is sweet and Sleep is kind.
To you both.
The Storm was always yours.
It blessed you for good reason.
~ ☾☀️☽ ~

Where the moon is full and the sun is high,
Where the mountains stand so strong in vain,
Where the meadows chant and greet the light,
Where the roses bloom and sylleblossoms cry dew,
Where the wind carry joy and not whirls of sad.
~ ☾☀️☽ ~

There you are,
The King of Kings,
Noctis Lucis Caelum,
and his consort,
Lady Lunafreya,
~ ☾☀️☽ ~

I see you there.
Swaying and drifting off to the sound
of sweet chimes.
Under the Sky of the Light's Night...
~ ☾☀️☽ ~
Based on Final Fantasy XV. Not my all-time favourite in the FF Franchise but it's something I greatly enjoyed. I did take some quotes from the game itself also, I admit. Maybe I should do more poems like this? Feels good to just type and let the words flow! :)
© Poem by Lyn-Purcell.
© FinalFantasyXV belongs to Square Enix.
 Oct 2017 Emmanuel
Ryan Holden
So again I made a fool of myself
only to fall at the last hurdle
scraping my heart on the way down.

It's funny really...

Like I should have known how it felt the last time.

ha, I never learn.

What's to say this blistering
heat that burns day by day will **** me?

What's to say I let it just because
I've become accustomed to the pain?

Because if I'm not clear, despite the eagles eye of cupids arrow that was a direct hit, I'm afraid I'm out of arrows.

I was a fool...

I couldn't give myself, to anybody else but you.

So I threw the rest away, I was almost certain, I had finally marked your skin, with the only heart I had to offer.
A story about a man who loves a woman very much but she doesn't believe him.
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