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 Aug 2021 caden
don't you dare put all the blame on me when i run out of patience
as i sit here, bruised and bloodied, in a war zone you created
it is not my job to validate your conscience, or intentions
when  it seems like every choice you make is immature
and selfish
do not blame me for being upset over your selfish actions
The story is there
The conflict is perfect
The ending will be a page-turner

but why do I struggle to write a single paragraph
I use to write pages
Stories just flowed off the keys

Now it's like a burden to type a single letter

Am I ready for the story
or is the world not ready for the tale?
 Dec 2018 caden
 Dec 2018 caden
Tell me stories of the man
Who loved the moon so much
He bared his soul to her every night
 Dec 2018 caden
Tiana Marie
I wish I could fall for you.
I honestly wish I could.
I love everything about you
but I don't think I should.

You see, you have one little problem.
I big one, actually.
You flirt with every single girl
and not just with me.

I love the way you smile
and the way you say 'Hello.'
But many girls do as well.
I'm not the only one I suppose.

You say I brighten your day,
and you promise that it's true.
But how many other girls
have heard the exact same thing from you?

You always are supportive
of every little thing I do.
When the next girl walks on in
you'll be supportive of her too.

Now, it's good to do that.
Supporting people is very kind.
But the way you show your support
is a little out of line.

I want to run to you right now,
but would you quit your other attractions?
If we were to start a relationship
would you continue your flirtatious actions?

How can I be sure
you'll be faithful to only me
when every time I look
there's another girl with you I see?
 Dec 2018 caden
Tiana Marie
I've taken the leap
I've tackled the climb
I've asked you the question
do you want to stay by my side?
 Dec 2018 caden
Tiana Marie
If tomorrow was my last
I'd do nothing.
I wouldn't skydive
I wouldn't travel
I wouldn't do everything
I've ever wanted to do.

If tomorrow was my last
I'd do as always.
I'd get up
I'd read my bible
I'd go to school
and have an average day.

If tomorrow was my last
I'd act as normal.
I'd smile to others
I'd say "hello"
I'd do my best
as I try every day.

If tomorrow was my last
I'd tell no one.
I wouldn't shout it
I wouldn't scream it
I wouldn't sing it
from every single rooftop.

If tomorrow was my last
I'd never know it.
That's why my usual
day to day consists
of all things I love
the very most.

If tomorrow were my very last
what I do today would be enough.
It would make me smile
It would make me laugh
It would make me happy
Because I have learned always
to be content in the ordinary.
 Nov 2018 caden
the black rose
 Nov 2018 caden
the black rose
like an inconsistent phase.
you either love me timelessly
or leave me aching for days.
 Nov 2018 caden
the black rose
i make strangers of the people i meet.
i make enemies of the ones i love..
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