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 Feb 2016
Dark n Beautiful
The Heart of the Woman
Whose heart has been broken a
thousand and one times
pain of heartaches, dream destroyed

She remembers, he forgets
the heart became so,
dark as the African night sky
She was scare of the dark,
she was afraid to love again.

Suddenly, like a flower the heart slowly unfold like a rose.
The heart of the woman loves again.
 Feb 2016
When you told me I was doing great for a woman my size, I passed you off and told myself that "compliment" had good intentions.
When you called me sweet cheeks I ignored you. A woman like me is used to men like you.
When you told me the stair master made my *** look bangin, I was both honored and appalled.  My *** may be my greatest feature but ****** comments have their place and the gym is not one of them.
When you asked me for my number, you were rude, acting in a way in which no gentleman should act. I told you no. And I meant no.
When you called me a ***** loud enough for the whole gym to hear, you were only making yourself look bad.
When you came up and wrapped your arm around my shoulder and told me you were going to take me out for a good time on friday night, I was terrified and suddenly praying for a **** whistle.
When you insisted I promptly informed you I was lesbian, and to let you down gently, not my type.
When you called me a **** I took no offense, that word has become meaningless. Then you told me it must be a phase, that I just hadn't been with a man like you. That you could change me.
When you said "hop on this **** ****" I was done with your games. I pushed you aside and when you ****** my shoulder back you were the one to end up with their *** on the ground.
Dear namless man at the gym,
When you said you could help me through my phase, you were wrong. Being gay is not my phase. Being straight was.
 Feb 2016
My dearest Katlyn,
I love the way that sounds. I love the way your name just flows off my tongue like it’s the most natural thing in the world. To me, we are the most natural thing in the world. I believe it was fate that brought us together all those years ago, when we were nothing more than innocent children. Now our innocence has been stripped from our bones and our bodies have developed along with lines of laughter and worry across our faces. Yet you are the one, who after all this time, I still cling to. Back then, you were my rock and my safety net in a new and confusing environment, not much has changed.
Our history is a rocky one, to say the least. It’s full of drama and heartbreak; but as well as love and passion. I swear we could add a little embellishments and have our own soap opera. Despite all the troubles from our past, I hold those memories dear. Because when I recall those times, I don’t just recall arguments and words thrown, I recall the way you stumble over words when you’re flustered and how red your face gets when your choking words down. As for our better times, I worship those memories as if they are held upon a mental shrine; protected, never to be tampered with or tainted. There are things I have come to regret. I regret not swallowing my fear and being proud to tell everyone, “This is the girl I love!”, but during those times, I wasn’t ready. Although, our hidden love did make sneaking around so much more exciting. Sometimes I wish we could go back in time about three years and just show ourselves then that it was okay and it turns out for the best.
Things are more than okay. You are the love of my life and the one to spend forever with, however long forever may be.
 Jan 2016
La Chrymal
sleep may possibly be the only way
to get to know how your touch feels like.
it is quite upsetting and blissful; both at the same time,
because i often wake up at thirteen twenty three to realise
that i'd much prefer to skip lunch just to be able to let our pupils meet.

and i would be more than glad to tell you of
how our reflections dance in each other's chocolate iris,
—it made me believe that fairies do exist, for in my eyes, you'd witness how these pixie dust melt all over you
or how your warm hands felt like with our fingers intertwined
—my palms were similar to torned maps with these lines as broken paths and yours had the missing pieces, it's like these lines had a certain destination and they were meant to meet yours

but then again thirteen twenty three calls for me and i have nothing but ocean eyes and broken miles.
 Jan 2016
April 14, 2008 was a Monday. My family had just moved into a new house, we were starting a new life, and I was starting a new school. I was 10 years old then. I thought that moving schools and leaving all my friends behind was the worst thing in the world, the worst thing that could ever happen. I didn't realize it then, but moving was the best thing that ever could have happened to me. At Mulberry Elementary, I was put into Mrs. Bell's fourth grade class. I remember the principal standing behind me with her hand on my shoulder as I tried not to make eye contact with all the faces who were staring at me. I was terrified. I think the teacher could tell how scared I was. She sat me beside of a blonde haired girl named  Katlyn. I was an over weight, ginger kid with glasses; and Mrs. Bell knew she was the only one who would be nice to me. That year, she was the only one who was nice to me. I remember thinking how weird this girl was with all the faces she made. I also remember being confused, because the way she made me feel inside, was something I had never felt. Soon enough we became best friends. We were inseparable. Throughout the years we have gone our separate ways, had a couple of fights, and even more kisses. It was always you I came back to in the end. They say that love is kind, and patient, and works in mysterious ways. And now there's one more Love to add to that.
One day in fourth grade, I took her hand and looked her in the eye. I about broke down as we promised to be best friends for forever and sealed it with a pinkie promise. Today, I married my best friend and sealed it with a kiss...and a pinkie promise.
I haven't married her...yet.
 Dec 2015
-and if you choose to stay,
come to accept the things I say,
as the surface of everything hidden,
because my heart can tell you what my mouth didn't.
Simple thoughts. I really miss you and can't wait for you to come home.
 Nov 2015
Happy Birthday to me
On this day 11/17
May all my wishes come true
As I send out farewell love to all the people I once knew.
Rejoice with me on this fine crisp day
But listen to the words I neglected to say
My mouth may smile and my eyes may shine bright
But concerning my thoughts within; all is not right.
 Nov 2015
Beebz The Queen
the first thing I noticed was your eyes
it wasn't easy to remove my gaze
dark and mysterious and beautifully cold
alluring, daring, drawing me in

the next thing I wanted was you lips
it wasn't like I knew you'd kiss me
deeply and gently and passionately
teasing, caressing, pulling me close

the last thing I knew I was falling
it wasn't how they say you'll fall
hard and fast and painfully pitiful
stumbling, tripping, falling for you
 Oct 2015
Dark n Beautiful
My past is in my attaché case protected by number codes
Under my favorite vanity table,
where the dust build up into shapely forms
I want to lift the veil and open the case. But
this wave  of sadness always comes over me.

It’s always asking of me to forgive and to forgets,
Let bygones, be bygones, and
move on to more important things
At the end of each year,
I smile because my heart gets stronger
by mid-June, I sometimes take a peek,
at the contents, and I move on
I gave a little and I take a little,
but as you know that the story of love

Sometimes, I fantasize about a time travel
Sometimes, I just want to self-correct my mistakes
With one match stick, ka-boom!

To corners the truth isn’t always easy.
You never find yourself until you face the truth.
said Pearl Bailey

My past is in my attaché case protected by a hidden code.
 Sep 2015
He built me an empire
on a gargantuan chateau
There, you'll see me write
under the Northern lights

stars hover in sight
as the ghostly glow of
green  in the east over
the peak of the mountain sky
began to dance this one winter night

The man of my history
is nowhere in sight
he could rule the earth
but I was left in a tower
of one window
with a candle lamp on my side

The blow of snow coming from
my window sends shiver
down my spine

It's cold and empty
there's no more guards
standing on the portcullis,
the drawbridge wasnt closed
for years
and the moat is starting to freeze

Everything is dead,
only my heart is alive

waiting for the king
to find his way back from
a journey that made him lost
his home, people
and once he called a queen
 Sep 2015
"...then write me a million poems."
he stood there
waiting for me
to drip the ink.

"...I am your muse, for eternity."
He could be true
for I find the sun, stars, moon,
oceans or seas
inside his soul

"...without me, there'll never be a piece."
Here I am,
not moving an inch
slowly dropping the pen on
slow motion, I can hear the faint
clank of its metal

"... you are nothing."
His grin vanished without a trace
I don't know what to say,
so what I did, was just walked away.
 Aug 2015
You boys do anything that is perfect But if we do the same
We are characterless
We are mannerless
Yes yes i am watching it clearly
You people watch **** wear anything do flirt share all the ridiculous stuff go to *** parlors that is perfectly fine
But if a girl get ***** or anything else .....her mistake
She was wearing shorts
She was outside home late at night
She gets intimate with his bf he cheats  that girl is characterless
Majority is like this and as a result females are suffering
Here in north it's like that
In south it's like that
West east everywhere it's like that
: Why
: We are society
: We make society
Those who say ya ya it's wrong do wrong privately too
People will flirt will get intimate with anybody but will want a ****** wife
**I am no more happy
I am offended
I am helpless
Today, I am having no sources but I am telling you when I will stand by myself I will not be quiet...
 Aug 2015
Beebz The Queen
she looked at her reflection in the mirror
as a single tear escaped her eyes
she choked on words she could never say
and wondered if their words were really lies
she had been promised the world
yet here she stood afraid and alone
she stared at her scars and recent cuts
and she knew she would never belong
she would never be enough for anyone
thats what the voices in her head seemed to say
she wasn't even worth the air she breathed
she wasted away more and more each day
scars where either a comfort or a reminder to the pain
she liked them more at the darkest of night
but in the light of the day the others saw
and wondered why she was never alright
why her whole body shook when men were around
why those memories were never erased
why her lips quivered when she was addressed
why she never spoke out of place
she cuts to feel and feel and feel
but there is nothing to erase that ache
so she feels the pain day and night
so that her fragile heart won't break
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