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 Jul 2015
Dark n Beautiful
a sharp razor
an outstretched arm
a sudden darkness

When she dumped you
It should have been on top of a bed of cow itch
Unfortunately, for us the seven-year itch continues

A Steep Hill
Your silver motorbike
Why not take it for a test run
 Jul 2015
Musfiq us shaleheen
he who is a little ahead of his time
whose treasures of the words random
romanticism is in the blood, marrow,
his mood is as the autumn clouds

he who has lost his path within path
drowning with dreams, sunk you within dreams  
again holds thousands of lost dreams
fly the colorful kites in the blue sky

he who hide within himself
**** in his naked poetry
In forms humorous,harmonic  
as a portrait of the Vincent's starry night

he is a pilgrim who has lost himself within spirituality  
holds everything with the love  
who is for everybody so everybody is for him
But in fact there is nothing in all his

he who is simple straight as the waterfall
when in complex grew hard stone
who broke rules for building rules,
knows himself within the other life

whose words never be end
again he moves on and on
who laughs in the moonlight
again swept in pain without thinking any gain

who looks the life
as a grain of sand
and see the sign of love
in the footprint of a fossil

he who is a poet -
 Jun 2015
I'm trying to climb your ribs,
to find a place in your heart
when I reached the top,
there's no more space left for me
I tried to hold on, but I fell down
No, you didn't even catch me
So now, I'm just half of a whole </3
 Jun 2015
She sat around a huge throng
At La Bellevilloise where the music turns up
matches her red lips and sultry dress
Pouring a bottle of Musigny under a frigid night

She curled her brunette hair an hour
chose the best stilletos
with a drop of parfum in her wrist

Tonight, the moon's her spotlight
she drown from every sip of wine,
as she dances her heartache
and catches his eyes

Her smile stings a heart
her words create an echo
enchanting to his ears

A poison of desire
a canvas of picturesque scenery
she was the quintessential beauty
that burns in sight

But on midnight,
where they said their goodbyes,
she looked at her face
with the mascara lines
and messy hair in the mirror

whispering, "tonight was a terror"

slowly wiping her eyes and exhaled with a smile
 Jun 2015
Dark n Beautiful
Talk to the hand!  
Right back at you talk to the hand
Please don't anybody ask me to decide anything. I do not know
The difference between a man and a woman these days
Or which came first, the cadaver or the casket

It takes a woman of substance
to make a decision
my look on life
Is so **** complicated

I am never to be trusted; don’t even glance at me twice
I am the kind of gal, who usually waits three months to
To build up the courage to have *** first and feel guilty afterwards
Nor can I decide whether to put the past tense on most endings
Or capitalize my i or my t
however, where my dark mind goes,
Whether it's in a slumber mode or a trance
Even into a coma
life is nothing but a chance
Not even I know.

Now tell me which is more disgusting
A ****** Psychiatrists telling me about my life
While his is so **** up, from where he is going
My life is like a smooth running train.

I rather be found living amongst the monks
At the monastery in Nepal or the one in Spain
with they rich historical heritage, arts and culture
it beats this daily life of living in the dark

Even if I return to Time Square with my tambourine
Wearing colorful bright orange and tangerine
My brown slippers;
while I beg for passerby hard earn money.
as they watch me with pondering eyes.
please bare in mind
we all had our share on life..
 Jun 2015
He sang the echo of life
for fishes that blow bubbles
or whales that wave their tails
he breathes the salty air
and touch the sun's gentle kiss

she's stuck beneath the surface
empty, with pieces missing
she lives inside of him,
sailing placidly until she died

how tragic is her life,
wanting to be free
wanting to explore every inch of him
wanting to be whole again

she is just a sunken ship
whose remains will never be found

and he is the majestic sea
waiting for the next ship to come.
 Jun 2015
Your words were a spell
that cast the dark soul
rooting inside of me

for a very long time,
I was freed.

Your words were an aroma
that enticed and enchanted
my whole being,

I was alive.

Later I found out,
your words were a dark charm
that made me believe
everything you've shown
was right,

a smell of nothing
but a lie.

Darkness ate me back to the abyss,
I was cursed not to
find a true bliss.
 May 2015
▖          ▖                                         ▖                        ▖

▖              ▖                                                 ­ ▖
tears shed under the pouring rain
with her yellow umbrella lying on the ground
She can hear the droplets echoing through her mind
The raging storm and the dark sky shrouded the entirety of her world
she is drowning, with no one to hold. Then suddenly, he came to grab the
umbrella, showered her like a flower, touch her heart like the gentle rain drops. planted
daisies on her eyes, so when she cries, it'll bloom to life and to remind her of beauty a beauty from
he'll never ever leave her, like how this guy let go of her hands under a rain's agony

Inspired by Yiruma's instrumental 'Kiss The Rain' ❤️ (what soothes me to sleep)
 May 2015
IL Mare
He had reasons
But I had none
A lot of questions
He'd become

We had memories
So we aren't really strangers
But then he looks at me
Like I'm the only one who can remember
 May 2015
IL Mare
she's just another lost
soul in this tragic world
waiting for somebody
to come and change her

she's already tired of the things
that make her feel small
like what's the use of ripping your parts
if you're not whole

but you're the universe that
she'd never get tired of living for
you're the only soul
that makes her love what she doesn't have anymore

so love her like in movies
winter, fall, summer, spring
love her until it's unfair
love her like you're the happiest
and love her like you were born for it
 May 2015
Sparrows twittering in the eaves of my rooftop
The leaves slowly falling from the tree
And I yonder through the hills;
Patches of blue sky illuminate my eyes
The nostalgia of yesterday ringing in the back of my head
Afflicted my soul as I weep tumultuously

I am ill from my own desolation
with no elixir to pour and fill the heart
The years has come, and I came to realize
that I pay no heed to life
Looking back, where freedom was born,
until it was locked

O' bless my soul
so when I close my eyes, I'll feel the bliss
I must soar, but my wings are broken
I am awake, but my feelings are vague

My existence was dulled and faded with the wind
I descend from agony and fear
the torture of tangled memory
and a riot mind
Think about your old self, sitting on a rocking chair outside the porch, watching the picturesque meadow, contemplating your youth life back then. The things you didn't do, the chances you didn't take. This is for the young people who should enjoy their life today. Be free, do what you want to do, no buts, no fears or even face your fear, because in the end, there's this thing called 'regret' :) So yasss, just do it! ❤️
 May 2015
BertJane Perez
I have traveled this world for sixteen years
I have yet to experience love
I may be young, but I am afraid
Afraid that I'll be alone for the rest of my days...

People say I'm too young and should wait
But what if one day life decides it's too late?
Too late to love the person meant for me
Too late to love in this cruel reality...

Will I ever love someone in the years to come?
Do I even have that long before my life is done?
Life can be fickle and life can wither away
I wish love would hurry, I may only have today...

I wish life would give me the chance
The chance to find love and to feel romance
A romance so pure and without the pain of sorrow
So that I could find the strength to live for tomorrow...

I may seem desperate, but life can be unfair
I do not want to leave without knowing love in the air
I can only wish our paths will cross some way
Hopefully I can live long enough to see that day...
 May 2015
Don't let me fall. I'm scared of heights
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