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 Sep 2015
"Oh, you lured me in, I couldn't sense the pain"
    Of trying to hold onto a heart wrapped in barbed wire

My own heart pounding in my throat
I simply cannot let go
As the days turn to weeks
And the earth freezes over
I bleed out into the snow

      *The crimson crystals as intense as
      The fresh sting of pain
      That has been with me as long as I can remember

I am a love-drunk and depleted decay
Wide eyed, still aflame
Shredded like strips of paper that blow in the wind
Yet I fall apart only to keep close
Bleeding out, I am made all the more numb
By the promise of what lies just beyond
Inspired by Shawn Mendes' song Stitches
(... Which I am utterly addicted to at the moment)
*Also, first line is actually from that song.

Another long title...
 Sep 2015
Tyler Durden
I'm just a hand me down friend,
You grew out of me like your loose split ends.
 Aug 2015
I wish to hold your hand
as I'm staring at your face.
I'll go everywhere you are
just to make sure you're safe
I'll lie by your side in case you have a fright,
I'll whisper in your ear in the dead of night,
"I love you."
So you can hear me in your dreams
but, sadly this one seems like a bad one to me.
Yet, if you're ever with another, it'll be like any other
I'll die from the inside although, I'm already gone
and for when you die, who would be the one?
Tho, I'll always love you, for this I know is true
So try not to forget about me
I'll see you soon...
This man will protect you
When you need him most
Make you feel safer
And always be there

Sometimes he will cry with you
Shed tears with your pain
Hold you when you need comfort
And give you feelings of security

But this man has many sides
A burning passion in his heart
He has a hunger to be fed
He is a victim of his lust

Sometimes he says the wrong things
Misunderstands some of the signs
When a woman only needs to be held
Forgive him if he is blind to desire

For a woman is a creature of beauty
That all men are driven to want
We can not stop wanting to love you
We can not stop this need for you

A woman is a delicate flower to care for
And we need to help it bloom, to cherish
Not only to be lost in the sweet scent
But to always to allow it to grow

This man knows sometimes he is wrong
All he wants is to be needed, to be desired
To feel wanted, to know he is loved
The grace of any woman, makes any man
Copyright © Chris Smith 2009
I am searching for you

Feel my hunger now

I am needing you

Feed my hunger now

Won't you come to me

This temptation above

Is how it should be

Feed my love

Satisfy this craving somehow

This burning of my need

I want to taste you now

On your love I feed

I feel this hunger for you

For the love you will give

My desire will be true

I feed on you to live
copyright Chris Smith 2010
 Aug 2015
On this hillside,
I eyed down the tides,
Watched you roll on in,
Back and forth
This game of chance,
Be my always,
Tell me about forever,
Im tired of writing valentines,
To unrequited lovers
You are all the doo-***
 Aug 2015
I want love-
Not the little love
That makes the
heart skip, and
The face blush.
I want to indulge in the Love
That ignites the Spirit

The love that fills all voids,
Heals all grievances,
has no boundaries,
No limits,
no preconceived notions.

I want the love
That is contagious by presence.
The love that
eradicates insecurities
And replaces them with ecstasy,
I want the kind of love
That sets people free.

I don't want the love
That beats around the bush.
I want the love that
down my door,
Sets my heart
a blaze,
And keeps
the fire.
The original works and writings of Jason Deegan.
All Rights Reserved. ©2015
 Aug 2015
DaSH the Hopeful
Trust came as a blade catapulting through the air
          Unsure of its trajectory
Unsure of where it may land
    Unsure of where it was even thrown from
     But it was so gorgeous rotating in its path, pushing light from its edges
          I had to have it
          That feeling of utter security
I reached and in half a second my hand was gone
    Trust had sliced every ligament and sinew away
         Carved muscle from bone

         And I felt weak
   I quite literally could not grasp the double edged blade that was trust, and now

       I think I may not ever even reach for it again
 Aug 2015
I just want my words to matter to you
I've tried being silent but it hurts too much

Aim high and land low
Can't you tell I'm more than just show
I painted you murals that glow in the dark
Before you go to sleep just open your eyes
Look at me for once and tell me what you want

I'm too afraid of everything
And I'm still so stupid
Try as I might
I make new versions
Of old mistakes

Just crash with me once
You're not him*      
Make a bet*      
**I'm not her                  
We're supposed to make sense

Tell me something real.
I'm supposed to be the one too terrified to speak,
but I can't tell if I am anymore.
 Aug 2015
When september comes
I'll remember when you were here,
Before all the bouquets and tombstones,
The house on the hill,
Asleep in the backseat,
Watching street lamps on quiet corners,
Waiting to knock on your door,
when september comes,
I'll visit your earthly bed,
Remember all the different reasons,
Why we wished you stayed
I love you so much,
I miss you
  It is so hard for them without you here.
Patrick is doing great, Caroline is beautiful.
We all miss you.
 Aug 2015
Run run run
Run away if you can
Stay stay stay
You've never done
You're the one with the trigger
But I'm at the end of the gun

Put myself in your line of fire
I want to bleed
Have you cut me so I blame you
I've sown my seed
Now you are the reaper
(Though it's my greed...)
Title is a song title by Emery.
- - -
Who's the killer?
 Aug 2015
It's been weeks now
The wantings have gotten the best of me
The taste of your skin so golden
Every twilight bares the thought of you
I promised myself not to give in
But that oath is long gone
So I'll retain my distance
Leave no trace behind
The path to our encounters
Remain hidden in the leaves
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