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 Jan 2015
If only I could say goodbye,
One last.. one more single time,
it would have made me free
but it's too late now
our old world has to go.

I feel so alone,
our ****** bond on the floor.
It's too late now
as our warm memories fall
into time's cold door.

I'm not going to make it..
through this pointless struggle.
My body can't take it.
I am tired to my core.

Feelings of encroaching danger
and I don't want to surrender
our memories, so tender
but I feel guilt's unforgiving gaze
through this grey gloomy haze
and I can't deal with this feeling

If only you could see me cry,
you could see how I feel
because I know your trust,
I will never restore..
I lay here to night in a dark silent room,
Feeling only pain and uncontrollable gloom.
Pictures of the blood flash in my head,
Pictures of you laying on the floor dead.
Never to come back and mess up my life,
I smile as I wipe your blood from my knife.
Your darkened red blood spills out on the street,
Your Colden heart stop DEAD in its beat,
I think back to all the pain and the hurt,
As I cover your body and spit on the dirt.
From you or you GAME I Can no longer run,
And me killing you was my turn for FUN.
Oh how they'll cry and Oh how they'll weep,
But I know their Sorrow is ONLY SKIN DEEP.
As I turn to walk down the cold empty street,
I walk to the rhythm your heart USED to beat.
I think Back to you lying dead on the floor
And SMILE knowing your heart beats NO MORE!!!!!!!!
There is nothing but darkness in my heart.
And only you can fix that.
The darkness spreads from here to there.
You saw me fall and you caught me.

My scars, they burst.
I sent my pain through out the earth.
You stitched up my scars and taught me how to love again.

I never tell you how much you're appreciated.
I beyond grateful to have you in my life.
You slowly **** my pain.
Lost and insecure, you found me.
Hey B,
Why you acting like a stranger?
I remember when I used to be your favorite.
We used to stay up for hours 'til the latest.
Ain't it funny how things change?
I hate it!

You know we can't just escape ****,
That's life.
You gotta man up and face it...Alright?
I always smile just to fake it,
But tonight imma tell you how you made.

I can't ever move on!
When i'm with him I think of you
Yes, I know that's wrong.
I'm not really the type to sing stupid love songs
But when our song comes on I sing along.

Cuz i'm angry and i'm hurt!
I thought you were the best.
Got me feeling the worst.
I feel something in my chest
When I try to find the words.
I said "**** the rest, i'll always put you first!"

That's that **** that gets me tight,
Now it's giving you the nerve,
You thinking that you're better
Running with them *******
Stating that you fed up.

You forgot about the time you were down?
I kept your head up!
How about that life that you said we would set up?
I'm not that straight you know
I got plenty people hitting the line
Ask me how i'm doing,
Imma always say fine.

Baby, i'm a g
You know i keep a straight face.
Why give you the satisfaction?
I about to put you in your place.

When I think about us, I get sick to my gut.
I got pushed to the point that i'll never know love.
Everyone I meet now,
I know I will never trust.
Mean while your niggahs trynna know me.
You thought you was the man, you never broke me.

Don't try to call dibs, you don't own me!
Don't try to meet me, text me, don't phone me.

Hmmm? What's wrong?
Now you feeling lonely?
When I brush you off
That's when you gunna hold me?

Imma tell you exactly what I know b,
Karma's a *****
You shoulda loved the old me
They put me in the oven to bake.
Me a deprived and miserable cake.
Feeling the heat I started to bubble.
Watching the others I knew I was in trouble

They opened the door and I started my life.
Frosting me with a silver knife.
Decorating me with candy jewels.
The rest of my batch looked like fools.

Lifting me up, she took off my wrapper.
Feeling the breeze, I wanted to slap her.
Opening her mouth with shiny teeth inside.
This was the day this cupcake had died.
I was informed
You have...feelings?
And apparently i've...hurt them?
My bad
It's six in the morning,
I'm thinking about so many things.
I have to face the fact
That life will never be the same.
Everyone's always yelling, and
No one's ever there for me.
I have no one to talk to,
That's gonna drive me insane.
 Jan 2015
David Ehrgott
Make bees not cellphone towers.
 Dec 2014
Please wake up
I'm tired of you hiding your face
drowning in make up
drawing on a smile
cute dont you think?
live your life pretending your  ugly
but you wont believe
perfection is unattractive
especially to guys like me
you live your life pretending
but where are the flawless things
a crooked tooth
makes you seem so amazing to me
it makes you different
the only one for me
so what if your an a cup
to tell you the truth not every guy wants the same thing
dont put us in a box
unlock the lock
dont throw away that key
dont give up on us
freaking ask us what you think
before you start starving yourself
thinking this is what we want
what we need
you dont need a big *** to be attrative
but hey thats just me
because i dont want perfection
I want the imperfect things
 Dec 2014
Joshua Lopez
Momma ain't love you
Neither did pop
No matter what you do    
You know it's true

You a pretty girl
Tryna face the world

Deep down you wanna cry
All the feelings that you hide

Everything started to fall apart
You and your broken heart

No one plans to be that way
No one ever has **** to say
At night you cry, you prey
That soon one day
The lasting pain            
Will vanish, go away
 Dec 2014
Joshua Lopez
I'll give you, your space
Your someone
who I'll never chase
But you someone
Who I will replace

You're beautiful
Now see this I already know
You're in my head all day
You're in the hallway
With **** to say

As you spend your nights alone
Looking at your dry *** phone

Thinking if I love you back
Thinking that  this love **** is wack
 Nov 2014
Silence Screamz
I heard the bullets scream
Smashed by the moment
Silence as the pin dropped
His head had hit the pavement

****** in the window
Blood spattered wall
Brother taken before me
Intrepid moment takes us all

Held his hand within mine
Closed his open eyes
Angered by the second
Said my final goodbyes

Bombing in the distance
Death cuts through the air
War is such a *****
and life isn't fair

Ribbons fill the trees
Markers field the green
Memories not forgotten
Brothers forever seen
Thinking of all veterans!!
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