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 Nov 2014
Joshua Lopez
Not a single tear
No man I shall fear
Ain't nothing ever clear
Only when you near

No more tears
Waiting 15 long years

After 15 years
Everyday a **** love song
No more tears
Been waiting too long
Not finished.  A 5 minute poem
 Nov 2014
Joshua Lopez
Fighting the fight
Within me
Worst enemy
my own memories
Can't close my eyes

Endless nights
Can no longer fight this fight

My enemy
My memories
I've done wrong        
Lost myself
I'm far gone

Who have I became?
  The things I've done
Won't ever be the same  
Fear what I'll become
 Nov 2014
Joshua Lopez
I look in your eyes
I ain't the one you..
Think about
You say you love me
I know that a lie    

What's in your head
Ain't what you said
I *******  love you
I'm a ******* fool
For falling for you

When we kiss
You push me away
You use to make my day
Now you bring the rain
Taking away the shine
My love you been denied

When I was down
You were never around
I picked myself up
Bam, you was found
 Nov 2014
Joshua Lopez
You was never there
I scream your name
You still .. never came
You were never here

The harder I tried
The deeper I fall
The  more that I cried  
You.? who I never saw      

You are gone
Thinking Ive done wrong    

Everything started falling apart
Then you had to  leave
I can't find  my heartless  heart

I don't know how I feel inside
When the feelings hide
When my heart died    
The pain even cried
Yeah I'm fine, I lied
I'll be forever tied
Til I find you again
 Nov 2014
Joshua Lopez
Sorry for the fact
That I don't know
The pain I'll lack
But the love I'll show
The pain you keep inside
It'll  take time for me to see
The pain you hide    
Wanting it to confront me

I will stay here til you ready
Look in my eyes
Til the words come out
Strong and steady
 Nov 2014
Joshua Lopez
You got problems,  well I do too
You been in hell, I've crawled out too
You told me you loved me,
I said it too
I close my eyes
And  all I see  
Is you
 Aug 2014
She felt his words enter her soul
As he traced every inch of her skin.
'beautiful' he whispered delicately.
She drifted in and out of realities and daydreams,
Consciousness and unconsciousness.
He stayed gazing at her pure beauty.
Her body was made for his eyes.
Her lips were made for his lips.
A perfect fit.
They lay there for the day.
They learned each others secrets.
They opened up their pasts.
They planned a future together.
And after all this they fell asleep.

She woke in the morning with a sickening feeling in her gut.
He was gone.
She was too terrified to roll over.
To see the indent of him on those sheets.
She feared that she'd suffocate on the oxygen he'd used up the night before.

She reached one arm cautiously over to the other side of the bed.
Felt his wonderful skin
Laying next to her.
She let out a sigh of relief.
He meant it.
He did.
He meant every word.

He woke with a sleepy gaze.
He whispered as he kissed her forehead.
Inhaled her scent.
And for the first time in a long time.
This broken hearted train wreck really did feel....
Sometimes people stay
 Jul 2014
How many times does the average person fall in love?
Hmm maybe 10?
Or is it just once?
I've strongly felt desire.
And I've strongly felt lust.
But only now am I coming to terms with the fact that I have no idea what I feel when I think of you.
They tell me I must be crazy..
But this heartache is stronger than any other.
It's got to be love.
It just has to be.

— The End —