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 Apr 2016
Ronell Warren Alman
It is there
Rising up through the atmosphere
Reach out and grab it
Now you see everything crystal clear
Move forward on your journey
Search and climb
Let the challenge build you up
And take it one step at a time
 Apr 2016
I've never been so certain and confused all at the same time, and I can't tell you the last time I was even able to write. you blocked that part off from myself somehow. you made me mute. you made me beige. you made me a mom in khakis wearing a ***** pack who went to sleep at 8 pm to be safe; you made me safe in the worst way. you made me feel little. you made me feel less. and somehow in a way that i didn't even realize what was happening, i just wanted to make it work. i just wanted to be a flower that grew into a jungle but i was just a cactus in the living room you kept around because you only had to water me once in a while and if you forgot it was okay, I'd survive. I'd still be there. I'd still be beige and mute and anything you wanted me to be sitting happily. ****.
 Apr 2016
Ignatius Hosiana
not be afraid
of big dreams...
 Apr 2016
and it sounds cliche
but when I told you
I loved you
I meant it, but what
I really meant
was that I'd destroy
in this world for you,
including myself
 Apr 2016
A Lopez
May your dreams
You away.

May the sun

S h
For you today .

May the darkness go away

And the clouds burst open for you.

May amor
Be your guide stone.
Because amor is true.
 Apr 2016
if a man can say what he wants
shouldn't us women get the same chance
without someone calling her a *****.

if a man can eat so much
shouldn't us women get to eat that much
without someone calling her fat.

if a man is a victim of ****** assault
shouldn't us women get the same treatment he does
without someone pinning the blame on her.

if a man was sexually assaulted
and he was getting the blame because of what he wore
wouldn't he get mad.

if a man ate so much
and he got called fat
wouldn't he be mad.

if a man said anything he wanted
and got called an *******
wouldn't he get mad.
 Apr 2016
Christina Cox
Once upon a time
She was a liar and a cheat

Lying at everyone she loved
Cheating off everyone she could meet

She didn't want to smile so much
Smiling tortured her withered soul

She couldn't even talk as much
Opening her mouth she lied to herself

Once upon a time
She was a happy girl

Then the war it started
Over her body and her soul
 Apr 2016
Mark Lecuona
It's already lost
Just raise your kids
It doesn't matter what they say
Unless history smiles at you this time
All they can do is move your feelings around
What's that done for you lately?
Try to love like you mean it
Somebody else's new right is not a crime
 Apr 2016
E Townsend
It doesn't have to be dark for you to disappear.
 Apr 2016
You speak to them like they're ****,
Address them with adjectives I wouldn't like to take,
Mock their misery, and laugh at their pain,
Act like you're their God,
When really all you are is vain,
And I wouldn't care,
Except fate has me associated with you,
Which is more of a shame than pride, most times,
And I'm a little more sensitive to people's emotions than your self centered, ugly heart ever could be,
I'd correct you, teach you right from wrong,
But I'm afraid you're going to sing your own song,
And fanned with my disgust,
Be even more rude to them,
The only thing you are capable of.
The most disgusting kind of people are the ones who judge others based on their economic status. They make me want to puke all over them.
 Apr 2016
the most important thing
in all fights everywhere
is information
Knowledge is power
and to obtain said power
we mustn't bar the flow
so down with censorship
break the taboo from its chains
and bring it to light
and if someone says
"we won't let you say these things"
tell them to buzz off
 Mar 2016
Jordan Rowan
I don't need the stars aligned
I don't need the perfect line
I don't need a ******* thing
Just treat me nice and kind

I don't need a million words
I don't need a perfect world
I don't need a ******* thing
Just tell me what I'm worth

It never ceases to amaze me
How much people need
I think they're crazy
But maybe that's just me

I don't need a hero's heart
I don't need shooting stars
I don't need a ******* thing
I just need you to be who you are
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