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 Mar 2016
Why do some people have to be so persistent

if someone is showing they're not interested then back away and leave them alone



 Mar 2016
Ree Bunch
Your lies were dipped in bittersweet chocolate;
with a heaping amount of caramel sauce drizzled on top.
I gobbled up more than I care to openly admit;
in fear of what others will think and say.
After enjoying your momentary treats;
came the truth;
with so much salt, it was baffling to eat.


(10 w)

The lies I ate, but
the truth I couldn’t take.
 Mar 2016
What a Disney shape
life is no circle
life has corners
for hiding
and pointy bits
for stabbing
not sure what shape
that is
a sharpened triangle.
 Mar 2016
David Huggett
So I was talking to this older woman the other day
She had just retired after working for 40 years at a successful job.

So I asked her: After working for 40 years what is your tribute to success.

She said: You have to know what people to avoid.

I asked her: What do you mean.

She said: First you need to know the Men who want to be your friend, and friend only. Make them your friend.

I asked her: What about the men to avoid.

She said: The men that touch and grab, because most of them are married.

I asked her: What about the women.

She said: Avoid the *******.

I asked her: What do you mean.

She said: The ones that want to know everything about you and talk about you behind your back and create office gossip.

I asked her: And only women do that.

She said: Yes, but sometimes men..... the touch feely guys.
 Mar 2016
Sk Abdul Aziz
The world is a weird place
First it compels you to change yourself
And then when you do change yourself
It criticizes you for changing yourself!!!
 Mar 2016
I write for pleasure
at my leisure
this is my treasure
let's read it together
 Mar 2016
Was that little six year old girl walking home from her bus stop ready to tell her mother about her first day of school asking for it?

Was the teenage girl asking for it by walking to the restroom?

What about a mother? Was she asking for it by making a trip to the grocery store?
I'm currently writing an essay to bring attention to issues facing women. I know this isn't exactly poetry but it's a good question.
 Mar 2016

He doesn't realise...
The weight of his actions and words that pummel her to the ground.
Beating her down for every time she rises up to undo his ropes with which she's bound.

He doesn't see...
Past the darkened lenses that she dons.
She wears them,
not to shield her pride that was wrongfully taken,
but to protect him from the repercussions that would come with accusatory speculations.

He doesn't know...
Of the soaked pillow that accompanied her.
The rivulets of tears...
She had quietly shed without a whimper.

He doesn't hear...
The silent altercation between the treasure that beats in her chest and the thing that thinks in her head.
The struggle that ensues when the mind tries to rescind what the heart had wholly given and carelessly said.

He doesn't care...
To think of the devastating waves that come.
Only to erode the last bastion of hope she nurtures...
This frail wall that she prays for nightly.
Just so that it would hold up through another day's endeavour.

He doesn't feel...
The need for empathy.
For he thinks that he's god with one devout follower.
He commands her loyalty with his deluded testaments
and his fists as sceptre.

She doesn't live...
To see future suns.
For her day finally set when it all came down.
The wall she had feebly held together with her life...
Easily gave way when he came at her armed with a knife.

 Mar 2016
The Winter Jester
It's like being stabbed a thousand times
only it last longer and it hurts more.
Wanted to be short
 Mar 2016
Spike Harper
There was no warning.
No explanation.
Just an empty room.
Yet laughter could still be heard within.
Somehow it brought more pain.
A sting for every shard.
Thousands of needles.
lacerating the insides like a beehive had just imploded.
Each and every one hid a memory.
A slow acting poison.
Days passed and no answer still..
Fear ransacked my mind.
While my body barely held together

The cold steel in my hand.
Gave no reassurance as it once had.
I was surrounded.
Encased in a metaphor.
Yet this one seemed to breathe.
My family needed me.
The one that raised me.
The one that killed me.
The one that buried me.
And so back at the very threshold I pledged to so long ago.
My brothers.
Many of which gave the only thing that they had left.
On that night.
They stood there.
Shoulder to shoulder.
A thunderous night it was.
For blood was not the only thing washed away.
But an existence all together.
A life.
A Debt.
Now paid.
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