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 Apr 2014
Andrew Durst
Today was cold and damp,
          but it hasn't rained in weeks.
I attended a funeral today,
          but no one died.
I saw my reflection today,
          but it didn't look like me.
I saw the sky!
          but it wasn't blue.
I fell in love once,
          but it wasn't true.
                    I was alive today,
                          but no one knew.
I wrote this January of last year (2013)
I was going through a rough time and was away from home for a while.
Finding this really got me thinking.
So I figured I would share. Enjoy.
 Apr 2014
I'm sorry
If I've ever hurt you

I've never been gentle

I'm sorry
If I've ever mistreated you

I've never been too nice

I'm sorry
If I've ever degraded you

I've never been understanding

I'm sorry
If I've never made you happy

I've always tried

I'm sorry
If I've never measured up

I've always attempted to

I'm sorry
If I've never been good enough

I've always been a failure
 Apr 2014
Amber Blank
Eyes are covered
Hands are bound
Sound has been silenced
Numbness washes over every inch of skin and tissue
Sorrow has become my air
Self pity my fuel
Misery my only companion
Locked in my mind, a move replays over and over
Reliving every failure, every loss, every disappointment, every lie
Drowning in what if
Suffocating in the darkness of the past
The light of day brings no joy, only aggravation
The endless chatter of the world becomes a sting to my heart
A torture to endure.
A overwhelming tug at my heart strings
A feeling of future turmoil
The pit of my stomach physically hurts, Pain
Waiting for an impending doom
Lost without a shred of hope
Why has my faith betrayed me?
Why can't I shake this feeling?
Feels as if I am living in a nightmare never able to awake.
 Apr 2014
Tom Orr
She took my hand and followed me
through the trees,
under the archway made of ivy
(flanked by pristinely carved hedges)
into the vast, open field
which met the ethereal red sun
on the horizon.

We sat in the fresh grass,
cool in the evening air.
All the while we stayed silent,
just admiring the untouched space.
Each blade of grass before us
swayed gently,

Time had stopped
but everything was still living.
Still moving.
As if this place were not included
in Time's perseverance.  
I didn't want it to be,
it was too important to me.

It occurred to me then
that it wasn't this place
that I valued the most at all
It was this moment.

And I captured it.
 Apr 2014
She is not a prize but that does not mean you should not prize her
Keep her heart on the mantle but light a fire beneath it to keep her warm and kind
Don’t keep her hidden like a secret she has already been bottled up her whole life
Show her off like a lottery ticket it was nothing more than luck that brought her into your life
This was not your own doing and you will do well to remember that
Give her a place to hide when the sun is too bright and the wind is too loud
But don’t treat her like a caged animal she does not belong to you
She is a canvas but you are not the artist and you do not touch her without her written consent
The right to decorate her body with your fingerprints or your kisses does not belong to you
Keep your hand outstretched to her at all times
She knows herself better than you do and she will take it when she needs it
When she cries don’t stop her and when she smiles smile with her
These are honest forms of communication so listen when she talks to you
Never yell at her she doesn’t deserve that
Don’t treat her like a child anymore her parents did enough of that
If she falls asleep first she feels safe whatever you do hold on to that
She is already scared of the ways she can hurt herself she doesn’t need to be afraid of the ways you can hurt her
And whatever you do don’t give her a reason to leave
She might think you want her to
 Apr 2014
I have nothing to give, nothing to say.
My words are frail. My thoughts are stray.

I wonder what will happen to me
When all is said and done.
Though if anything does happen,
It will all go wrong.

I hate to rhyme, but this is how I feel,
Just empty enough to wonder what is real.

I have nothing to give, nothing to say.
But somehow, the lingering words can make me sway.
 Apr 2014
The Noose
The burn

of the smoldering

embers of deceit

is eternal.
 Mar 2014
That laugh,
shakes like the demolition it's encasing.
Constantly used to hold back screams.
Used to reassure people shes fine.
A smile plastered on her face accompanied by
the laughter she practiced and mastered.
An artist of emotional controversy.
She is a mastermind of biting her tongue-
coming to terms that her silence is golden.
When you hear her, hold on tight to her words.
She will drill right into and past your heart
directly into your bones.
Her finely composed hostility will stay with you
That smile that could crack diamonds
never falters.
© M.S.
 Mar 2014
I feel myself being pulled in every direction.
I don't know what to do anymore.
The girl who has all the answers
is breaking under the microscope.
I realized the other day that I lie to myself
more than anyone else.
"Everything is fine.. I'm fine.. really don't
worry about me.. how are you?"
I'm lying.
Everything's not fine.
I'm not fine.
Worry about me.
I don't care how you are right now.
I'm ******* dying.
© M.S.
Look up, I say.
Look up.
You will get over this.
Rise above the pain.
It's only temporary.
You will find your love someday.
Although you want to rush
the wait is worth the love you'll receive.
 Mar 2014
Alvira Perdita
I have many

**but the future scares me *most
 Mar 2014
Poetic T
I woke up this morning in the
right frame of mind,  eyes were
a blur I couldn't see one inch in
front or even behind.

I walked to the toilet stood up
right, water dribbling down my
leg this wasn't right, It should have
shoot over the seat so I went to
grab it and air I touched. I know
I'm not well endowed, its not that
cold to have shrunk that much
during the night.

I scratched my head, panic set in where
was my meat and were did all that hair
come from. A wig glued to my head, I was
bald last night when I went to sleep, where
did it all come from, god it smells nice.

I found some glasses on the side of the bed,
worried that I had changed since the last
time I sleep, wait this isn't even my bed.

I looked down and what did I see, double DD
melons hanging off of me, I turned and saw in
the mirror now that I could see, I hot woman,
hello I said, wait THATS ME.

Then I heard a voice it said 3,2,1 wake up now
your with me, and I was me in front of
others laughing at me, hearing the voice
saying so you couldn't be hypnotised
a woman you were in front of all to see.

grabbed down below, there was my piece
thank god I'm me and not a woman, I cant
tell me friends this happened to me .
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