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 Nov 2017
I am a puppet, acting out this life
but I am dead
there is only a painted smile, empty eyes
I am bleeding, tearing at the seams
poorly stitched, falling apart
I am made of rotted flesh
a husk, a corpse
a carcass dangling by old wires
pulled by unseen hands
I am broken, but the show must go on
*** I can't write sad things
also this is kinda old but I just found it again so yeh
 Nov 2017
Glenn McCrary
As I stand in the shadows of solitude
crying tears of ****** ******
I can feel the walls crushing the shield
around my heart with steel burners
I've tried so many methods but
I can't seem to erase the pain
that is clogging my arteries with
fatal portions of grains of
toxic salt as I bathe in a puddle of lies
so many words screaming at me
I'm screaming back but no can hear my cries
my heart was beating psychotically
I could feel the razor sharp edges of
the blades slicing open my finger tips
as I eagerly clutched my chest
lurking outside my window were black clouds
with angry red eyes
smiling at me with intense hatred their existence
I passionately despise
I annihilated those creepy ******* with
my lasers now they're dead and deep fried
I stepped out of my deceitful tub
punched a hole through the glass
letting out the ****** screams
that have been building up at last
I dived out of my window
straight into a bed of thorns
slicing my torso in half
I will return you have been warned
 Nov 2017
I'm not an artist,
nor am I a murderer—
but I would **** for the day
where you let me trace circles on your skin
and outline your canvas with mine.
 Nov 2017
Willow Branche
Caged within myself
A murderer awaits
Patiently planning
Patiently waiting
For the right moment
To strike.
 Nov 2017
Mohab Essam
Insomniac as he turned.. A murderer he became
With so little to be done at night.. A new hobby has been gained
Slaying throats of fainted shrieks.. With the slightest pity and a merciless shame
Hoarding victims of ill-fated fate.. He came to acquire a notorious name
Dark in soul yet bright in mind.. Causing suffering, suffering pain
Cross his path, no one shall.. For he will rip your skeletal frame
Pray for mercy to the mighty Lord.. All your prayers are lost in vain
Call him a sick, *******.. For ****** is his middle name
No guns of lead, or shots and loads.. A single knife and a bleeding vein
Lock in stare and know for sure.. Your days are out and your time has came
 Nov 2017
A O Slater
Haunted man
Broken hearted lady
She looked upon his face so gravely
Trying to see inside his head
She sometimes wishes she was dead
How could he do this to their love
He held a dagger in his glove
The sharp end he took it to her heart 
He dragged that blade to make a part
And inside her all there was was him
She loved him more than anything
Forgiveness she gave him, support and help 
But he didn't see he just thought of himself
All she wanted was support and a hug 
But with his implement he dug
He scratched and scraped 'til he destroyed her
Tore her down and planted fear inside her
She tried many avenues to help him through 
But his love for was not as pure and true
So now she's alone and writhes in pain
Never will she love again
How could he be so tenderly viscous 
And harbour violence so malicious
 Nov 2017
Randy Johnson
A man broke into my house and killed my entire family.
Because of his corrupt lawyer, he was found not guilty.
He killed another family and was found not guilty a second time.
His lawyer convinced the juries to find him innocent of the crimes.
I was going to have vengeance by killing him and I was really going to do it.
But God was just as angry as I was and he beat me to it.
The killer got third degree burns all over his body when he was engulfed by flames.
God made him pay because he was an abomination who brought nothing but shame.
I went through hell when he was found not guilty, it was too much to sustain.
He survived for four days after being burned and he was in excruciating pain.
I was working on night shift and that's why I wasn't able to protect my family.
God's vengeance was worse than my own, that's why the killer died in agony.
Even though this poem is fictional, God really does have vengeance from time to time.
 Nov 2017
Naomi Sa'Rai
He would walk into clubs
And watch
The under-aged girls chugging down
Adult shots
Waiting for men to fill them up
Clinking their glasses
And ***** filled cups
He would ****** them
They would misuse him
He'd pay for all the liquor
They required
After all their lush fits
They would taste the harm that he desired
Waiting for men to feel them up
He'd take them to a field
So he could play
Soon enough
Cold their bodies would lay
Waiting for him to pick them up
Chunks of hair
He would tuck
Into his pockets
No or stop they never yelled
To deep within his spell
Waiting for help
But had no luck
His body shook
As he'd erupt
Waiting for sirens to shut them up
Oh the voices in his head
He would walk into clubs
And leave out with girls he knew
Were sure to be dead
 Nov 2017
Before killing him,
your last moments flashed.

Those despairing eyes,
that begging grasp you died with,
and it hit me.
At that moment,
I finally understood.

It never brooded
you don't want me
to avenge your unjustified death.
I didn't know
you'll realize before anyone
I'll slowly embrace a hideous monster
and torture those who tortured you.

I pulled the trigger and fired.
I can't go back.
I've came a very long way
and can't go back now.

I avenged your death
and avenged my pain
                           and lost myself forever.
 Nov 2017
Eleanor Rigby
My kind murderer,
your eyes burn like caramel
and melt my insides.
You light a cigarette
and it awfully reminds
me of what once upon a time
was my heart.
And you say, everything turns
to dust with time.
But my kind murderer,
you are not time, you are fire
bringing me to ashes.

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