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 Nov 2017
Delilah Summers
Everybody has a story no matter how good or bad they are.
Nothing is black and white. there's always a grey part that nobody will fully understand.
That murderer was once someone's baby who cried for love.
That ******* used to cry in her room thinking she was ugly.
That pregnant girl you're picking on only ever wanted love.
That girl slitting her wrists wants to feel happiness again.
But all we can feel now is society judging us.
If you don't conform to society you're bad.
Don't do this.
Don't do that.
You're wrong, bad, evil.

Everyone wants love,
**Freedom to be who we are without harming other people.
 Nov 2017
Ember Evanescent
Tick tick tick
I live in a world a grey
Tick tick tick
I can't breathe I can't breathe
Tick tick tick
Alone. So alone.
Tick tick tick
All my fault all my fault
Tick tick tick
She's could have been dead
Tick tick tick
I could have killed her
Tick tick tick
She's gone because of me
Tick tick tick
Broken shattered bleeding
Tick tick tick
When did I become a murderer
Tick tick tick
The story is nearing its end
Tick tick tick
The story of my twisted mind
Tick tick tick
Tick tick tick tick tick
And all that was left was ashes
Because she was the ticking...
...and the ticking...
...was not a clock.
Please comment I would REALLY really appreciate feedback
Revenge for her parents death the drive
that became her passion.
The story began when she was a child
witnessing their killing!
Every detail taken in by her big eyes
to get the killer the prize.

Seventeen years painfully trickled by her
becoming an assassin.
As the hatred coursed through her veins
revenge drove her on.
Though wanting to seek the love she craved
retribution on her soul engraved!

She had found a man making it complicated
her fine tuning distorted.
This new friend had found her mobile phone
saving her photo image.
Trying to find out about this mystery female
allowing others to find her trail.

Gangs had lost foot soldiers to her expertise
who acted like a shadow.
For the first time had to be far more aware
her parents murderer alerted.
The last pages of her diary soon completed
could this evil be defeated?

Knowing he would catch up with her soon
she prepared to strike first.
Entering his mansion in a covert manner
dispatching silently his crew.
Until he was there without support alone
recognising his arrogant tone.

From a hidden point confronted head on
glaring with a cold stare.
Going to fire the gun held in sweaty hand
diving found a hidden weapon.
A bullet went right through her shoulder
he was quick though much older.

Her shot caught him in a main thigh artery
shattering the femur to.
There before her the man she hated so much
was now at her mercy.
She had prayed for years to see him die
openly then did she cry!

One more deep breath she shot him in the head
cruelly on his face a smile as he lay dead!

Knowing she would be a target vanished from sight
revenge in the end did not feel right!

The Foureyed Poet.
A young girl sought revenge on the man she witnessed killing her parents! The Foureyd Poet.
 Nov 2017
It is a constant pressure underneath my breastbone
That whispers evil at all hours of the day
'I could rip the life from a human without remorse'
'I could bleed them out with a smile on my face'

It is an unending notion in every corner of my brain
That, had I the motivation, I would immediately claim
'I could ingest a deadly concoction and disappear in a second'
'I could enact any complicated process that ends with me slain'

It is a nightly terror that follow me through daybreak
That renders me speechless with both fear and liberation
'I could let go of control and forget about mere consequence'
'I could finally allow my brain to drown in this sensation'

Homicidal. Suicidial. Manical.
I exercise control against these urges.
Massacre. Exhaustion. Insanity.
I wonder when I will forget this.
My sister, for the first time realized I was not and am not joking. She insisted that none of the aforementioned urges are commonplace. I was not aware of how much I valued the illusion of normalcy until I was informed it was little more than a pipe dream.
 Nov 2017
Josh Oo-Wah Coyle
what's this, my good man?
I dare say you are quite wrong:
you are not Grim Death
© 2011  J.J.W. Coyle
 Nov 2017
Kyle Howard
Death awaits
Beyond the gates,
Of the mortal walls that we call life.
The man that's there,
Gives an empty stare
And carries a heavy scythe.

An abstruse hand he lends
As he tends,
To be generous in this fateful gest.
The lost soul reaver,
The great bereaver
Who delivers your eternal rest.
Release the Daemon within,

Let those who are in failure of others,

prevail and ****,

We will not bow to arrogance and stupidity,

We are not what we say we are,

We are to be respected,

Not put down,

We are not to be blamed,

You are our failures,

You can't throw us away and lie to others,

We will **** through the ignorance,

You will not be able to hide,

Those who have been enlightened and believe,

Fear not,

We will spare you,

For you don't believe in their *******,

We will **** them all,

****** them,

Drain them of their blood,

Leave no trace of them,

We are the killers,

Of the ignorant,

Of the people who,

Cannot comprehend the truth,

Of what truly happened
 Nov 2017
what a waste
Whirlpool of insanity
the beast stands coy
bound to humanity
A sadist and her toy
Fear its brutality

Our fists churn like
tides of a blood-lusted sea
Saliva soaked spite
rhapsodizing over gluttony

It's never enough
we wan't it all
The world we corrupt
a sadist and her rag doll
Matriarch of the puppets
 Nov 2017
Kat Herondale
The brush of your lips is my weakness,
The push of your hands is my center,
The truth of your words **** me slowly,
But I knew the moment you fell to the ground,
I let you fall to your knees in a pool of your own blood,
And I was the one with the gun,
I pulled the trigger,
It was me that took your freedom,
Because your love was my life,
And I didn't want it.
I didn't deserve the warmth of your lips,
The warmth of your beautifully small hands,
and the truth of your words.
Because a monster that is myself deserves nothing but immortal hell.
and you deserve it all.
All that I can't give
~ Kat N. Herondale
Love Is Forever.
 Nov 2017
Colleen Lyons
Tattooed and holding cleavers,
we chop off our limbs
to give as random gifts
and lop off each other’s
to sew onto ourselves

between rotting brown brick towers
on infinitely numbered streets
in dim drywall suites
all along the gray, hazy horizon

hanging rusting lamps
flicker incandescent light and

swing above our pill heads
whose floating eyes
to watch drops of blood
as the needle and thread
yank us closer to becoming
 Nov 2017
Atlas Rover
Oh, How exquisite it was.
The scent and sight of freshly spilled blood.
The intricate texture of the ruby rain,
Spilling a and snaking down my skin.
Like precious liquid gems.
Oh, how glorious slaughter is.
How full of life it left me.
Cloaked in Death,
With the throbs of my heart,
Far lively compared to that of the corpse.
Oh how my laughs punctuated the air.
How I rebelled in the glory of my deed.
I was made in the image of god,
And now I understood the power of death.
This is not insanity, it is purer than that.
It is not rage, it is wilder than that.
It was never about avarice or fear as well.
It was feral blood lust, the legacy of my ancestors.
As I prey on my second victim, she raises the cross.
Sigh, I wonder, as I watch her wilt away.
Why does man consider all that is above it out of God's grace?
In the field of life, one's angel is the other's devil.
And so it has been unleashed.
Upon the earth, the scrounge of heaven and hell.
Man unrestrained and warped into its vile self.
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