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 Nov 2014
Musfiq us shaleheen

Either if that land comes to me
or if I go to near the moon
rather, if I count the distance between the heaven and the hell
whatever you see or say
but I see and say there is a space

How long or thick I don’t know, but there is a space
where there is a vehicle or wind even empty
and the spaces, we run through air, land or the sea
if there exists any light or dark,
even I go through the time on the light speed
there I have seen a long space

Even between you and me
a little or big space
the shadow,
when I close to you
it has grown compact and even sometimes turned to dark
I can't see you
rather I see there is a space between you and me

And the star to star
sun to other stars
earth and the moon
and the moon and me
where there is a you there is at least a little space
even it dark or light
neither true nor false
either life or death
there is a space between you and me
your road to my road
your home to my home
at least a river, ocean or a wall that has created a space
your heart to my heart
your soul to my soul
there is a little space either light or dark
my love, that grew the difference between you and me
@ Musfiq us shaleheen
Tribute to Stephen Hawking
the space time and difference between you and me....................
 Oct 2014
Ethan Kreman
What's this what's this there's targets everywhere
What's this what's this there's screaming in the air
I can't believe my eyes, I must be dreaming
Wake up Altair, this isn't fair

What's this..

They're all throwing tomahawks, instead of throwing heads.
They're slitting throats with a blade that's in their wrists now they are dead!
All the people dead, I can't believe my eyes.
I'm so surprised Altair's the only one that had survived...
What's this?
 Oct 2014
Nothing is true.

Everything is permitted.

-Assassins Creed
 Oct 2014
Kelly O'hara
They watch from the shadows, they hide in plain sight.
Weapons that whisper silence and death, Masks that hide truth.
Illusions are revealed to be lies, Kings and peasants will die alike side by side.
Lights dwindle and shadows flicker, the night is young.
The path of the assassin is hard they are always in death's backyard.
The traits of the skilled, the doers of evil are all laid before the assassins creed.
Shadows and steel, poison and guile are some of the tools an assassin needs.
Walkers of shadow and light, the invisible stalkers assassination done for the greater good.
Where assassins enemies reign it's a world of fear and pain.
It is they who commit that deadly sin to inflict so much pain the mind simply cannot take.
An assassins creed is law for assassins are a brotherhood in arms.

Written by Kelly O'Hara 5th June 2014
 Oct 2014
Dark Jewel
Creation of the sword,
Requires a steady hand.
A heart of pure steel.
A colour of fire,
Or a color of Zeal.

Zealous warrior,
Come to thee now.
Proud and strong,
Save thy Damsel.
 Oct 2014
Silence is not keeping quiet
because you have nothing
to say...

Silence is having a lot
to say but no desire
to speak...
 Oct 2014
Dark Jewel
Hailed by your power.
Beside Bhafel the ill,
Cause chaos and fire.

Beyond a shaman,
Only power of the Falcon.
Shall save Erinn,
From the War of the Fomors.

Will await her arrival.
Precious Triona's dead knight.
Move on and reconcile.

He will fight,
Ending the fire.
Ending the hell,
But destroying the Goddess.

Thy Falcon,
Thou must saveth Morrighan.
To keep balance,
In Erinn.

The soul stream call,
To its Guiding Hero.
Man and Woman,
Will Save this world.
Any who play or research Mabinogi will know who the two Dragons are and the Black Knight. Triona was a Fomor.
 Oct 2014
Poetic T
And the clock aligned, hands pointing
To that moment,
The moment,
When the veil softened
Was of all and both, secreted
Upon the evitable realities,
They made there moves, limited
Moments upon an unsuspecting
Existence, But they were misguided
That even though they came through
Shined upon them, much like the sun
The light of that upon high,
They scurried to that point,
To that place,
Moments past
And new statues were adorned upon
They were frozen, living stone
As night gave in to light,
For there are safe guards of old,
When time became fluid,
Barriers between realities sewed
Into the universes fabric, to Keep
Each safe from prying
Places where darkness waits,  
"And so on this night where moments aligned"
"If you see statues erected when none before"
"Thinking of them as art"
Know the veil was weakened by this night
But the universe righted this wrong, before chaos
Ruled and realties were once again sewed tight..
A Halloween t
 Sep 2014
Mortuus Odio
All I remember was a bang
A flash but no pain
I remember the feel of the hollow barrel
Stuffed in my mouth
The discomfort of the seat
And how far the trigger seemed
Now I'm here
Finally able to grasp deaths hand
Yet my hand she refuses to take
Like a ******* she requires money
The ferry wont leave this dock
Till I pay the toll
Yet I have no money in my empty pockets
I only have the hearts and souls
Of every tear that fell when my funeral began
When the last black rose fell 6 feet
When the last petal wilted away
I can't pay deaths toll
With the limbs and intestines
Of every skeleton in my closet
I can't pay deaths toll
With the smell of my scattered brains
Still painting the corner of my room
My empty pockets can't pay death's toll
So I guess I'm off to living
The life I was never meant to live
**** it was just a dream
I'm making sure
I have money in my pockets
Or at least the still beating heart
Of my angels voice
Always wishing me goodnight
Just before I dream of never paying deaths toll
Bored still testing at school ***** so I ventured off to HP
 Sep 2014
For all the lady poets
whose songs are sung
who dance on fire
when the night comes
who are willing to
go to the heart of the matter,
whose desires erupt
behind the smile
who hold secrets
and shadows,
who can turn you
into slick wet stone
with one word,
one look
one touch
one tap on the shoulder.

Who hold you between
their finger tips
roll you into a
tightening knot of
desire and fear and apprehension
bring home your reality
far too clear.

For all the lady poets
who know you too well
who know that shell
who can crack you
in a moment
and never look back
love you into life
leave you child like
stammering and wondering.

For all the lady poets
who love you too well
who are with you
for the moment,
know your
heaven and hell
open their words on these pages
a sweet treat
a sweet longing
a sweet surrender
the lady poets
can spin you
twist you
put you back on top.

The lady poets
hold the keys
have the words,
vast universes inside,
hold on
it's an exquisite ride
better buckle up
hunker down
hold on tight
without the lady poets
I'd never make it through the night.
 Sep 2014
jeffrey conyers
Events happen
Memories don't always fades.
History occurs.
For the histories books to reserve.

Officers, fire fighters and various peoples of society.
Might be gone.
But the occurrence of that day lives on.

They are gone.
Except not forgotten.
Cause the flags still flies in the greatest country alive.

Ministers preaches about its demise.
As if they are present day prophets.
And still we exist.

With the best trained military forces.
Yes, they are gone.
Except not forgotten.

We all know justice comes within time.
 Sep 2014
Dark Jewel
Amongst the weak.
The strong will rise.
Bringing our blades of justice.

All in disguise.
We rise together.
Along the line of the crowd.

Were at the corner of our fate.
Destiny will take us all.

Blades thrusted forward,
Arrows blacken the skies.
We charge into battle.
We fight for our lives.

For Freedom,
For honor.

But for whom?

I fear not what we face.
We will rise together.
Assassins for one.
AND all.

Together we fight,
Against the Templars.
We may be an Animus,
But our hearts are true.

Abstergo Destroyed a brother.
Or maybe hundreds.

They die by our swords.
Our blades of honor.
Will create a world of War.

Beware the Assassins,
We've Come to ****.

You will die,
Drowning in the seven seas.
A little inspiration from Theme music. RISE UP my brothers and sisters! We are the creed!
 Aug 2014
Night and fog
setting in-unsettling
now that the rain has stopped

the live oak in the dark
creaks under the weight
of dying limbs

mean high tide
at three a.m.
means no ghosts will walk

U-227 lies on the bottom
not too far out from here
where she went down
in the nacht und nebel
while the live oak creaked
and the ocean roared.

r ~ 8/10/14
  |.     Graveyard of the Atlantic
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