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 Aug 2014
Dark Jewel
The trees were bleating,
Sweet Sweet Sorrow.

Along the brick road of Gold,
Red, and green.

Follow the yellow brick road,
Into the forest.
Of thieves.
 Aug 2014
Amitav Radiance
We are always competing
Albeit we forget with whom
Become better than yourself
Comparison is futile exercise
Exhausting the minds ability
To be at peace with oneself
Knowing oneself is true philosophy
 Aug 2014
Dark Jewel
As days blur,
I see the pattern...
Grazing, sealing, purifying.
All that is hideous.
To make it seem beautiful.

I hide,
Behind a mask,
A shell..
A force field.

What seems beautiful,
Isn't true for the beast.

The Beast,
That is hideous.
When she's angry.

So as the pattern lays flat,
These days turn into weeks,
Weeks turn to months.
Months turn to years..

Not a lifeline goes by,
When a monster is involved.

And when it's involved,
It seems the sands of time,
Are frozen still.
Even in the wasteland,
Of Hell..
Just a thought that crossed my mind
 Jul 2014
Dark Jewel
My pain irks me,
Sends me flying into my bed.
Under the cover of darkness.

As I cry myself awake,
Unable to sleep.
I ask myself..

Why am I such a ***** up?
Why do I make mistakes,
Knowing my parents will be angry?

My tears intensify,
My claws take my skin,
Leaving ****** marks...

I scream in my head,
Rocking to the beat of my music,
That sings in my ear bud.

Rascal Flatts.

I cannot find peace..
All I feel is that pain.
That has ****** me over for,
Five years.

I'm only a teenager,
I only can take so much.
Until Its over.

I've already tried once...
What makes you think I'll try again?

What makes you so ******?
Taking it out on me,
Because I don't listen?

Why can't you and my step mom,
Just realize..
That I'm only Seventeen..

And so it says,
My title will always stay.
Lone wolf forever..

I cant be perfect,
It's just not my style.

My life is so different,
I cry even harder.

Promises broken.
Two faced liars..

Why aren't you here?
I need you..
And I need you now..

As my pain intensifies,
All I see is the cascading shadows.
Watching my every move...

My music doesn't help anymore..
Really ****** day and my parents don't realize that I'm trying to be an adult.. Not a teenager.. I make split second decisions for my well being. Not their own.
 Jul 2014
Poetic T
Little one cries
But the shadow seen isn't what it seems,
A child's cry but an adults shadow is all I see
You are not welcome,
Be gone from the living, your a corruption
It isn't true life, you are a twisted dark dream
Leave that pure soul, let it be.
Let it not be corrupted, be gone to the darkness
Endless night,
The life of the living is but a dream
Corrupting what you touch,
Of that body and its soul
You are of the darkness, the void between
Pure spirits like a little house drawing you near.
You had your chance, now it is gone,
The place you were,
Your punishment for what was done
The living you crave, a shell of your own,
Be gone to the Darkness where your spirit belongs.
 Jul 2014
Dark Jewel
Distant Days,*
Close nights.

All time that I had wished,
I hadn't slept alone..

Without you here,
Sleep means nothing...
The title I did that on purpose...
 Jul 2014
Dark Jewel
My family is dead,
I am the first Dunmer to return.

My Crimson eyes tell stories,
Of my emotions,
My dreams.

I am Iria,
Daughter to the House of Telvani.

My home is now Ash,
And deserted.
The Red mountains destruction,
Left only coals to burn.

As I journey,
To the Frozen lands.
I wonder what's in store,
When I arrive in Skyrim...
 Jul 2014
Dark Jewel
Through the land,
I know every sound.
That caresses my pointed ears.
Vibrating to the very core of my brain
Seeping through it's cracks...

I walk this land,
Astride my horse.
Wandering as a nomad,
^No place to call home..

I was born in Raven Rock,
A Dunmer or dark elf..
as some would say.

I am known as a Gray-skin,
To Skyrim..

So I keep astride,
Finding any camp to sleep.
Though I have to **** for rest.

I am destined to return,
To ash Island of Solsteim.
To defeat Miraak..
And Yes,
I am Dragonborn.
Will be creating Iria for her journey across Skyrims landscape!
 Jul 2014
Poetic T
Majestic creature,bathed in fire
The heavens are you playground
The orange glow of breath
Upon the clouds once white
Now they burn bright
You are destruction and beauty
Those who do not see
A monster of flame
But you are of a gentle heart
You cleanse those
Who are enveloped in your breath
Only dust is left at your proud feet,
You are the beauty of the sky,
The cleanser of those beneath your feet.
We will for ever be in your shadow
Are lord dragon,
Burn the world, so it may grow anew,
From the ashes of yesterday
The new world will grow stronger under you.
 Jul 2014
Poetic T
I would fall on a
To show my love
 Jul 2014
Dark Jewel
Love so pure,
Your wolf like eyes..
I succumb to your touch,
Behind closed doors.

I wish we could push,
Ourselves to the limit.
But fear overwhelms me,
When your close to me.

I wish love wasn't so fearsome,
As many others would claim..
Seduction however,
Is true to this day.

I wish to succumb,
To this excitement..
But when?
Feelings that change with the wind, are different with laws of consent.. Not today has it happened.. When will this happen? I'll never know..
 Jul 2014
Dark Jewel
His personality,
Geeky yet refined.
His knowledge incredible,
Even his love.

When you meet a guy,
Your heart screams try.
Mine did..
 Jul 2014
I look up to everything you are.
My vision of clarity.
I've loved you for so long.
My song of familiarity.
I believe in you.
Even when you didn't ask me to.
I found my prosperity with you.
A river of hope, flowing endlessly.
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