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 Dec 2015
its sad.
All of us, living,
day by day,
until the day
we die.
alone one day.

Its like that,
from the very first day.
The second you take you first breath
your clock slowly starts ticking away.
Every beat a heart takes,
another second closer to that day.
We all come to this world screaming and cry,
most of us live our whole life the same way,
never taking in the moment - because it wont always be that way.
We are all so lost in our current pain,
we forget that it one day, it will all go away.
Precious are the moments,
as are the memories - in our hearts they replay.
 Dec 2015
Lauren Leal
This drug that I can't stop soaking in
After the first dose, I watched my universe change from within
It was a feeling that sent me to oblivion
Every emotion mashed in a massive collision

I am addicted and only want more
of this truly fascinating feeling
I look into my life and it seems like everything but poor
Everything else is so bland in the dealing

I crave this drug everyday
Every single hour and minute
with this to say
You are this drug, and I need it.
That one person, that effortlessly succumbs you to their being.
 Dec 2015
Cody Haag
Protect these children,
Who have grown up without care,
Knowing technological screens better than
Loving stares.

These children who develop
Perverse minds before even hitting puberty;
That type of parenting is a disastrous,
Sick sort of cruelty.

Raise your children to know human touch,
And radiating love that comes from within;
Don't accustom them to finding enjoyment
In the virtual worlds they play in.

Children are still developing and
It is your duty as parents to protect their innocence;
To safeguard their beautiful minds that are barren of
The world's filth; falter not in this for even an instant.

To fail this is to admit that you have
Poisoned beauty in one of its finest forms;
I do not care what social rules you have to break,
Never break or conform.

If you succeed, your kids' light won't go out,
Even when they age and the world gets darker,
They will remember the values taught
By those who would not give into slaughter.

Do not slaughter innocence, for it seldom peeks
Through the rampant corruption of this world;
And I fear sometimes that it will be quenched
Or become undetectable like water vapor tightly furled.
 Dec 2015
She's got jewels for eyes:
Neverending reflections
Of pure light,
Of bliss,
A lure for my greed.

She's got stars in her smile:
The brightness,
That which encompasses
The core of my attention.

She's got a diamond for a heart:
That which every man wants,
Which every man craves,
That I long for.
I'd *****
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year everyone!
 Dec 2015
heather leather
call it fate. call it destiny. whatever it is, the traces of his finger tips
stain my body like a temporary tattoo that won't ever fade,
the sound of his voice still sends shivers down my spine and i
cannot deny that in this moment, we are beautiful. the sky
is low the smoke is blinding i am coughing
because i have lost my inhaler somewhere in my bag but we
are beautiful. he says that he doesn't need anyone to survive and i
do not respond because the words are lost to him anyway, i
cannot try to reignite a fire that has already been put out but i can
continue to get burned off of second hand cigarettes that have been
accidentally lit. when i told you i was clean you didn't believe me.
when you told me you were through with her i didn't believe you.
faith is a five letter word that is non-existent and useless in our
relationship. we binge drink we chain smoke we laugh loudly and try
to pretend that happiness is attainable through joints as big as
king kong's fingers. if your mother were here she'd smile and look
the other way. if mine were her she'd pretend she didn't know
my name. we're so ****** up babe, the other day you told me that
the worst thing in the world was to be dead, said that i brought
you back to life. you could call it fate, call it destiny, call it whatever
you want; i call it resurrection.

this is such a mess i'm laughing
"give me some 501's jeans on and roll joints bigger than King Kong’s fingers"
-young, wild and free; bruno mars, wiz khalifa, snoop dog
 Dec 2015
before leaving,
he spoke to me and said:

there are three things you must know.
remember them forever...

never lose your sense of wonder.
crave adventure.
the unknown awaits you.

never search for love.
discover it.

and finally,
never doubt your heart.
for it knows you better
than you know yourself.
 Dec 2015
You're too young to be in love.

You're too young to want to end your life, you've barely lived it.

You're too young to have any real troubles.

You're to young to know what's reality and what's not.

You're too young to make rational decisions on you're own.

You're too young to know the meaning of true beauty.

You're too young to have your own opinions on this modern day society.

You're too young to know what it feels like to truly be happy.

You're too young to know what it feels like to have been through hell and back.

You're to young to know what true disappointment feels like.

You're too young to know what it feels like to be completely heartbroken.

You're too young to understand what I'm talking about.

Well if I'm too young you should know having knowledge about life isn't measured by how long you've been alive, but by the experiences you've faced.

And you wouldn't know what I've had to go through to know the things I know about this lovely thing we call life.

My youth has nothing to do with you.
So many times I've been told that I couldn't do things, that I wouldn't understand things, that I shouldn't have certain thoughts or feelings just because I'm too young.
 Dec 2015
You're perfect,
You don't know it yet.
You're beautiful,
You don't know it yet.

Your laugh is contagious,
You don't know it yet.
Your smile lights the entire room,
You don't know it yet.

Your soul is so young and free,
You don't know it yet.
Your personality is rare and aesthetic,
You don't know it yet.

I  F E L L   I N  L O V E  W I T H  Y O U

You don't know it yet.
 Dec 2015
m i a
the water  sprinkled

upon her face

and she began to hope

that her pain

worry & thoughts

would go down the drain

— The End —