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 Nov 2015
Brandi R Lowry
When the world around you crumbles
And all your bridges burn
When your heart shatters into pieces
And there's nowhere else to turn

When life is full of hurt
And love only causes pain
Then we must begin all over
We must start again.

Falling only makes it worse
Giving up is not an option
Stand up and count your blessings
Move forward with caution

Know that just beyond this turn
Lies a fork in the path
If you don't like where your life is going
Try making a left
 Nov 2015
Dead lover
Being a girl,
Doesn't mean a three way hole,
Being a girl,
Means to be admired and respected as a whole..

Being a girl,
Doesn't mean that getting married is your goal,
Being a girl,
Means to be whatever your heart says to your soul..

Being a girl
Doesn't mean that (just) as a mother, wife or girlfriend is your role..
Being a girl,
Means that you need to prove yourself as a diamond in the mine of coal..

Being a girl,
Doesn't mean that entire your life you need to stay a tadpole..
Being a girl,
Means that you need to develop into a frog before getting ole..

Being a girl,
Doesn't mean that you are the negative of the dipole,
Being a girl,
Means that - you need to take your life's control..

Being a girl,
Doesn't mean to accept your worth to be ***** and *****,
Being a girl,
Means to accept your beauty, not just the duty,

Being a girl,
Doesn't mean that you can be a heroine just in the movie..
Being a girl,
Means that you can be a superhero in real life - you can be a ruby!
Learn to accept your beauty girls..

Being a girl Doesn't mean to be oppressed by the so called " society's rulers "
 Nov 2015
Miguela shine
There's a phrase
I wan to say
Through barrier
Of the tongue
Em thich anh
Rat nhieu
Gosh I like you so much
I could say
Or even
No matter the language
The look is the same
The feeling induced by eyes
I've caught his gaze
My hips his hand graze
Language will not be our demise
 Nov 2015
Alvira Perdita
i've never felt
more alone
than when
you leave
 Nov 2015
Imagine a pitch black room.
You're surrounded by darkness,
And it's seeping under your skin.
Whispering false truths in your ears,
Making your fears come alive.
Feeding your insecurities,
And knocking you down
Every time you dare to stand up.

The things it says,
Breaks you.
And leaves you whimpering in a corner.
Tears running down your face, and
Afraid to face the world.
"Why am I this way?!!"

Every time you start to feel proud,
That voice starts up again.
"You're ugly!"
"It's your fault! All of it!"
"You're fat!"
"You're disgusting!"
"You make me sick!"
"How can you live with yourself?!!"
And before you realize it,
You're believing and

Dear Friend,
You are not alone.
As cliché as it sounds,
There is light after the storm.
I'm not going to lie and say
"It gets easier."
Because it won't,
Unless you want it to.
And even then,
Its not as easy as it seems.

Just know this:
I am not here to whisper
Pretty lies into your ears.
And I am not going to stand here, and
Watch you sink.
I am here for you.
To be that hand that pulls
You out of your sea of pity.
I am here to remind,
That you are perfect
Just the way you are.
And most importantly,
I am here to tell you to fight.
Fight the Self-Pity.
Fight the Negativity.
Fight the Darkness.
Just Fight,
And you'll make it.

**I Promise.
This is for my friend. You know who you are! I hope this helps!
 Nov 2015
Bo Burnham
You're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen.
And I know that.

But I can't rediscover it every ******* day.
I can't return to that epiphany
every time my alarm clock goes off.
It's unnatural.

But what I can do, and do quite naturally,
is become jaded and unimpressed by it.
I can see your beauty as normal,
as one of my life's many constants.

I can climb atop its shoulders and travel about,
rolling my eyes at sunsets and rainbows,
dismissing all the beauty of the world as
less than average.

And I complain to you about it.
And you can deduce your beauty from that.
 Nov 2015
Maria Etre
Come with  me
and I'll show you a world of possibilities
I'll just take off your glasses
and the let the sun kiss your eyes
refreshing your sight

Come with
and I'll mend your heart
with honey to sweeten each crack
changing your hatred to sweet nostalgia

Come with me
and I'll paint a pure reflection
that'll amplify your imperfections
that'll highlight the flaws
and portray a new vision of beauty

Come with me
and I'll hold your hand
through the world that you already abhor

Come with me
and we will pin the clouds to our
feet and float weightlessly

Come with me
and we'll discover a planet
where society has not yet tarnished
all forms of cliche

Come with me
and we'll write novels
on city walls
narrating stories that will bring people together
or tear them apart

Come with me
and we'll show them
how beautiful it is to dance
with no wrongs or rights
just mere human elation

Come with me and
we will hop from one star
to the other, exploring each
bright possibility

Come with me
and I'll show you
what you don't see

 Nov 2015
Miguela shine
It is the sword you swallowed
threatening to pierce through.
A voice you can feel
pushing you to the edge of perception
It’s seeing the absent evidence
It is being enveloped by a product
of your own doing.
And when the facade thickens
you find only one way out,
and its existence gossamer
 Nov 2015
a butterfly flirts with me

she stands before me
but turns when i look


she fans herself
like a spanish dancer
teases her audience

i wonder if she knows
how captivated i am
by her alluring ways


how i'd do anything
to hold on to this

i can only pray
please stay
 Nov 2015
I can't draw
And I can't sing
I can't do a lot of things
I have to take breaks
When I run
Because I pollute
My sorry lungs
I cannot put words
To my feelings sometimes
So I talk in choppy sentences
And send you late night rhymes
I can't get that one strand of hair
To lie flat on my head
And sometimes I forget I'm alive
Convinced that I'm dead
I'm really not good
At getting out of bed
I can't do a lot of things
Other people can
Plastic smiles,
Plastic bodies,
Plastic lives,
Plastic words,
Maybe its the latest trend,
Plastic smile to avoid  being questioned,
Plastic body in hope to be perfected,
Plastic lives to impress and draw attention,
Plastic words to try to fit into some section,
So here's the drill;
A fake smile hurts even more than a teardrop,
A fake body;doesn't change the inner you,and that's what's major
A fake lifestyle,only leaves you stressed out for no good reason,
Fake words,drain you and your conscience.
Be real,be you..there can never be another you,
You're beautiful/handsome;there can never be a more beautiful/handsome you.
Not everyone goes under the knife coz they hate themselves.for some its a need - I understand.
Let's  work on our inner selves to be at peace with our physical selves atleast.
 Nov 2015
Miguela shine
Do you even listen when I speak?
Or do you hear only what you want?
I'm sure the latter is the truth.

Do you really think I'm pretty?
Or do you only say that to shut me up?
Its not like I asked for consulence.

Do you even mean half the things that you convey?
Never mind
Your not listening
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