A bright flame danced in my heart
It danced because of love
It spun and moved with grace
And moved from place to place
It filled my soul with warmth
And the strength to carry on
Every time I left to fight
It filled me with soothing light
The fire danced for you
So our souls could one day unite
The fires in our hearts would merge
And the electricity in us would surge
But then the fire in me burned out
From your gust of icy wind
That I was in darkness for so long
And I had no will to be strong
After a while, a new fire was lit
And it's heat burned blue
It was hotter than any fire in the land
Not even I could make a stand
This fire was eternal
This stationary burning blue
It burned for the lust of bloodshed
The flame kept still, never turning red.
Every day and every night it burned
Through my heart and soul
I realized that the fire was still for you
I did not know what I felt or what to do.
Hey guys! Sorry for the entire time I haven't been posting. I've been (having a mental breakdown) studying and stuff. Anyway, here's my new poem.