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 Nov 2016
Kewayne Wadley
There I was.
Loitering in the lobby of her heart, after a long flight the only thing on my mind was rest.
The aroma was nice, stepping in through the double doors.
Following the stretch of carpet to the front desk.
Air conditioner stationed right above the door soon as you walked in.
Almost feeling myself sink into the splash of a fresh comforter.
I stood at the front counter waiting to be checked in.
Didn't quite feel like home.
The longer I waited the more anxious I became.
Messing around with the pen chained to the desk.
Making circles and snake like motions with the chain.
Noticing the dust under one of those small relaxation fountains at the closest end of the receptionist's desk.
The hum growing louder signifying that the water needed to be refilled.
More interesting.
There were no vacancies.
Good that I made reservations a month before time.
Noticing the aquarium over by the elevator.
There I stood loitering in the lobby.
Patiently waiting.
After a while, it sinks in that all lobbies are the same.
An endless void of waiting.
Was it absurd that I envied the fish watching me from the aquarium.
It's a strong possibility that he fell asleep watching me wait as the receptionist hasn't quite made it back yet
 Nov 2016
Bianca Reyes
Our love is a poem
The one you think up
But you never dare write
Shared on Hello Poetry on October 26,2016
Copyright © 2016 Bianca Reyes
All rights reserved
Blah blah blah
 Jan 2016
Make me your object
shape twist mold
so when the monsters come out
you have something to hold
 Sep 2015
The last man alive
raised his gun
and emptied it
into the sun
as it sank
out of sight
left alone
in the night
he couldn't decide
what he'd won.
what will we do when
there is nothing left to ****
and nothing left to die for?
 Sep 2015
Nikola Mills
When you kissed me for the first time
I understood.

I knew you had so much to say
But you didn't have to use the words
I understood

And it felt like connection
Between two floating minds
And I never felt alone again

You never used the words to make me understand
You used your soft touch,
and you painted your sparkling thoughts on my thighs

You used your tongue
colliding with my own to make me go insane

You used your eyes
to make my core burn and burn
and to make me understand that what we had
was special.

But then you used your words
only to hurt me
and I let you walk away
because I wasn't used to tasting the words
I never supposed you would say.
 Sep 2015
David Adamson
Freely accepted, constraints that bind
The senses can free the mind.

And so I knelt before her latitude.
Her choker became the horizon,
The light from her eyes a silent beatitude.

“What do you feel?” asked the voice of the wind.
I tried to answer, lips rapt and spellbound,
Eyes questing, but made no sound.

Enlarged by desire, encircled by pain,
I felt the fire and the rain.

I watched the walls of the room
Dissolve into clouds
As a crack in the sky beckoned,
Opening wide.

I was pulled upward into a swelling storm
And watched all around as I climbed
A mirror world form,
Like the universe rhymed.

Then calm.  I found myself at a steely gate.
A sign read “The Labyrinth of Language.”
The path began straight
Then forked into uncountable branches.

Words took shape and tried to dance
But hung
Captive on my soundless tongue.
They have remained there ever since.

Free them, goddess,
Let these words find flight.
Take them from the shadow of my tongue.
Release them into your luminous night.
 Sep 2015
Ana Sweeney
You nurtured a rose
within my heart,
until she grew too tall
and I choked on her thorns.
 Sep 2015
Rustine Gescheidle
Bright flame
You call
Say my name
And I fall

But had I the choice
I’d fly away
To hear Her voice
Just one more day
written May 17, 2010
 Aug 2015
I awake,
in the duality
and dark,
my reflection
a shadow.
 Aug 2015
Nicole Dawn
Did you know?
At the center of the universe
There's a black hole

Which means
The heart of the universe
Is remarkably similar to mine
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