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 Dec 2016
I sift through grief
True affection denied
You have no sleeve
For your heart to reside

Ambitions pretentious
Your lies paper-thin
I know what's precious
Who you trying to win

The time you crave
Does not include me
Others' influence enslaved
And I, unworthy
 Dec 2016
Alyssa De Marzo
Your words are painfully beautiful
Enough so to make me weep
My heart is anything but tender
Yet in question, my head spins
I'm loosing sleep

I want to forget everything
It's what i do best
Time's never healed so much as a paper cut
I turn to herbs to get some rest

I continue reading somberly
Overthinking every word
these poems can't be for me
But your heartbreak wasn't absurdly inferred.
My smile may be pretty but my intentions disgust myself
 Dec 2016
Freudian Slippers
grandmother’s pond never moves

it’s alive, preserved inside her like a bubble.

an unknown aquifer, dreaming of us

no birds, no insects, no worms there

with a consistent season-less breeze

perpetually tousling the tangled grass,

her silver quivering hairs,

slow love rises from her porch perch

that chair rocks her into another time.

The Feather-fines hold the fences in place

a crown of thorns protects her herb garden,

she watches over those young, certain mountains

unaware of their Appalachian ancestors,

The Maple trees huddle, coveting their oldest memories

grandmother’s a stone, listening, under it all.

Nervous chewing college kids circle above her,

they think about this ancient perfect stillness,

this is her own        the morning of the grandmother

her pond remains frozen glacier still,

her chair cradles the illness

we remember her well, the owl of the anonymous valley
 Dec 2016
Rainey Birthwright
In another world
I give smiles come down
From the constant sky,
My breath is sea spray,
My hair a net for you
And the butterfly is kin,
Not larger than me.

In another place
My name, forged with yours,
Set in light of stars,
Blasted about the heavens,
Playful as the otter in winter
And the mountains high,
So small among us.

In another dream
We wake about splendours
So grand, unruly rooks
Disappear before they judge
And all our days, rapt in love
In wove blankets of ocean
So warm because of us.
 Dec 2016
luci sunbird
You're missed, by me
If that wasn't clear today,
It should be

This aching,
the longing
it's awful
and it's been going
on for over a decade

Why did we have to be so young and dumb?
I hate that me

That me ******* up everything,
I know it wasn't truly all my doing

Life got in the way,
I had no idea of my true feelings
until it was far too late

You kept up the charade for longer than I could have
You had such patience,
that I am still in awe of

She's the lucky one now,
I've got a lifetime of memories that I'm sitting on,
while she's got you, physically
(It's not the best)
 Dec 2016
Ntwari Poetry
What were you to me?
It is only now when you are gone
That I begin to find out

Yearning for a glimpse of hope,
Out you come to save me
Under the frozen skies of winter

We ventured
Eager to find a hand to hold
Roaming through the snow, we found each other
Endlessly trapped in each other's embrace

Mesmerized, we continued to walk hand in hand
Inking the songs we made in our hearts forever
Never to be forgotten, I'll always hum the tunes we made
Every time I think of you
There might be a hidden message
 Dec 2016
My love for you may seem

But my rage and deep despair seem

Your actions, your choices, your words
Push me to the point of irrational cynic

I cannot face you
I cannot look at you
Only to pour through memories of my childhood
Now tainted

And yet I still feel
I must succumb
Must yield my pain
To save your pride

Your 60th birthday
I cannot wish you well
Not yet
I'm not to that stage

I cannot, through gritted teeth
Say 'happy birthday'

I do not wish for your happiness
Because your quest for happiness
Drove you to infidelity

And I didn't wish for that
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