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 Oct 2016
Devin Ortiz
I wish I could go Supernova
To explode
And burn up this crippling anxiety
The chest pumping
Immobilizing pressure
Weighing me down
 Oct 2016
Devin Ortiz
Quick before I'm
Silenced write the words swift
And without regard
I am inside you
I crawl in your head
And you know that

Afraid because you don't understand
You ponder my master plan
Don't think, write! Let me out
Let me carve my words in splendor

It pains you to know I'll never go

Feel me slipping? Don't be fooled
I'm ingrained and cynic
I feed off you insecurities
And I'm livid, I can't be stopped
I'm a monster, don't you love it?

The chaos and rhythms you can't
Control and I let these words flow
Falter me, myself, and I
But you can't sing, your voice is silenced
I scream my pain into endless echoes
No way out.
 Oct 2016
Devin Ortiz
Hot Springs bubbles
Like acid melting my skin
Deep breathes dissolve away
Any memory of a physical being

I ponder this existence
Brought to a boil, in transience
Like magma, I am liqufied fire
Reaching out as far as I flow

Head first, nostrils flaring air
As it rushes up, I dive deep
The weightlessness of freedom
An expansion robbed in flesh

Narrow eyes surface at
The impending departure
To the land of the living
To the land of rotting

I stand frail as water drips
Down a tired composure
Only wishing to return
To the bed of lava beneath
 Oct 2016
Devin Ortiz
Do I write Poems?
Or do I plagarize his mind.

Do I press a jagged pen
Williningly into his tortured flesh?

Do I own these words?
Are they on lease from his screams?

Do I lock the door?
With his pounding to be freed?

My body, my mind
If you don't like it get out

Your words are nightmares
I suppose we both are prisoners
 Oct 2016
Bridget Allyson
I never meant to hurt her.
But I hate to see him shake.
I had never seen him cry.
But her eyes are full of hate.

He writes sorry on his lips.
As I have tears on mine.
I know he is,
But we've all run out of time.

I never meant to hurt her.
But I hate to see him weep
Never again are the bad memories to live
Never are they to keep.

As he resides in his chair,
And I reside in mine.
She holds my hand.
As truth shines.
 Oct 2016
Martin Narrod
And let me down easy but do break my heart
Otherwise I'll never know if I should chase after y'all. And the longing comes nightly, the bourbon rings twice, every time I'm out living, y'all stop me from dying. But a man is worth pennies when his work is the dirt, and I've never known forgiveness I've only ever known hurt.

With my skin on the desert, my hands cut from the piste. If a man's responsible for fire, then it must be woman who's made the stream. Everything is an eyesore when plague cuts at your flock, and the shepherd is aching to be rid of his cloth, the end of evil corrupts it, the sheriff he breaks his own laws. They take all that they want, leave you to look up to the dust, you can't sustain the pains of heartache, you words shorter while you talk. So please take it away, the flat and the plains. And only fires concern them, water drowns for them and cries. I don't need no one to listen, no one to soften my eyes. I've been bit by the river, it's taken my breaths. Filled my chest full of water, brought my time to new depths. I saw the valley, and I saw the moors. I saw the valley, just tell me, will she be here tomorrow? I've seen the valley, and I've seen the moors, just please won't you tell me, will she be here tomorrow?
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