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 Jun 2015
poetessa diabolica
I adore you as if
    you were divinity,
   midst shadow's darkness
      and wildflowers' flourish,
cherish your dignified sensibility
       in all spaces without pride,
breathe your complexities and
          simple nature's composure,
where affection prevails 'tween
    sun and moons' compelling power,
savoring your enraptured essence in
           the realm of my own being
   hence, consummating  
             an unqualified existence
 Jun 2015
Francie Lynch
Peak experiences are now
Flashes of allusions;
The universality thing,
But not spiritual or metaphysical,
The minute and grand have equality,
Or none are equal.
The tree is free from adjectives,
A birdsong nest is superfluous.
Nest will suffice.
When I hear your name
We are together again.
I can't pass a hedge
Without  remembering the push,
The old gap;
It's the push.
There's the poem.
The push.
Each thought a particle,
All particles experiences.
Try it now. No descriptors.
Eyes. Airplane. Clouds.
     (but the story continues):
Airplane. Sunshine. Kiss.
     (there's the peak)
Each word a peak experience.
 Jun 2015
K Balachandran
The plan was perfectly drawn
      nobody doubted it was flawed,
but every day and night added
     particular effects on the sketch,
each changing season had a whim
     that made a clear impact on it.

Even the most perfectly laid plans
      need to be approved by spirits
the cosmos will incessantly unleash,
      that in no way anyone can control.

The plans would never go wrong, I thought,
    her invocations to the mysterious
forces of universe, alone make it happen,
    in all humility now I realize!

Deeply I cherish, the feminine power,
       that walks with me matching step to step,
  in the true tradition  of brahminical wisdom, I chant:
      "Not for me, but all this sacrificial offering,
for the plants, animals and humans, the whole of universe.
       Each and every speck in this limitless cosmos
is webbed together, for ever and aye,
    Oh!   the consciousness that pervades in all
the connecting stream flowing to the ocean,
      be the lighted lamp, burning within,
dispel once and for all the darkness of ignorance."
Brahmin-The group of learned men who always sought wisdom and preserved it for society, considering it  their prime  duty.
Maha mantra--Great Mantra
 Jun 2015

Dancing in the flame beneath a flickered candle's light
Moving between shadows on the floor
My every thought now focused on the beauty I have seen
Standing present on a distant shore

Gentle waves do drench her skin, to shimmer soft and sweet
As walls I find about me steadfast true
With only but this window do witness every need
This vision that does flood my mind of you

Delicate the grains of sand which capture where you are
Upon the golden wings of whispered pleas
While I alas, do fight the ways that keep me ever gone
Now praying as I fall upon my knees

My angel of the waters with the breezes in your hair
Feel this love which flows upon the wind
There atop a rainbow near a lighthouse proudly stands
Beginnings that I cherish once again

Cast apart these shackles which so tightly hold me down  
Bound about my feet so I shan’t flee
Solid is the lock it seems now forged of hardened dreams
Yours is but the love which holds the key

Free me with your crescent smile as bright as any moon
Place your eyes upon this tear stained face
Take me by the hand and lead me far away from here
Hand in hand along the shore to trace

We shall leave our footprints by the lake that you call home
Rows of two now stretching far and wide
Open up your wings so I may fall into your heart
*Lock my love away so deep inside
Good night Beautiful
 Jun 2015
Amitav Radiance
Your thoughts echo in your actions
Each having their consequences
Positive actions disseminate gracefully
Creating a lasting bond with the soul
Pass on your thoughts to beautiful minds
Positive actions can build stronger bonds
 Jun 2015
Amitav Radiance
We have complicated the meaning of simplicity
 Jun 2015
My skin is a story
To be read to completion
Every page holding meaning
And every word being told
 Jun 2015
Mike Hauser
I was born to die in Rivertown
As I'm still here to this day
Where the dreams you make are seldom saved
And soon enough washed away

Over time we all must find
That truth along the way
As you plot your course on the sandy shores
Of Rivertown's tidal waves

I dip my toes in murky water
Always surprised at what I find
You'd think by now I would have figured out
I was born to die in Rivertown
Outside of poetry
I would still be living a life
lightened and carefree
merrily chatting with wife.

I would let a poem rise in my head
throw to wind and see it dead
return to sky all breath of pain
watch them fall as joyous rain.

I would darken the screen let it sleep
burn the poems with none to keep
retire to the nook not been for long
brush up the web on a dusty song.

To be away from poetry I would strive
sail on the river go on long drive
snuggle tighter to a fathomless space
outside of poetry discover happiness.
 Jun 2015
Joe Cole
You know most of us overlook the simple things in life
My hotel room here inMalta overlooks one of the swimming pools
Below I see a seething mass of over oiled humanity broiling  in the sun
Same time same place but they won't experience the things that I have
Because for the next week their whole world will be
The bar and the confines of THE POOL
Me, quite simple. I have 22 acres of beautiful gardens to explore
Every flower an art form in glorious colour
What normal person would shun such things
All around my  balcony I see sparrows
Drab little birds  seen the world over
When they perch on my fingers and peck breadcrumbs from the palm of my hand
A totally different perspective is revealed
Then the sparrow becomes beautiful
The delicate little claws tickling my fingers
Little sparkling black eyes searching out every tiny morsel
Simple things, simple pleasures
But these simple things will be
The treasured memories of my holiday
Simple things
 Jun 2015

I’m strong enough not to let you see me fall apart
So I hide my cries between my sighs.

I’m strong enough to stand alone against the cold landscape
So I hide my sadness between fake faces.

I crave, I starve, I wonder
And get lost in the process.
Then end up getting back to where I started.

How far will I stay strong?
How far will I carry along this dying song?
When will I ever belong?


I always talk on how poetry is an embark journey of mine. But more often I came back with recurring questions. I can say “I’m strong enough” but for how long, how far long will I go, or how much more I can take… big sighs…
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