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 Feb 2015
Mohammad Skati
February is lovely and cruel                                                                                       At the same time                                                                                                         Simply because it's a jealous month                                                                         That makes its lovers think twice about it                                                                 Before they can judge it                                                                                            For good or for bad ...                                                                                                 Being out of control means that                                                                                 It's not friendly                                                                                                             Like we wish anytime ...                                                                                                    It's cruel in what it brings us anytime and                                                        It's pretty simply because we can not abandon it anytime ...                            It surrounds us with all of its cruelty just                                                                 To show us its red eye and its strong authority ...                                                   Although it's out of control ,but                                                                                We keep it in our hearts and in                                                                                Our minds as a reminder of a wintry February                                                     That brings us together around any fireplace anytime                                        To eat together those roast chestnuts and to eat all                                                Those wintry foods anywhere and everywhere ...                                                ___________________­_
 Feb 2015
Mohammad Skati
I stare at a pretty flower's pretty face                                                                      With love and with admiration                                                                               At the same time ...                                                                                                  That pretty flowers stares at me                                                                              To pick it to those whom                                                                                          I love in truth ...                                                                                                        I hesitate ,but                                                                                                            I come forward to enjoy its pretty smile ...                                                             It urges me again to pick it today                                                                           Simply because if I don't This then ,                                                                                                             It will get withered tomorrow ...                                                                          Nothing appears lovely and interesting                                                             Like that of a flower's smile anytime ...                                                              ___________________­_
 Feb 2015
Mohammad Skati
Her seas are greatly blue ,but                                                                                  They're deep and shallow at the same time ...                                                        Those who swim in her seas ,                                                                                   They will drown over there ...                                                                                  I love to swim and to drown                                                                                    In her seas ...                                                                                                             I'm drowning !                                                                                                          I'm drowning !                                                                                                          Help me !
 Feb 2015
Mohammad Skati
Any pizza can be round                                                                                          In its shape ,but                                                                                                        It should be hot ...                                                                                                     I don't know about a customer's liking                                                                   Of its inches,but                                                                                                       It depends ...                                                                                                             Cheese is main part in a good pizza ,so                                                                  What's your pizza today ?!                                                                                     _____________________
 Feb 2015
Mohammad Skati
A coin can be defined                                                                                               As double-faced anytime ,but                                                                                 It's greatly lovely to many people ...                                                                       It's money and it's evil,but                                                                                      Some kneel down to earth to get it ...                                                                     It's a bad master,but                                                                                                 Some are truly servants to it ...                                                                             That's a coin's truth ...                                                                                              It's all money .
 Feb 2015
Mohammad Skati
If something is sold out for good ,then                                                                   It's absolutely good ,but                                                                                           If a nation is sold out for any reason,then                                                              It's completely going to be a hostage                                                                     For ever and ever ...                                                                                                  ___________________­
 Feb 2015
Mohammad Skati
يللي جوا بدون يروحوا لبرا                                                                                                  و يللي برا بدون يروحوا لجوا                                                                                               كل شي خلطبيط بخلطبيط                                                                                                     و ما حدا عارف راسو من اساسو                                                                                          و هيك حال الناس وينممنكان                                                                                                و لا حدا بيعرف شو بدو !                                                                                                   ايام بتخلي الواحد يصير                                                                                                      نص واحد و ربع واحد                                                                                                       و حتى و لا شي ...                                                                                                           في ناس بيتمنوا الارض تبلعون                                                                                                  و في ناس بيتمنوا يطيرو                                                                                                و في ناس مالهم رأي !                                                                                                   ما حدا مبسوط !                                                                                                            برا و جوا    و                                                                                                             جوا و برا                                                                                                                   و هي حال الناس ...                                                                                                      ذل بذل ....                                                                                                                ___________________­_
 Feb 2015
Mohammad Skati
It's a big loss                                                                                                             Not to know your way well ,                                                                                   Not to know those people who are around you very well ,                                   Not to know yourself well ,                                                                                      Not to know who is up and who is down well ,                                                     Not to know how to spell words well ,                                                                   Not to know your size well ,and                                                                             Not to know anything and everything very,very well ...                                      Regretfully I can say all the above-mentioned indicates that                                 That there is a big loss                                                  And you are in the closed circle of that big loss anytime .
 Feb 2015
Mohammad Skati
I am addicted to writing poems                                                                              Simply because I love to show what                                                                       I have to all people anywhere and everywhere ...                                                  I can not distance myself from people                                                                    Simply because people's love lies in my heart ...                                                    Every poem carries a good thing                                                                           To all people in different forms ...                                                                            I always set sails through my poems                                                                      In all people's seas and rivers ...
 Feb 2015
Mohammad Skati
لا اقول عن شهر شباط                                                                                                       انه شهر ما له رباط                                                                                                           و لكنني - اقول بأمتياز عنه و كما عرفته طوال حياتي -                                                               بأنه شهر مجنون                                                                                                              و يجب اخذه الى العصفورية ايضا ...                                                                                      كل يوم في شهر شباط                                                                                                        يختلف عما قبله                                                                                                                و عما بعده                                                                                                                      و كل الايام فيه صداع بصداع ...                                                                                           امطاره ليست كالامطار العادية                                                                                                                       و برده قارس                                                                                                              و ايامه لا تحتمل ابدا ...                                                                                                  انه يشبط يمنة و يسرة                                                                                                    و في كل الجهات ...                                                                                                       غباره لا مثيل لها !                                                                                                        الحياة كلها فيه مختلفة                                                                                                     عما في غيره من الاشهر !                                                                                              نشعر بالبرد القارس شعورا                                                                                            لا مثيل له                                                                                                                   حتى في قلب الشتاء ...                                                                                                   كأننا في طوفان حقيقي                                                                                                    حيث ترتفع الامواج الى السماء                                                                                         و ترطم الصخور و كأنها تصفعها صفعا ...                                                                         البرق و الرعد و الخوف و                                                                                              الالم ....                                                                                                                     ان يوما من ايام شباط يعدل                                                                                              سنة مما في غيره ...                                              &n
 Feb 2015
Mohammad Skati
A flowers smile can not monopolized or                                                                 Manipulated by anyone on earth                                                                           Simply it's true and genuine                                                                                   At the same time ...                                                                                                   Any smile in any face can not stolen or                                                                  Can not taken forcibly anytime ...                                                                          That pretty smile of the pretty sun                                                                         Can not be covered by the dark clouds                                                                  For longer time anytime                                                                                          Simply because it's stronger than those crossing clouds ...                                            A pretty smile must remain as is                                                                         Simply because it was born pretty ....
 Feb 2015
Mohammad Skati
February is not any month,but                                                                               It's unique in its strangeness anytime                                                                     Simply because it becomes out of control                                                              In a sudden happening ...                                                                                        It's greatly and crazily changes itself                                                                     Like any snake that changes its skin repeatedly ...                                               It's starts sunny and it ends in big messes while                                                    It's raining or any case of any climate around ...                                                   All other months have something unique,but                                                         It's almost unique even in its name ...                                                                       Being out of control makes it                                                                              A crazy month on all levels ...                                                                            ___________________­_
 Feb 2015
Mohammad Skati
A lone wolf searches for                                                                                           Innocent victims just to replenish                                                                            One's inner world that one lived it                                                                          For a long,long time ...                                                                                             Hatred never builds glories                                                                                      Simply because it means only that                                                                         Huge collapse of one's morality anytime and                                                            It fuels others' anger for those bad things                                                               That come out of that ugly hatred anytime ....
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