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 Feb 2015
Mohammad Skati
اسم رنيم اسم جميل ...                                                                                                       عندما يتعرض هذا الاسم الجميل لأشعة الشمس                                                                         يصبح براقا لامعا ...                                                                                                         انه لحن جميل                                                                                                                  و له ترنيمته الجميلة ...                                                                                                      قد تكون رنيم فراشة                                                                                                          او حمامة بيضاء                                                                                                             او كل ذلك                                                                                                                    في قصيدة جميلة من قصائدي ...
 Feb 2015
Mohammad Skati
Days squeeze us hard                                                                                              Simply because they're pregnant with                                                                   A lot of things ,                                                                                                         Good or bad ...                                                                                                          We are totally depressed and we are completely disappointed ...                        Courage is needed ,but                                                                                            Hard stumbling-blocks prevent us from going ahead ...                                      Patience is greatly needed ,but                                                                                We are greatly impatient ...                                                                                     We run away to the rear                                                                                            Simply because we can not run away to the front ...                                       All ways and sub-ways are totally closed ...                                                       We don't have wings to fly ...                                                                              Hard times besiege all of us ,                                                                              Up and down ,                                                                                                     Rich and poor ,                                                                                                    Strong and weak ,and                                                                                         Near or far ....                                                                                                       That's our way !                                                                                                   ___________________
 Feb 2015
Mohammad Skati
Conspiracies and plots are real things ,but                                                            Where are those plotters and those conspirators ?!                                                Always hiding in their ugly hideouts just                                                              To order the visible and invisible scenarios ...                                                         All ends justify the means ,so                                                                                  Disguised and masked ,                                                                                           Those plotters and those conspirators quietly                                                        Stage their evil                                                                                                          Anywhere and everywhere ...
 Feb 2015
Mohammad Skati
From her window panes ,                                                                                              I feel that she looks at another                                                                                          World that looks greatly different                                                                                     From her pretty and wonderful world ...                                                                           Her eyes stare at others' eye just to make                                                                        A pretty link with all of those links around ...                                                                 She wants to know other worlds of people                                                                       From her lovely and wonderful window ...                                                                         All of her windows overlook in all directions                                                                Looking for rights things in people's eyes ...                                                                 That window that she stands behinds tells                                                                      About her real truth in her own world ...                                                                   She is looking for a pretty love or she is                                                                       Looking for something else almost missing ...                                                                Her eyes are windows that overlook amazingly                                                           And her world is another world of love .................
 Feb 2015
Mohammad Skati
If mass ****** of innocent kids                                                                                      Anywhere and everywhere is a picnic,then                                                                  Our whole life gets lost in a big tunnel of darkness ...                                                    There is a crime and there is a punishment anytime ...                                                    If justice is not achieved on our earth ,then                                                                      God's justice is inevitable ...                                                                                            Innocent kids get perished for nothing and                                                                   We are merely on-lookers only ...                                                                                       We witness that there is something going wrong ,but                                                 Nothing will go in vain ...
 Feb 2015
Mohammad Skati
كتير ناس                                                                                                                                بتلائي الواحد منون بيئول                                                                                                                انا و انا و انا و انا ...................................                                                                              و هو لاشي ...                                                                                                                           بس يمكن معو فرنكين                                                                                                                 و صار على راسو ريشة ...                                                                                                                     بئلو انت و لا شي ...                                                                                                                    علاك مصدي ...                                                                                                                              ما حدا احسن من حدا                                                                                                                       بس هيك الايام خلتنا                                                                                                                 نشوف هيك ناس !                                                                                                                     تفضل فرجيني انت شو عملت للناس !                                                                                             تفو على هاالايام اللي خلتنا نشوف                                                                                                  هيك عالم !                                                                                                                                صحيح اللي اختشوا ماتوا !                                                                                                             اليوم فوء الارض و بوكرا تحت الاؤض                                                                                         و يمكن ما حدا يئول الله يرحموا !                                                                                                   _____________________
 Feb 2015
Mohammad Skati
If Winter has a heart ,then                                                                                              Its heart is February ...                                                                                                    I am not lying to anyone                                                                                                 Simply because that month                                                                                                 Is cold,cruel,and out of control ...                                                                                        As long as Winter is cold ,then                                                                                          February is the coldest page of it ...                                                                                 I feel greatly cold with everyday                                                                                         That passes slowly or quickly in it ...                                                                                 No one can challenge Winter's                                                                                       Authority or its son February                                                                                       Simply because one will inevitably                                                                           Losing one's bet sooner or later ...                                                                                   As I am experienced with Winter                                                                                   And its February , I admit its                                                                                          Authority with all I own anytime ...
 Feb 2015
Mohammad Skati
We became like any ruins or any junkyards ,                                                             We were beaten to death ,                                                                                                  We were kicked out for nothing ,                                                                                    We were trodden upon violently ,                                                                                    We were deprived of our happiness ,                                                                              We were stripped of our real names ,                                                                             We were asked to keep silent ,                                                                                          We were slapped on our faces hard ,                                                                                    We were left hungry and thirsty everywhere ,                                                                  We were gunned down like birds ,                                                                                We were assassinated like in real movies ,                                                                    We were left homeless and displaced to die ,                                                            We were thrown like trash-bags in those ugly tents ,                                                 We were denied our basic things , but                                                                         We have only God ....                                                                                                       We have only God ....                                                                                                   We don't have anyone else except God ...                                                                    There is no else except God ...                                                                                     _____________________
 Feb 2015
Mohammad Skati
A new Spring will be knocking at                                                                              Our doors                                                                                                                   Simply because that's the way with it ...                                                                   It always comes with a new laugh and                                                                      A new smile too ...                                                                                                         It beautifully throws itself                                                                                             In front of our eyes                                                                                                        Just to love it ...                                                                                                               We really love it in truth ...
 Feb 2015
Mohammad Skati
I stare at its pretty cheeks anytime                                                                           Simply because I its fragrant smelling ...                                                                 That pretty rose is located among many                                                                   Other roses in our backyard ...                                                                                  Its red face radiates true love                                                                                      To me to tempt me to pick it anytime ...                                                                      I love to look at it beautifully and                                                                              I love to pick it to my loved ones ...                                                                              It's a pretty rose created by God                                                                                 To us just to see His wonderful Creation ...                                                           I love all roses and their pretty fragrance                                                             Especially after some light showers of rains ...                                                       _____________________
 Feb 2015
Mohammad Skati
This large and wide world of ours is                                                                         Painful,gloomy,dark,and absurd                                                                               Simply because we sometimes don't                                                                           Understand things around us anytime ...                                                                   We either don't understand our world                                                                        Or our current do not understand us ...                                                                     We are boiling from inside and we're                                                                           Not appearing very-well from outside ...                                                                       If we go south ,then our compass directs                                                                      Itself north and we get lost in all directions ...                                                           It's difficult to understand a world like                                                                        Ours simply because everything is vague in it ...                                                   We are living in great ordeals that extends                                                               From our births to our deaths straightforward ...                                                     We live in death while we're alive and we die                                                            In life while we're in that long oblivion anytime ...                                                    We're greatly cornered in everything in our                                                            World simply because that's the way anytime ...                                                  ___________________­__
 Feb 2015
Mohammad Skati
Love is great in its sublimity and                                                                             It's sublime in its greatness                                                                                           Simply because it's not  a passing cloud ,but                                                        It's a great feeling that brings two souls together ...                                           ___________________  الهوى كبير في سموه و                                                                                                          سام في عظمته                                                                                                                     لأنه ببساطة فليس غيمة عابرة و لكنه                                                                                           شعور عظيم يقرب روحين معا ....                                                                                             ____________________
 Feb 2015
Mohammad Skati
Words without  deeds are not like                                                                 Words with deeds ...                                                                                                     We got tired with those words that imply                                                                No deeds at all ...                                                                                                          Words with deeds are like treasures and                                                                    That's the way with life .................
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