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 Feb 2015
Mohammad Skati
They teach us how to draw lines                                                                                 In the beginning of our childhood,but                                                                         We turn these pretty lines into puzzles and                                                                Into zigzag lines anytime ...                                                                                            Lines are like squares and circles ,but                                                                         They are still not shaped ...                                                                                             We shape lines differently turning them                                                                     Into all kinds of shapes                                                                                                   Simply because we want to make                                                                                 Different worlds that don't like our worlds ...                                                            We ,as adults,draw lines and shapes that                                                                 Suit everyone of us' world ...                                                                                       Our intentions draw our life's lines ,but                                                                      With our own hands ...                                                                                                 Our lines might bad or they might be bad                                                              Depending on our intentions ...                                                                                    We have all colorful lines                                                                                             Starting from the rainbow's colors and they never end ...                                        Everyday we draw our lines                                                                                     Openly and secretly ...                                                                                               There are those red lines that some people dare                                                         To cross anytime and                                                                                                   There are those wars' lines that we all draw anytime ...                                             Where are those of any peace's lines ?!                                                                     All of our life is full of many lines ,but                                                                         It depends ...                                                                                                                  Lines can straight lines or zigzag lines ,but                                                                Our minds' lines are vague and difficult ...                                                                We draw our lines with                                                                                             Our hands anytime,anywhere,and everywhere ...                                                     We are inevitably the good-doers and                                                                       Some of us are the evil-doers ...                                                                                    ___________________­__
 Feb 2015
Mohammad Skati
I sometimes feel like everyone and everything                                                           Are coming to a standstill anytime ...                                                                       Frozen words , robots , paintings , stones , rocks ,                                                     Grains of sand ,...........,.....,                                                                                             No human traces are seen clearly and                                                                         Everyone and everything have turned into                                                               Concrete shapes ...                                                                                                           Hard rocks speak out and                                                                                             Love itself has turned into merely words on certain walls ...                                      I am not in a dream ,                                                                                                   I am not in a horrible nightmare ,but                                                                      I am in a real world that                                                                                                   Has come into a clear standstill ...                                                                         _____________________
 Feb 2015
Mohammad Skati
انظر الى البحر                                                                                                                          كما انظر الى المرآة                                                                                                                 نظر المتفرس العشقان له ...                                                                                                    احسه احيانا كبلاط البيت و                                                                                                             احيانا كالشعر المجعد الجميل                                                                                                         و نادرا كاالامواج العالية                                                                                                              التي تشبه الجبال العالية ...                                                                                                                اذا كان جميلا                                                                                                                            فأقصده بلا خوف                                                                                                                       و اذا كان غاضبا                                                                                                                   فأحترس منه ...                                                                                                                      كبير و جميل                                                                                                                      و لكن اذا غضب                                                                                                                      سيأتي غضبه على الجميع ...                                                                                                    انه دوما رائع                                                                                                                         و لكن هناك لحظات غضب مرئية ....
 Feb 2015
Mohammad Skati
Either our world takes this way or that way ,                                                            We don't care                                                                                                                   As long as it's going in the right way ,but                                                                        If it hoes in the wrong direction ,then                                                                           We will go with it in the direction ...                                                                             We care about everyone and about everything                                                           Simply because we are the main formula                                                                       In our word ...                                                                                                                     Going in the wrong direction is not a good option ...
 Feb 2015
Mohammad Skati
عندما لا نعرف ماذا يجري حولنا                                                                                              و عندما تضيع الطاسة ...                                                                                                        و عندما و عندما و عندما ...                                                                                                      فنحن اكيد في هرج و مرج ...
 Feb 2015
Mohammad Skati
Our words might be bright or                                                                                 They might be rusty,but                                                                                               It depends ....                                                                                                                They might be flowers or fragrant roses                                                                      Anywhere and everywhere ...                                                                                       Big-mouthed or small-mouthed ,but                                                                           It depends ...                                                                                                                  My late grandmother told me one day saying:"                                                         Your mouth utters good words and bad words ,but                                                      It's better to utter the good words only ."                                                                  Our words tell about our case                                                                                    If good or not ...                                                                                                             It's up to everyone to pick what he likes or                                                               She likes anytime ...
 Feb 2015
Mohammad Skati
تقيدنا اشياء كثيرة                                                                                                                 في زمن صعب هو في ذاته قيد ثقيل ...                                                                                        كل شيء حولنا مربوط بسلاسل ضخمة                                                                                       حتى افكارنا الجميلة ...                                                                                                             هناك اناس يحبون ان ترى القيود الثقيلة                                                                                       في اجساد الآخرين ...                                                                                                               نتألم و لا نجد احدا ابدا                                                                                                              يفك هذه القيود ...                                                                                                                  لا زال هناك بعض الامل                                                                                                          في كسر هذه القيود                                                                                                            لأننا نريد ان نكون احرارا                                                                                                    لا عبيدا                                                                                                                         الا لله ...
 Feb 2015
Mohammad Skati
Like high clouds ,                                                                                                         I am faraway ...                                                                                                           Like ice and fire ,                                                                                                           I am faraway ...                                                                                                               Like the good and the bad ,                                                                                         I am faraway ...                                                                                                            Like me and you ,                                                                                                        We are still faraway ,                                                                                                        I am still faraway without you ....
 Feb 2015
Mohammad Skati
Everyone looks at things from                                                                                       A certain distance ...                                                                                                     Those who live in their ivory towers,                                                                          They look disdainfully at other people ,but                                                               Those who live in their tin houses,                                                                               They look differently at other people ...                                                                         There is a gap between those who live upstairs and                                                  Those who live downstairs anytime ...                                                                      Everyone has one's perspective that enables him or her                                          To look at other people differently ...........
 Feb 2015
Mohammad Skati
If we dive deeper and deeper                                                                                      Into those pretty oceans and seas,then                                                                        We will the real depth of that life that exists around us ...                                       That depth inside us is another example of                                                              That life which we live ...                                                                                              The more we go deeper and deeper in ourselves and                                               In things ,                                                                                                                      The more we will discover the real depth of ourselves and                                      Everything around us ...
 Feb 2015
Mohammad Skati
We live in a wonderful world ,but                                                                              It is tiny and may be less than any                                                                             Grain of sand or a grain of salt anytime ...                                                                 Although our world is very tiny ,but                                                                            It is problematic in every item that is                                                                           Available in it anywhere and everywhere ...                                                               That universe that surrounds us witnesses                                                                 That we are merely in a very tiny world ...                                                                   There is a big mess in this tiny world in                                                                      Which we are living and in which we are                                                                  Residing for good or for bad anytime ....                                                                  Wars , infighting , hunger, starvation,and                                                             Many other things that go on everyday ...                                                            We don't know if we are going in the right                                                           Directions or we are the wrong ways anytime !                                                   _____________________
 Feb 2015
Mohammad Skati
I can draw different pictures ,but                                                                               From where should I start ?                                                                                      I can draw with a pencil                                                                                              As a reminder that I can do something ...                                                                  I can draw pictures ,but                                                                                              In my mind this time ...                                                                                              I can draw with my eyes ,but                                                                                     Through different sights ...                                                                                         My drawings vary from                                                                                             One thing to another ...
 Feb 2015
Mohammad Skati
اسم رنيم اسم جميل ...                                                                                                       عندما يتعرض هذا الاسم الجميل لأشعة الشمس                                                                         يصبح براقا لامعا ...                                                                                                         انه لحن جميل                                                                                                                  و له ترنيمته الجميلة ...                                                                                                      قد تكون رنيم فراشة                                                                                                          او حمامة بيضاء                                                                                                             او كل ذلك                                                                                                                    في قصيدة جميلة من قصائدي ...
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