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Aug 2016 · 1.6k
I Dropped OUT
Chuck Aug 2016
It's been a year since I dropped out
Been more than busy, there's no doubt
Didn't mean to step before I left somthin'
That lit your soul on fire and got your hearts pumpin'
I'll lay down words that get the rhythm bumpin'
Don't need music when the words are thumpin'

It's been a year since I dropped out
I'm back y'all so scream and shout
I still got the rhymes that make words hop
And the liguistic skills to make the beats drop
I hit bottom but now I'm back on top
I'm back for writin' and to talk shop

It's been a year since I dropped out
It made the women cry and my boys pout
Don't worry y'all, I'm back to lay em on ya
I missed y'all, especially you Rick, Bex, and Tonya
Though y'all didn't make the list, I'm still fond of ya
I left in a Limo and drove back in a Honda

It's been a year since I dropped out
Been more than busy, there's no doubt
I'm back y'all, so scream and shout
I'll make the women smile and show em all what I'm about
It been a year since I dropped out
Been more than busy' there's no doubt
Aug 2016 · 1.5k
How long is a year?
Chuck Aug 2016
A year is long enough for the world to change
Some friends have passed away
Others have married and are now new parents

A year is short enough for nothing to change
I'm working at the same job and living in the same house
I might have changed my hair or lost weight, but my face is perfectly recognizable

Rather the former, the latter, or somewhere in between
My soul is my soul, my heart is my heart
As long as I have breath, you will be with me
For all of my HP friends
Aug 2015 · 1.4k
Chuck Aug 2015
I search through the haze
I smell your scent
But not even a ghost
Of whom you used to be
Aug 2015 · 1.2k
Nobody Loves
Chuck Aug 2015
Nobody loves
Her the way I do

Loves me

To love

Not written in my persona.
Aug 2015 · 1.5k
The Sickness Within (10w)
Chuck Aug 2015
Bile churns
Evil burns
Desires yearn
I never learn
Aug 2015 · 2.0k
"You Can Never Go Home"
Chuck Aug 2015
Tried to
Go home to
A place I loved
Taste the home cooking
And catch up with old friends
Some people will never change
But the food doesn't taste the same
It used to taste like love and respect
It leaves
A bitter
Taste in my mouth
Aug 2015 · 1.3k
Addicted to Life
Chuck Aug 2015
I once wrote a poem
About my addiction to poetry
I kicked my addiction
By freebasing life
Now I no longer crave poetry
But I do need a fix
Every now and then
Friends, I'm sorry I don't write or read as much as I use to.
Jun 2015 · 897
The Meaning of Life
Chuck Jun 2015
I'm not a wise man
And I'm not as old as the sea
I do what I can
To figure out life for me

Life is the moments we make
The meaningful ones we never forget
And the ones that seem like a waste
Breath in each moment, so there are no regrets

Tell stories, both good and bad
Find entertainment in the benign
Be proud of the mistakes, not sad
Because this life I'm making is all mine
Jun 2015 · 1.2k
She Whispers
Chuck Jun 2015
She whispers
My name in every poem
She whispers my name
In every word she writes
She whispers my name
In every picture she posts
She whispers my name
In my sleep
She whispers
I hear her calling
In my dreams
She whispers
I scream
I wanted to write an obsession poem. I think it is obsessed with out being totally stalkery. Haha
Jun 2015 · 1.4k
Chuck Jun 2015
I build it because I can
Working with tools
Makes me feel like a man

The process is frustrating yet fun
As long as this stands
I will be on this earth as one

One who left his mark
By carving out this wood
I decided to build this on a lark
But now it is something good
Feb 2015 · 1.2k
Coffe Shop Thoughts
Chuck Feb 2015
A Starbucks without wifi is like a tavern without a jukebox, all fluid no flow.
Feb 2015 · 2.0k
Chuck Feb 2015
The climb
First exhilarating
Then regimented
Finally exhausting
Feb 2015 · 1.1k
A Story
Chuck Feb 2015
I was cursed at
Then hit by a car,
I laughed and
Walked away.
I guess
He really
Wanted that
Parking space.
I realized
My sense of humor
Has grown
Their was a time
This would have
Angered me.
Life is too
To be short
That roadrager
Gave me
A story.
Feb 2015 · 2.5k
Chuck Feb 2015
A bile seeps into the crevis of my soul
Nausea and dyspepsia infest the sinews of my being
Death would be a welcome reprieve from the pain
Then my mind wanders to you
And I dance among the flowers of euphoria
Feb 2015 · 13.3k
Cold Hearted
Chuck Feb 2015
Her chill
Sends tears down my cheeks
Like a cataract over a hill

Her snow
Slaps my face
Like a **** slaps a ***

Her ice
Makes me slip
Like an alcoholic's vice
Chuck Feb 2015
Oh,' be young or old, courageous or wise,
Whatever you do, whoever you are,
Beware of those souls whose words are the guise
Hiding a past marked with an ugly scar.

Their face may be benign hiding malus
With an altruistic front for a show;
Fragrance of a rose hides a soul callus
Envious heart wanting to take your glow.

Yet, your love and honesty guides your fate
No matter what others would say and do,
Love's the beacon to steer away from hate
Enjoy life and show the world the real you.

When deceptive people spin their charmed lies
Let not their words fool you, learn to be wise.
Blythe is my adopted daughter on HP:) we have been learning from each other, since we joined HP. It was a pleasure writing a Shakespeaean Sonnet with her. I wrote, the first line and every other line. I'm happy with the way this evolved.
Chuck Jan 2015
It was innate
My ability to resonate
Thoughts upon my birth

When I was a child
My mind ran wild
Over Heaven and Earth

As a teen
You best mind, I was mean
Not much, my thoughts were worth

As a married man
My mind did span
Until my first child's birth

Then it started to slip
My mind did rip
And began to spill upon the Earth

Now that I'm old
Thoughts I can't hold
What are memories worth

Where are my car keys?
I accepted the poetry challenge from ThePoet. It is something that's easy to lose but hard to gain.
Jan 2015 · 619
Laughter Cries
Chuck Jan 2015
All I want to do is make people laugh
A quip, a bit of wit, a self put down
But it always seems to be a huge gaff
"Why do you always want to be a clown?"
I thought laughter made the world go around

Laughter is my energy, my power
It may be my only contribution
If only so, even for an hour
Why does it claim such harsh retribution?
They jeer, it destroys my constitution

My weakness is trying to build esteem
Esteem needs laughs to nurture its weak soul
The sad clown hides the makeup disguised dream
Laugh, like, even love me one and, PLEASE, all?
Laughter cries in the dark depths of my soul

All I want to do is make people laugh
A quip, a bit of wit, a self put down
But it always seems to be a huge gaff
Why must I always try to be a clown?
Laughter is what makes my world go around
This is a TBT that I wrote a few years ago.
Jan 2015 · 2.5k
Revolution of Language
Chuck Jan 2015
There are three major stages of the English Language
According to historians and linguists alike

There is Old English when Beowulf defeated Grendel
And Middle English when Shakespeare birthed his sonnets
Finally, Modern English when Harry Potter spun his magic

However, I believe historians and linguists
Will say we are now in the midst of a fourth

I like to believe we are part of the history of language
But what will it be called? Tecno English or Neotext English?
IDK, but u will c um right. Just :) and $ me lates #stagesofenglish
I truly believe we have to be in another stage of English from the industrial revolution and on. Think about how many new words have been created. Yes, even text talk may be standard someday. It is a tough time to be an English teacher. :) But I love the language.
Jan 2015 · 3.5k
Snow (Reverse Nonet)
Chuck Jan 2015
And floats down
White haze backdrop
Filling the window
Romantic fantasies
Sleigh rides and hot chocolate
Childhood dreams of fun and frolic
Coating the earth in white beauty
That beaches and sun will never know
This is for everyone who has never experienced the feeling that only a fresh snow can deliver.
Jan 2015 · 675
Chuck Jan 2015
I'm burning with the acrid fuels of Hell's abominable furry!
Who or what can dredge such stifling pain?
Is it a scorned lover, or the betrayal of a trusted confidant?
Whatever it is, it shall pass as if a Prilosec hindered the pumps of acid.
Turn on the extinguisher. Get passed it. Be the antacid of your soul.
Jan 2015 · 1.9k
Chuck Jan 2015
Two doors meet locked shut
One closes the other tight
The other's unhinged
Jan 2015 · 833
Winter Storm
Chuck Jan 2015
The wind blew
The snow flew
The storm grew
And we didn't know what to do

So we ran inside
The winds died
The storm subside
And we took our sleds for a ride

The rides done
We had fun
Goodnight sun
A new snow has just begun
Jan 2015 · 1.9k
We are "The Givers"
Chuck Jan 2015
We pass on our memories to generations to come
Will we pass on all of our failures, along with triumphs?
Or will we be the omniscient evaluators to filter out pain?

People's victories and defeats spon individuality
The only "sameness" in our lives is that we are all humans
Colorful and beautiful in our smiles and well earned scars

We are "The Givers" of our lives to future generations
Don't hold back! Don't revise. Don't disguise wounds.
Be "The Giver" of the Truth. Be "The Giver" of your life.
Celebrate you.
Jan 2015 · 874
The Last Night
Chuck Jan 2015
It's over
Turn out the lights
Say goodnight
The music is fading
Into white noise

The ball has been dropped
The confetti is now litter
The bottles are empty
The hangovers are hung

Death to the year
Death to the firsts
Forever rest all
but the memories

It is the last day
Of the first of your life
It will never come back
Lament the last night
Nov 2014 · 896
XB Be Xed
Chuck Nov 2014
I used to drive a toaster
Tiny, not a roaster
It sure was the moster
Car I ever drovester

Then I hit a deer
It ran soever near
Smashed the front to the rear
I forever lost my dear

Ten years I spent in that box
Never looked like a fox
I probably hit an ox
Like gettin' kicked in the buttocks
Nov 2014 · 669
Highlights (Haiku)
Chuck Nov 2014
Regular brown and
Green now hilghted in white
Dancing and singing
Nov 2014 · 2.6k
Chuck Nov 2014
I pedaled for the adventure
I pedaled for the thrill
I pedaled my fat ***
Up each and every hill

From my house across the state
From East Pa., west to New Jersey
From mountains to quaint towns
In sweat drenched shorts and yellow jersey

People asked me why I dId it
People asked me how
People asked me what's in Jersey
I smiled and said, "The WOW"

Wow, it's what my family said
Wow, is what I felt in my heart
Wow, is what I still say today
I'm glad I had the guts to start

I pedaled for the adventure
I pedaled for the thrill
I pedaled my fat ***
Up each and every hill
Nov 2014 · 542
I Don't Konw
Chuck Nov 2014
I don't know why
I don't write
I guess I'm livin' life
It's an endless fight
Spend time with the kids
Working at home
Don't know what I did
When I wrote daily
Ignored everyone
I wrote gaily
Didn't ride my cool bikes
Told the boys no
Didn't go on long hikes
Became absorbed in fiction
Lost my mind
Romanced in diction
The poems flowed
Like cascading falls
Life it slowed
My words built walls
But this sets me free
Vivid and vital
I need both I see
Somtimes life shall idle
Aug 2014 · 857
Out of the Blue
Chuck Aug 2014
That can lift
One's spirit like
A message, email, or call
From a friend, out of the blue
No matter how far away they are in
The world: Germany, Philippines, Nigeria,
Michigan, England, North Carolina, Georgia,
Or next door
And many more
It makes one feel like a child opening gifts on Christmas morn
Aug 2014 · 800
Locking Horns (10w)
Chuck Aug 2014
The more two bulls **** heads
The closer they become
Aug 2014 · 20.2k
Chuck Aug 2014
      catches your

     busted to the

     got ya
Aug 2014 · 3.6k
One Heart is Better Than Two
Chuck Aug 2014
Two heads are better than one
One heart is better than two
Two heads meet and fall in love
One heart beats in rhythmic flow

One shared heart always content
Two heads always searching for
One shared heart, can meander
Two heads can pass in the night

Two heads are better than one
One heart is better than two
Three heads is a crowded room
Four hundred heads seek one heart

One heart is two times the love
Aug 2014 · 1.4k
My Poems
Chuck Aug 2014
My poems are not brilliant
They have no meter nor rhyme
My poems are not published
They are hardly worth a dime

My poems are read little
They are enjoyed even less
My poems are not witty
Slightly amusing at best

My poems are fun to write
They bring me simple pleasure
My poems are nothing, true
Yet writing is sure treasured
Aug 2014 · 747
Mist (Haiku)
Chuck Aug 2014
Floats down and hovers
Drenches the mood in white clouds
Foreshadows Autumn
Aug 2014 · 705
Chuck Aug 2014
I ventured on a journey all alone
Self powered also self empowered
Lonely I was but I did not bemoan
Miles washed down the drain as I showered

Met interesting folks on my bike trip
Stayed with a couple, helped me feel at home
Crashed with earthy folks, who were ultra hip
Greeted with support wherever I roamed

Climbed mountains ascending fifteen degrees
Some stretched up for miles into the blue sky
And descents that caused wobbles in my knees
As valleys and streams vanished from my eyes

Sure, I missed my wife and my kids' cute smiles
Yet, this was an adventure for legs and soul
They both grew stronger with each pedaled mile
My head was spinning as my tires rolled

Crossed my sylvan state, an empowered state
Something I just knew I wanted to do
When I made it, I had to celebrate
New Jersey was my state of soul anew
Jul 2014 · 9.9k
Flirting (10w)
Chuck Jul 2014
Flirting with the devil
That lives within
Exciting and dangerous
Jul 2014 · 3.2k
Running for Children
Chuck Jul 2014
His name is Zachary James
But he's shouted at by many names
Running man or crazy jogger
Pushing all he needs in a stroller
Dodging cars like a game of Frogger
His passion for running is a benefactor  
Of his compassion for humanity
Running across the country is insanity
Knows politics better than Sean Hannity
A motor city kid and an Eastern Michigan grad
Thought he'd run to correct a world gone mad
Our paths crossed on the vicious highway 322
If you're lucky, fate will send him your way too
I'm proud to host such a fine young philanthropist
But soon he'll run off into the mysterious mist
Yet he will jog on proud and steadfast
With our help reaching his goals at last
Run for the children and for the love of running
Run for life and eternity hereafter coming
He is running from NYC to San Fran to raise money for children in poverty. Please help him on his journey if possible and/or help him combat childhood poverty. His website is And you can follow him on Twitter: @mrjubjub.
Jun 2014 · 690
O' That Feeling
Chuck Jun 2014
Nailed the test, set the curve, everyone wants to choke you
Got a phone number from the hottest woman in the place, infront of your buddies
Complained about the shabby service and got your friend's money back, like a boss
The birth of your son. The birth of your second boy. The birth of your daughter.
Aced the the the parallel parking manuver infront of your father
The surprise proposal, and the calosal surprise, "Yes!" :)
First legal drive in the car without your father in the passenger seat
                       O' that feeling!!!! Like a boss!
Feel free to add your own "like a boss" moment!
O' yea, one more: the first time my ten year old daughter said, "You walked in there like a boss, Daddy."
Jun 2014 · 1.3k
Text Breakup
Chuck Jun 2014
Me...movin on
Good times tho
Not u me
Yer great
Btw want my stf back
Drop off in a.m.
Work in morn
I don't even text in text talk. It's a curse of my profession. I was just imagining how easy it would be to take the cowards way out of a relationship these days.
P.S. Hashtags are jokes.
Jun 2014 · 1.0k
Chuck Town
Chuck Jun 2014
Such a place exists, I kid you not
It's a paradise deep in the SC
I imagine it was named just for me
The buildings are exquisitely adorned
Row after Rainbow Row, stunning, the lot
Drenched in history of two wars
Ghosts haunt the Holy City at night
May haunt it myself when the time is right
Fresh seafood to honest Southern soul
The delicacies are among its many lures
Chuck Town may be my Eldorado
Not mythical but shrouded in golden treasures
I couldn't dream up a more idealistic setting
It's as if it were erected and named for me
Jun 2014 · 895
Chuck Jun 2014
I, like a robin in late fall, flew south
To escape memories of northern snows

I discovered mountain vistas, breathless
Oceans as warming as tropical seas
Food made with love and fresh ingredients
And old friends whom I met for the first time

The snows will fall as sure as I'll miss ya'll
Yet the heat of Dixie forever warms my soul
Jun 2014 · 595
Carolinas (Haiku)
Chuck Jun 2014
Blue ridges rolling
To picturesque blue skies and
Islands laced in sand
#haiku #carolina
Jun 2014 · 1.1k
Chuck Jun 2014
She despises the world
People irritate and disgust her
Proud to be known as the rebel
Rises above the emotional clowns
Desensitized and  disenfranchised

Yet she conformed to the circus
For reasons mere mortals cannot comprehend
Hidden behind the eye of adjudication
Yet don't dare evaluate her soul
She beguiles my response with pseudo aloofness  

Jaded and defended
But she entertains me with angst
Inspired by a poet.
Apr 2014 · 1.0k
Rollin' Like a Rap Star
Chuck Apr 2014
My bike has 700cm rims!
Apr 2014 · 7.4k
Chuck Apr 2014
I guess an old bicycle is like an old wife
they both get tired and worn
and they both lose their luster

I could never toss out of my old bike
I guess they are not similar at all!
Just joking, honey.
Mar 2014 · 942
Chuck Mar 2014
My wife I'll love, for years to come
But if she would ever pass or leave me
I'll audition a new love, no three
I'll challenge the ladies to a game of fun

I'll make my own game of "Chopped"
They'll cook, I'll taste and evaluate
I must chop one, I won't hesitate
From three to two, they'll be cropped

I have a sophisticated palette or taste
Burgers, pizza, steaks, potatoes sweet
Chefs are ecstatic, pleasant, and neat
Yet I need to stay slender in the waste

Who am I trying to fool or trick
Women won't compete to feed me
If I want to eat, there is one solution I see
"You will have to make a phone call, Slick"

             I've "been chopped!"
Watching the cooking show Chopped with the fam. Just felt like writing a silly rhyme.
Mar 2014 · 1.2k
Stress (10w)
Chuck Mar 2014
S   T      R         E          S.      .        .         .
Mar 2014 · 1.0k
Haiku (Stubborn Winter)
Chuck Mar 2014
Sunshine and blue skies
Snow piles refusing to melt
Awaiting fresh friends
It is going to snow again.
Mar 2014 · 1.1k
Coffee Shop Poet 2
Chuck Mar 2014
She is the Queen of the coffee shop
Watching over her kingdom in triumph
Yet, behold, the empty dais
The star on her crown glimmers little
In the vacuous suffocation of silence
Clink and clang from the servant's quarters
Is the only sound besides the jesting
Of new wave hauntings and jazz renditions
A once vibrant kingdom depressed in
Melancholy achings
Yet the smile on her black lips,
Frozen from a time of prosperity
The coffee shop poet is beguiled
And joins the queen in her silent musing
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