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 Apr 2017 Christin M Hansen
Today I discovered
What I already knew
That our friendship will go
Only as far as our memories can carry it
Which is kind of sad really
Because I cannot
Will not
Should not
Adjust even just an inch for you
Tis true.
 Apr 2017 Christin M Hansen
Still your head
Steady it
Give yourself some time to react

Clear your eyes
And take a breath
Before you plunge back underneath
And immerse yourself
Within the mess

Envision how it has to be
And plan it out
Picture the objectivity

Would you see the future you’ll create
Just in front of you
A moment before it has to be

And then be fast
Like a lightning bolt
Let your hands and eyes simply react

And meet the ball most suddenly
To elicit the lightning
And make it crack

Picture this an you will be
All at once
Lightning fast

Because Jay once told me "Still your head" and I did.
By Arcassin Burnham

Seeing darker days like lonely nights and raw fists fights and chaos
happen all in one day and at a time,
We were vulnerable with less money to spend and dine ourselves to
perfect things that would've made it alright,

What is the right place to us?
My Ex was a succubus,
i swear anytime i could have made it out..

My mom would lock me away,
because of thoughts and anger issues,
but she didn't talk to me , she just doubts..

Remembering my grandpa had a stroke in front of me and i couldn't
do anything in that situation,
And then one night my step grandpa was on the brink of death with
so any tubes in his mouth , i was in devastation..

tell me what is the right place...

maybe in heaven we're safe..

can you tell me?

please tell me,
What is the right place to us?
My Ex was a succubus,
i swear anytime i could have made it out..

My mom would lock me away,
because of thoughts and anger issues,
but she didn't talk to me , she just doubts..
©ABPoetry:RisenLP2017 ©ABPoetry2017
 Apr 2017 Christin M Hansen
My voice is in the falling rain
A crashing rolling weeping realm
My song of storms proudly proclaims
These clouded skies are falling down

Back to the earth from whence they came
A moist collection careening down
To crash into the waterways
And sing my song clear and aloud

Into your ears I whisper rain
And share my secrets so profound
As droplets cleanse the concrete stains
They sweep away the sorrow sounds

So here I sits by window panes
To smell the sky and taste the clouds
Though thunder rolls and storms berates
My song remains like falling sounds
Sometimes when the words are just right. They just all align and walk through the door together in unison. Or at least so it was with this creation. Be sure and listen to me read it on my SoundCloud account. Link below. And thank you for reading, sharing, commenting, and following along as you feel called. (:
Sunday morning lie-in,
she, ny times newspaper reading,
contentedly dress perusing-shopping,
in the bed both, but separated
by the distance of the electronic void

i am raven tapping poe poems on my diminutive IPhone,
twenty four inches distant from her lips

no notice taken of the man so overcome
writing his Sunday morn poems that are
drawn so deep from places
that make him so so so glad
good quality weeping
can be best performed silently

noticing that

- he writes best when writing of others, mostly, you

- he writes when the rented invisibility cloak covers his face
the wellspring offers him a choice;
write weep and tear
write weep and bawl
or just quit everything

whimsy laughs at his slo 'mo nonsense
his choices
this tough guy supporting a mountain of others,
the inversion of his inverted triangle,
him holding up the world

the worrisome grief that wears him down
best released in tears when writing about
you, go figger

and you notice stupid stuff
like why we use 'and' when it just ain't necesssry
how the core of 'believe' is lie
that ** ** ** rhymes with woe woe woe
that 24 inches is quite the distance when you are
** ** ** weeping and she don't notice

and how hard writing

only love poetry can be
even twenty four inches
from your nose

— The End —