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 Apr 2018 maria
oh how often i stay awake
laying in bed staring at the ceiling
my sister painted for me
when i was
7 years old.

things were different then
my life wasn't cluttered with
catastrophe and agony
as i dealt with everything around me


back again in the same spot as before
my head swims parallel to the ocean floor
as i sit in my room
my thoughts are emptied
and my heart is filled with gloom

my uncle, the man that taught me so much
had passed away from a heart attack on his living room couch
i briefly denied the fact he was dead
he couldn't - he wouldn't - it made no sense in my head
i could have been with him but rather instead
i cried for him in his hospital bed
to wake up

these dark sparked remarks
leave my brain spotted with questions
i answer them quietly as i reflect against my past
when a small unknown sound
shatters the silence in my room
it clatters and pit patters resonating my mind's tomb

my heart has fallen through the floor
and my empty thoughts are no more
i need more sleep
 Apr 2018 maria
The rose bushes are issuing their consistent melody,
With such unbearable benevolence.
I crave surprising him with their petals, the harmonizing scent blending with the vintage lingerie and a picnic basket full of sweets, freshly cut flowers and writing he inspired.
My life, my soul, the man I love more than I did two seconds ago.
People think that to be alone,

you must feel lonely…

that to stare at a blank wall,

you must be depressed…

that to be listening to nothing,

you must be overwhelmed…

that in order to cry,

you must be sad…

I feel lonely, when people keep on bringing this up.

I feel depressed, when everyone thinks me weird about all this.

I feel overwhelmed, when the world asks me if I’m fine all the **** time

I feel sad… I feel sad to know that I can’t be understood, for being human…

When I need a break from the world,

it is not because I hate it.

It is so that I can keep on loving it,

without having to compromise myself.

Silence is not a disease,

and I am not infected.

It is a gift, a rare offering,

forgive me for enjoying it.
This is my first original piece. Please like, share and spread the word, also feel free to leave a comment and give me feedback. Any reaction is support to me!

Also feel free to visit and support me on my other social platforms, links to which are in my Bio!

Thanks millions!
-The Positive Pessimist   {  ):)  }
 Apr 2018 maria
Phillip Walter
An ear can break a human heart
as can a word, an eye.
A ****** is inevitable
when perpetuating lies.
"An ear can break a human heart
  As quickly as a spear,
We wish the ear had not a heart
  So dangerously near."
-Emily Dickinson
 Apr 2018 maria
She’s a Poem
He’s an Invisible Ink

She’s a Love Ballad
He’s a Vocal Less Echo

She’s a Soothing Lullaby
He’s a Muted Lyric

She's a Warm Breeze
He's a Whimpered Wind

She’s a Wished Rain
He’s a Thirst in Desert

She’s a Flying Dream
He’s a Falling Demon

She’s Nourishing on Pages
He's Dissolving into Ink

As if, Final Chapter of His Book in a Making?
She May Breathe Forever in His Silent Echoes...
for you dearest 'Lady of the Sea'
 Apr 2018 maria
i do not understand
how people can write poems upon poems upon poems
talking about romance
two people
in love

how could they give so much of their affection,
their attention,
their love to other people

when i can't even find the courage to say the words
"i love myself"
 Apr 2018 maria
Priya Gaikwad
It's not love if it doesn’t destroy you,

It’s not love if it doesn’t drive you insane,

It’s not love if it doesn’t change you,

It’s not love if it doesn’t make you question the world,

It’s not love if it doesn’t make you fight unknown battles,

It’s not love if it doesn’t damage you in the prettiest way possible,

It’s not love if it doesn’t show you stars, galaxies, sun, moon in his/her eyes.

It’s not love if it doesn’t involve madness.

It’s not love if it doesn’t come with devastatingly beautiful destruction.
 Apr 2018 maria
CA Smith
A house is built
The house becomes a home
The home turns into memories
The memories turn into people
The people turn into stories
Stories turn into legends
History is changed
Lives are changed
Love is spread
One Love
Bricks are purchased
That build houses
That turn into homes
That create memories
That turn into people
That turn into stories
That turn into legends
That change history
And it all started with
Just. One. Brick.
Sometimes it's tough when you are just laying bricks to see the end picture, but it makes a difference in the end! It can be so easy at times to feel like we aren't doing enough to help others or to grow ourselves, but one ripple affects the entire pond.
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