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I’m trying to be what you want me to be
But it seems the harder I try
The less you think of me
The harder I try
You go further away from me
I want you to notice me
Just a second will do
All it takes is a glance
A smile as you pass me
A wave if I see you
A nod
It’s just one second, just a little bump in a whole life span
I’m not asking for much
Is it really that hard to spare a second
I’ve sacrificed years to you
I’ve lied for you
Take my last breath I’d die for you
Do you really need to ask why
It’s not complicated
It all comes down to one and only one reason
Like the Plain White Tees said
Theres only 1 way
2 say
These 3 words
I love you
I swear it was love at first sight
If I recall right there was a bright light
All around her there was a glistening shine
I wanted to shout out She’s mine!
Because I’ve had people stolen from me before.
It leaves me laying broken on the floor
It’s a strange kind of hurt
I feel the rage inside of me
At the same time I feel glad that their both happy
In the end though I know I want them back
I don’t think I could take it again
I just want the pain to end
Stop the demons from hurting me
I need her
This time I’m standing my ground
I won’t let anyone take her from me
So stay with me
Please don’t betray me
Please don’t leave me broken again
Don’t **** my soul
I beg you to stay with me
To spend your time with me
What have you done to me??
All I think about,
Is you...
Lonely tree upon the hill,
Oh how I wish I was with you still.
Laying in your shadow of hope,
Where a swing is the only use for rope.
And when your leaves rub together,
They make a sound mimicking forever.
Alone at your stump,
Feeling my heart pump.
Oh lonely tree,
You make me feel free
A shadow always follows you, just like your past.
Is it too late to refund...
My life?...
sadness, madness:

to have your heart broken
to write about it
like it's the most beautiful thing
you've ever felt
and experienced
like it's the most beautiful thing
to feel

when it actually kills you.

— l. m
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