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Red and white
Head feeling lite
Sweetness of tear
Showing all fear
Scream so silent
Making it violent
Metal to skin
Will never win
Pill to lips
Scars on hips
Hands hold rope
Strangling last hope
Sleep long forgotten
Thoughts so rotten
Food like poison
Trap like prison
Life crumble away
Sanity won't stay
Ghostly last breath
Now welcomes death

Sleepy moon,
Can I see you soon?
Can I watch your rays of light,
Fall upon me tonight?
Can I feel your soft dust,
Of peaceful sleeping lust?
Oh sleepy moon,
Can I see you soon?
I don't know what's worse,
A person with too much pride,
Or a person with none at all.
I remember you saying,
You couldn't think of the words to say.
That you weren't sure if the time would come again,
You were scared the window would close.
I told you, to keep trying.
That as long as you want to say something,
I will always be ready to listen.
I kept saying it was OK,
That the time will one day come.
But I knew what you wanted to say,
And I wanted to say it too.
Stop chasing someone that will eventually come.
Note for myself.
I feel like a ghost walking around unseen
in the backdrops of these other happy lives
I feel like I'm trapped in a ravine
in a darkness that never leaves
Its starts with such a beautiful note
That enchants you in, listing to more
The chords flow with such passion
Such hope for the future
Till you reach the diminished
That throws the whole song down to hell
From light and hope
To dark and sin
This song of life has changed in ways
I never saw coming
The tune grows darker
The volume become louder
The chords harsher
But then it stops
And one single note changes it back to the light
The hardness of the chords soften
The volume begins to calm
And the tune once more flows through my soul
This is the song of life
And then it finishes
Leaving you with the experience of music...
The experience of life...
 Dec 2015 Chloe Zafonte
 Dec 2015 Chloe Zafonte
mortal body; timeless souls
cross your fingers, here we go
youth by troye sivan. not mine
I dream to fly above the sea,
Not with demons under it.

I wish apon a golden star,
That my new life won't be far.

To hope for a life of light,
Not one where all I do is fight.

To sing with angels all night long,
And not cry over how life's so wrong.

To love you next to me,
Because your all I want to be.

But here I lay,
Like helpless pray.

Flying under the sea,
Instead of above, where I should be.
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