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Time does not exist...
Time is a blinding mist...
It's a lie that we all follow...
Forever asking for time to borrow...
We are to always live in today...
Never to have our say...
With a tomorrow that never shows...
As the wind of yesterday blows...
Time is a guideline for everything...
For how long our life can sing...
So time does not exist...
Its nothing a face on your wrist...
Waves of Emotion crash down on me
Anger because I feel betrayed
Sadness because I feel lonely
Hate for the person you pay more attention to
I feel the need to vent my thoughts
Because they’re racing in my head
I want to ****
I want to fight
I know the best thing though is just to talk
Can I even do that though
I wonder if I’ll make it through the day
All this I feel
When I get jealous over her
I became the crutch you leaned on
Supporting the weight of your pain
I put a cast on your heart
When it became too battered
I became your most sturdy stilt
To help you move on
Until you felt better
That's when you left me
Never did you ask if I sustained injuries
While I was nursing you back to health
A nebulous hope on the silhouette of horizon.
My redeeming font , one sweet poison.
Slowly it obliterated  me ,
branding with ache of reaching.
The ashes of my nous shouting and screeching.
Left with repugnant psyche of an undying hype.
Resplendent hysteria of an antithetic type.
Is it the verity or  nebulous dream.
Is it the silence or vociferous scream.
The part of me desists.
The part of me resists.
To walk the path that leads to decay.
Holding the faith with doubts at bay.
What do I do , to overcome this interlace.
May be I spiflicate the existence , and
   live as Inanimate* .
As My eyes open
I smile to myself
Relieved that I didn’t pass away
Glad that I can work on making amends
Glad I can still touch peoples life's
I am jovial that I can tell people I love them
Sad that I have to do it but glad that  I can say sorry to people
Is it normal to have these feelings
As we wake?

Of so divine a Loss
We enter but the Gain,
Indemnity for Loneliness
That such a Bliss has been.
 Jan 2016 Chloe Zafonte
That stranger had cheeks stained by berries & a summer's day.
Hihi sunshines!
She was
But a velvet
In a
Sea of
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