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 Jul 2018 Chaundra
 Jul 2018 Chaundra
Not that I miss you,
but I liked sleeping alone
until I met you.
 Jul 2018 Chaundra
 Jul 2018 Chaundra
We have *** everyday. But that's for me.
not you.
There's a reason I close my eyes when I kiss you.
You're the filler-friend. I do not love you.
I don't need your advice, I don't need your lectures.
I need you to do what you're here for, then leave.
Simple as that.
Good Riddance.
 Jun 2018 Chaundra
lies lies lies
they won't stop running through my mind

lies lies lies
convincing everyone I'm fine

lies lies lies
they happen time after time

lies lies lies
and all i can say is i apologize

lies lies lies
they are all thats left inside
 Jun 2018 Chaundra
I gave you my heart
You gave me yours
I rocked your world
You shook my core
I love you
You know it's true
You love me
What are we to do
My boyfriend wrote this for me
I never knew that he could write like this
 May 2018 Chaundra
He swells swollen with pleasures loathing
her walls anticipate hard measures imploding
the crash of his body
sending waves of pleasure
into her current
his throws of passion
deepen her depths
to depths unmeasured
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