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 Jul 2015 Candice
Speen Cough
I'm sitting here and I'm about to cry
Who the heck knows.

I'm sad today
for no particular reason
I'm just sad

I don't like being sad
I get that we have to be sometimes
but that doesn't mean I like it.

Am  I depressed?
I don't think I am.
I hope I'm not.

But it wouldn't surprise me.

All this stuff that's been happening lately
What's one more thing to mess up my brain?
I'll just add it to the list and keep moving I guess

I'm just gonna fake a smile until it's real again.

That's normal right?
 Jul 2015 Candice
"I've never seen pieces from different puzzles fit together,"
I said.
He asked.
"So. Maybe that's why we're like this,"
I said.
Philippines in trouble typhoons are at war
death and destruction all around houses there no more
people there left homeless hoping to survive
waiting in despair for assistance to arrive
contaminated water theres no food to eat
all they have is wreckage all around there feet
all they have is hope for someone just to care
to take them back to safety and get them out of there
when the typhoons over they can build there lives once more
live in peace and harmony just like it was before.
i'm at the edge
and it is impossible for me
to give space to you
because if i do
i may fall


 Jul 2015 Candice
 Jul 2015 Candice

Pain and death aren't so frightening, really.
Unless, you let your imagination run away with you,

Pain in the present can be dealt with.
It's what's we imagine that truly terrifies us.

I'm trying to imagine,
it doesn't hurt without you.

© Copywrite Skaidrum
 Jul 2015 Candice
emma jane
 Jul 2015 Candice
emma jane
maybe all i need to stop this pain is a little motrin.
maybe all i need to stop this bleeding is a band-aid.
maybe all i need to stop this screaming are some ear plugs.
maybe all i need to stop this drowning is a life raft.
maybe all i need to stop this agony is a little numbness.


it wears off,  doesn't stop the pain only holds back the flood gates
of sleepless nights and screaming hearts, bloodshot eyes and rejections knife.
just long enough for me to catch a glimmer of hope, a mirage
in the Sahara, so beautiful yet so cruel.  
just as i get close enough to taste
a sweet tomorrow,
the desert sun sets.
and i'm still bleeding,
and you're still

maybe all i need to stop this searching is a little less hope.
feedback? i kinda like this as spoken work....thoughts ;)
 Jul 2015 Candice
She wanders,
guided by her lost soul.
She spills arts,
coming from her pure heart;
She writes words no one can understand,
yet she speaks it like it was kept in her mind
for so long, just waiting for someone to find it.
She is a masterpiece of her own,
but she has a heart of stone.
feeling ashame
i am that too naive to realize?
i am that too blind to see?
they are looking at me with their mocking stares
their eyes telling me that i don't belong
even the sun
i can feel his scorching stare
as they pick that beautiful thing
they want me out
they cut me with their knives
i didn't even wish that i will be like this
it is wrong that i was made
this way?
 Jul 2015 Candice
 Jul 2015 Candice
Do know
is the first time
in the longest time
that I have tried to be brave.
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