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 Jan 2018 jace
Kayla Flanders
she was not fragile like a snowflake.
she was fragile like a bomb.
and i didn't know which was scarier-
                                                        ­  her explosion or her calm.
part 2
 Jan 2018 jace
Wake me up
I´m dreaming of you
It was lovely and
fiery and
frightening too
 Jan 2018 jace
Today I felt the urge to fall down a flight of stairs, and when I say fall
I mean,
                                   and plunge.

I wanted to feel something, a pain that wasn't already carried within me.

I could imagine the weightlessness I  would have felt as my body relaxed,
how time would have appeared hampered as if altered by my sudden descent.

That numbing pain as each step would buffet my spine and finally the  ominous silence that preludes my last breath while my misery pools around me glistening for all to see.

though sadly...

.             I live in a bungalow
Vertical, ever get that sudden urge to jump off something you know you shouldn't ?

My first non- rhyming piece, hope you enjoy :)
 Jan 2018 jace
H A Vitatoe
I am an immigrant in my home,
stranger to those to whom I have known

Something is standing in the doorway,
so I scream, Just Go Away

As I stare straight ahead,
it seems as though my mind has fled

People come and then they go,
wondering if their a friend or foe

Suddenly I am alone,
in a place not one can go

As I lay here in my head,
Amongst the living, I am dead
 Jan 2018 jace
Love Her Dark, Too
 Jan 2018 jace
You cannot say you truly love her.

Not until you've seen the demons
she fought or still fighting to keep
her sanity, nor the monsters that
fuelled her nightmares.

Not until you've had an idea about
the storms she had to face bravely,
yet still managed to share her light
and warmth with you.

It's not always warm coffee and
blanket shared on cold mornings.

It's not always sunshine and butterflies.

It's not only her light that needs to be

When you say you truly love her,
you gotta love her dark, too.
Self-talk. Love her dark, too.
 Jan 2018 jace
words spill from the woman's lips,
but I cannot hear a thing.
my mother sits across the room,
nodding as if pleased with this verdict.
more medication.
more artificial happiness.
less control.
that's all I want. control.
something I know I will never have but need nonetheless.
this woman speaks the names of many, many drugs that she attempts to combine.
an artist of intoxication,
she mixes chemicals as if preparing to paint a picture,
but this picture must cover up the old masterpiece,
something so worn and faded
it must be replaced.
for how could anyone love
the crumbling portrait of a once
beautiful girl.
 Jan 2018 jace
No Name
Demons Within
 Jan 2018 jace
No Name
The demons within me is far from scary.
Those demons are locked up so deep
that no man can dig them out.
Shackled, *******.

I’m not afraid of death.
I stared death through the eyes of the reaper.
The demons that I hide is something no one should meet.
Those demons might be bound by chain.
but I still hold the key.
It might be wrong to release my demons
but Its not right to cross me.
fighting with the inner demons
 Jan 2018 jace
Gia Garcia
He and I
 Jan 2018 jace
Gia Garcia
He was the sun, and I was the moon.
Without him, I couldn't illume the night.
I took all the darkness, he had morning and noon,
Without each other, the world wasn't right.
He was the fire, and I was the ice.
He'd bring the chaos without thinking twice.
Whatever flesh he burns, I come to aid.
I touch him without ever being afraid.
He was the ground, and I was the sky.
Aware of each other, but turn a blind eye.
He gave me vapor, I gave him the weather;
It was our only way of being together.
He was the mass, and I was the space.
And without hesitation, in my life, he took place.
I let him consume me, I didn't mind, you see,
I was just happy that somebody needed me.
He was he, and I was me.
What a fool I've been to trust and believe
That we need each other, when the sad truth is,
All there has been for us, was to coexist.
For bub
 Jan 2018 jace
What could be less harmful to me
Than the humble bumble of the bumbling bee?

Today I saw a bumblebee but he had lost his bumble, it lay upon the concrete path
      And I instead was humbled.
Bumbling- How could Anyone ever be afraid of a bumblebee? Though to be fair I have a highly irrational crippling fear of moths.

May add more to this piece in the future as it feels unfinished to me :D
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