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Dec 2024 · 60
A thousand year
kalo zadukr Dec 2024
S Sweet
W Wife
A of A Star
T That
E is Eternal and
E Endless radiant though out of its life
Sep 2024 · 85
~~~ last wish ~~~~
kalo zadukr Sep 2024
one last time I ask you,
get out from my head, forever
its been  too long
to carry the pain of your memory,
the memory of losing you.

Can I die in peace
without your thought

You can come by to see the epitaph
You can say good bye at my grave

But now, let me die in peace
Oct 2023 · 1.6k
War and Justice
kalo zadukr Oct 2023
It means death
It means  hope for change
It means difference on opinions
It means difference in nationality
It means fight for fairness
It means try to establish justice for all.

When it happens  in Gaza
Its not war
Its not justice
Its anything but humanity.
Oct 2023 · 493
Stolen Poem
kalo zadukr Oct 2023
Day will end
so will night
people will talk about anything
life will go on.
still I won't be able to move on
my life is stolen like this poem
lost and buried under many poem!
People read many thing,
People forget and move on.
You don't leave me here
middle of mountain of words,
let me live with you
to get out of my stand still life.
Apr 2023 · 333
kalo zadukr Apr 2023
You never said no,
I never got a clear yes,
Others came by
I said I would wait for you .

Then I waited long,
You kept me waiting,
I never got my answer .

I am still waiting after many years ,
You moved on  while ago.

My life passed by without  you,
You are now with somebody.
I am with somebody.

But I wanted to be with you.

Life is not fair .

Some people die without love.
Some people live wasting their love .
Mar 2023 · 163
unreal love
kalo zadukr Mar 2023
A lonely marsh, swaying like a bird's eye,
Come, listen to the twitter of the birds.
In this unknown forest, in the pine forest,
In the last shadow of the light, in the late afternoon,
Away from the city in this lovely evening.
Here the shadow of the tree floats in the water,
Here the shadow of the mind floats in the water.

Drifting like this, where did you go?
Come, my love, under this deep shade of the tree,
In this lifeless forest, come as a rain and fall forever,
Wash life , clean and tidy,
In this soil, new hope peeks through the dark,
The waiting time is over - the love of water and tree.

A lonely marsh, endless as a bird's eye,
Thirsty and tired  line of pines,
The shadow of the pines on the plain of still waters,
The union is only in optical reflection, in water - in it's deep bottom.

Where did you go my love?  Not far, but so far away.
What a wonderful similarity with this moment of the forest,
Steady, beautiful and simply elusive forever.
Dec 2020 · 719
hiding place
kalo zadukr Dec 2020
there are eight windows,
there are  nine doors,
under our skin.
Some see them
Some don't.
But I know you never saw yours-
Otherwise , you would find me in there,
inside of your heart.
Dec 2020 · 198
it's been a while
kalo zadukr Dec 2020
it's been a while I am not living
but breathing.
it's been a while I am lost just like
a boat without sail in an ocean.
it's been a while I am uncomfortable to spent
Friday night at crowd but still feel lonely.
it's been a while I lost interest to talk
about the daily gossip.
it's been a while I can't do
what i suppose to do.
it's been a while I don't hear from you
or see you.
it's been a while
you left a shell without soul in me.
Dec 2020 · 742
Dark December
kalo zadukr Dec 2020
Your house was at the end of the alley,
The weak sun was  blessing late afternoon on your white four-story building,
It was the arrival of dark winter , full of cold blanket,
I saw my downfall in your black eyes.

Crows in the winter, or flocks of sparrows,
The street was full of tired and cold people.
Nature smiles at the sun's assurance,
In the breath of winter  the air was heavy,
That day was the last day of December.
I saw my downfall in your lovely eyes.

On that day the dead grass cursed the gray earth,
The moon gave a box full of moon to a sleeping Lakshmi owl,
The doors and windows of the mind were closed forever,
The bones of the grave and the blind rotten flesh gathered, and dance till late night.

Life has been nowhere since then,
All there was just the dead soul.
The wife of sun returns to the darkness,
to find her lost love.

Our love was lost in the blink of a gray winter,
In your magic eyes, in my foolish heart.
Dec 2020 · 214
Our Song
kalo zadukr Dec 2020
There was a time
when I used to love you
you were my  girl
you were in my day dream.

There was a time
when you used to love me
you were crazy for me
now you just don't remember.

There was a song you sang to me
It was "our song"

So I tried to forget everything
Keep myself away from you

The time fades away our memory
Time makes distance among us.

Now whenever I hear "our song"
I got  carried away by the song
I find you right next to my heart
Even after many years we apart.
This is our song "কবিতা পড়ার প্রহর এসেছে রাতের নির্জনে"
Dec 2020 · 213
When you left
kalo zadukr Dec 2020
After you left our chat
at the warm corner of that quite cozy room.
Long after the scents you left in the air were gone,
And the sincerity you had, were not around any more,
I waited few more hopeless moments.
Then I did my best but failed to be sincere as you were,
Then I waited few more moments to find your flavor in the air.

But  the dust full past showed up.
I saw an adorable unruly boy, looking at me,
As if I was seeing my past  in front of me in that cozy room.
We were looking at each other blink less; until , it was really late.
Then the boy left with proud face.
And I was very confused , because you were gone.

I thought I should go home.
I stand up; and I tried to find the door to get out that cozy room,
A dark round hole showed up in place of that door,
In there, I saw someone lighten a bunch of fragrance
By my own dead body.

I started feeling body less
I could not find me in that room
Not at that moment, not ever.
My body was vanished.

I saw my dead body in that black dark hole
I got a sniff of  death
And I sunk in death.

When you left.
Dec 2020 · 267
kalo zadukr Dec 2020
It's fall
The leaves decorate the nature
The dark sky appears at the background,

The old mother is sick,
She is sad and hopeless.
The old eyes says it all-
Unemployment, no rent, no food for next day
So the lady wants to die,
Just can't take it anymore.

The dark sky shadows your fall festival.
Your beautiful leaves will fall
When the sky will cry,
When our mother will die.
Dec 2020 · 520
kalo zadukr Dec 2020
I know, there are miles between us.

When someone smile at me just because
When someone give me a company without any reason
When someone just pay for the next person who needs change
They all reminds me your kindness and you.

I find your black long hair whenever I see some dark Columbus Clouds at the east corner of the sky.
During the rain, Nips fall by the back allay,
Your favorite flower remind you every rainy summer.
Whenever I walked at night by the quite neighborhood-
and hear Samina's soft song.
My heart start singing with your song like a spring bee.
Each Starry Starry night, I lost myself in you.

Somehow you seems to be everywhere.
You live around me in a distance of one hair.
I can see you around me everyday all year.

Although I may never just touch you anymore.
Dec 2020 · 267
Back Door
kalo zadukr Dec 2020
There is a door
Out there
It is back door of a house
People come and go all night
Nobody knows who are they.

People around me
Chit chat all day, everyday
They are my friends and family,
I assure them, I praise them.
They give me smile and they give me shrug
Back of my mind, thought come and go
Thoughts never match our conversation.

Mysterious back door open once in a while
Only then we know who are they coming and going

Truth lives behind that locked back door.
You live behind that door.
Real you.
Sometime you come out and express yourself.
Dec 2020 · 426
kalo zadukr Dec 2020
You are sweet
Your sound seems tweet.
You are beautiful
You are artful.
When we were together
We were time unaware.
I don't see you anymore
You still find me in that mirror.
That because you still love me dear
From far away I still live closely and near.
Every single day I feel this distance
Nov 2020 · 207
paper man
kalo zadukr Nov 2020
I made out of paper
My thought made out of  letter.
You don't see me
You can't hear me.
Still you understand me
I don't know what you like
Unless you  say that to me.
If you can't say then write on me.
You may write all your
sorrow, joy, pain, sadness.
I will hold them forever.
Nov 2020 · 356
Wife of Sun
kalo zadukr Nov 2020
In a beautiful dawn, I fall silently
Every single day, yes surely.

Dear, you forgot everything carefully,
How could you had said good bye so naturally?

Every night you came by,
Like a queen from the sky.

You came with the letter of eloquence,
And with the  melodious song and sequence.

Evening to night, we played Snakes and Ladders,
I lost many times, so that your crescent smile would had showed up, my dear.

We dreamed with our pairs of lips,
We talked with our pair of eyes.

So many words,
And so many songs.

Dear, you forgot everything carefully,
How could you had said good bye so naturally?

I don't think about you anymore
I don't  dream us anymore.

I spent my life to forget you and me,
Yet,  you stayed at my memory and me.  

In a beautiful dawn, I fall silently
Every single day, yes surely.
It's been so painful living without her. We were so happy together. Now everything is so dark, painful and boring without her.
Nov 2020 · 102
Blueberry Pie
kalo zadukr Nov 2020
People come by,
Eat cheese cake, apple pie,
At the end of the night,  
Those desserts are gone.
Except the blueberry pie at the corner.

Nobody eat, lonely blueberry pie,
They get thrown away every night.

Some life are just  like blueberry pie.
They wait and wait, never get picked.
Kind the way I waited for you, ages.
Nov 2020 · 71
kalo zadukr Nov 2020
Life with you is like a pair of rails,
Where they never touch each other,
It does not matter how far they go.

I writes my idea,
And you read.
In a sense, they are meaningless,
And abstract -cause you never understand.

People live by their work,
Not what they think.

Thoughts flow along the stream,
As if autumn leaves roll at the streets.
If you step on them, they break,
If you listen to them, they sing.

I wish once for all,
My thought would touch you,
Just as true as sunshine clear the darkness.

I know, day and night never see each other,
I know, our love ever won't be able to touch each other ,
There is always that parallel wall separate us forever.

— The End —