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 Oct 2017 Beatriz DVC
Of Doñana
 Oct 2017 Beatriz DVC
In the burnt forest
A stray lynx tries to find home
Crossing ash pawprints
 Oct 2017 Beatriz DVC
A dent in the wall -
Something said, something thrown. Hush,
A praying fly sleeps.
 Oct 2017 Beatriz DVC
On wavering tides
We look towards the blood sun
Silent, except gulls
 Oct 2017 Beatriz DVC
We don't see the sun
Sequestered in caves of cool
Blistering summers
 Jan 2017 Beatriz DVC
Maria Etre
Call me a lover
and I will redefine
what your
heart thought
love was and jolt
it with beats
that make
nations dance
There is going to be a period in your young adult years that will haunt you for the rest of your days. During this time, you will learn that every caterpillar won't some day fly away. You will experience how cold the world really is and what courage it takes to keep your heart warm. Despite everything you were told growing up, love is not remotely close to a perfect art form. You will realize that your years are sometimes spent trying to survive instead of living and that there are way too many people on this Earth to do the Devil’s bidding.

Sometimes in life, your worst demons are your next of kin and it will take longer than anyone likes to admit to love their own skin.

there is something beautiful that happens you finally learn how to be alone.
Pieces that people stole from you will now begin to organically grow.

Embrace the chaos.
I will teach you the language of this tongue while our bodies are pinned against the wall.

You will teach me the language of your hips, as they move like rolling tides across my lips.

We tend to blindly give it our all when we know it will be over after nightfall.

Together we will create a language of our own, a mixture of heavy breaths and soft moans.
There were two peculiar things;
An innocent table,
And then there was you.

You and I have shared
A lot of things in history.
But today;
We only shared a table.

It was so keen;
That particular table.
It is keeping our distance short,
it huddles us together.

It remains innocent.
That round white table
Isn't aware of yesterday.

With a meter away,
Your eyes;
Didn't even, for a second, met mine.
Were you terrified?

Tried hard,
But I still couldn't help it.
Trying hard not to,
No, don't do it.
It's too late.
I looked at you.

Same old you,
Getting me weak on my knees.
Making my stomach;

I was not to regret,
That I was on the table,
Where there was you.
you still make my heart thump
She stretched out across the bed,
her body curved in serpentine suggestion.
Seductive whispers, bedroom eyes
and the beckoning motion of her hand.

What sinister intentions are behind
this divine invitation to partake
in the pleasures of our flesh?
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