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1d · 103
on the mezzanine
hsn 1d
time unspools like thread from a spindle,
winding itself into shapes i cannot wear.
i drift between the curtains, weightless,
a shadow sewn to the edge of the stage,
waiting for someone to simply notice.
hsn 1d
if love is a sin, let it burden me.
if love is a gift, let me cherish it.
hsn 1d
my words slip soundless into the ground,
pooling at my feet like ripples of rainwater,
vanishing before they touch the ground.
Feb 25 · 26
hsn Feb 25
it drips down like honeyed poison
this dysphoria of mine, a weeping
guillotine;           a mourning blade
Feb 25 · 35
affection forbidden
hsn Feb 25
as the gunmen circle around my fragile corpse
and my ichor seeps out my hollow vessel
my eyes will be forever trained on you
as i ask one final question:
is my love to be
paid in blood?
Feb 12 · 175
maid of iron
hsn Feb 12
basilisk of steel
blades of fury
brisk justice
broken pact

this life is a maid of iron,
and i am the trapped husk
Feb 12 · 52
dear false believer
hsn Feb 12
how long will you be blinded by glimpses of heaven
before you realize the tainted blood of your words?
Feb 10 · 63
throwing stones
hsn Feb 10
you are the stone cast
and i am the water —
as you plunge deeply
into the weak nadirs
of my bottomless soul
hsn Feb 9
lest you fall asleep on the dreambound ferry
keep your eyes open for the ride forward

for the most beautiful things are along
the way and not where it ends
Feb 7 · 39
in your shadow
hsn Feb 7
i am a beacon of hollow skin
of which you have neglected
with your back turned; a
grand shadow cast
Feb 7 · 40
hsn Feb 7
it ruptures within me like a sweet abyss;
to you an undesired whole
Feb 7 · 84
hsn Feb 7
my heart is a lie;
a false adoration for
all, but riddled in
silent sharp truths
Feb 7 · 134
rose gold
hsn Feb 7
aureate muscle of the
masculine dream, the
collective mind of many

it glows in the light
like a perfect bloom -
a grand yellow around
every young boy

i stand and watch it glow
with the dream laced
within me, but with
a shamed rose gold;

the stigma of men
is difference
Feb 7 · 102
hsn Feb 7
seething rage through metal bars
teeth bared like razor sharp knifes
an inferno builds up inside me,
a heat red under my own skin -
as you still and watch
mouths open in folly;
a circus lion to an audience
Feb 7 · 42
hsn Feb 7
ever-so distant, light chimes in the dark
   it whispers to me from all of this distance
      messages of a sadness evermore in null light;

there is no true spark in the darkness of night
Feb 7 · 95
solitary coffin
hsn Feb 7
up in a chokehold by lifes cold hands
color draining slowly from my eyes
everything now in black and white
i've been alone for so long now,
in this solitary coffin of mine
Feb 5 · 560
a perfect red
hsn Feb 5
seeping through brown-riddled veins
flowing a gently fervent stream from
my wrist, a perfect red
dreams of an escape from all of this
turmoil and stress can be attained
through a single temptation from
the acquired gaze of a small blade
haven't done it
but i feel like it
Feb 5 · 81
hive of a recluse
hsn Feb 5
i live in my own mirage of countless bees
and their honey-touched compliments,
the delicate petals they bear—the
only solace i'll find in this sad
dulled hive of a recluse
Feb 4 · 234
i am for it all
hsn Feb 4
a single touch of welcoming
is all i desire, no matter the
strain it will have.
i am for it all
hsn Feb 4
burdened on my shoulder rests a green, white flag
it's simplicity, yet it's alien appearance to all these
white blinded people with their white-like-mindedness-
-their morality consumed by (white) promises of humor,
telling me i should go back to where i left for their own sake
my mom tells me, "ignore their words." my father the same.
they wouldn't care since they have already found their kind
within this land of maple leaves and unpromising history
so why do i have to bear the burden of
carrying the flag of the stars for them?
Jan 19 · 137
dear god,
hsn Jan 19
why must i hold on to a light
that doesnt approve of me?
Jan 16 · 228
wax figure
hsn Jan 16
frozen still in silver secretion
forever perceived in a million
concepts; a story engrained, and
it goes...
art is interpretive and doesnt have a concrete purpose
it is up to the viewer to interpret the story behind all
things regardless of the artists intent
Jan 16 · 87
hsn Jan 16
that still lunar light;
it shines ever so brightly
in the quiet night
Jan 16 · 56
silent party
hsn Jan 16
it feels all to awkward
listening in to the chimes
of others as i sit silently
wondering why i even bother
socializing when there is no point
of me including myself within
their laughs and jokes
Jan 15 · 70
hsn Jan 15
eyeing down white lines
as i cast away my alien vines
of a foreign brown undermined
Jan 15 · 87
silver in the night
hsn Jan 15
you glow in the night like silver satin
and i watch in utmost admiration while
stroking my skin of rusted steel; how
i wish i could live in your skin
hsn Jan 15
feelings mistaken for harsh statements
and deepest thoughts concealed through
faux fur and a desire for understanding
Jan 15 · 79
hsn Jan 15
i am forever a balance of weakness and soft skin
with scales forever still as a statue, carrying the
burdens of heavy insecurities that i can
never comprehend and understand
hsn Jan 15
HIS dream of gold
is mistaken for dirt
that taints the hearts
of the most clement
Jan 15 · 79
hsn Jan 15
they say i am a presumed light of my family,
the potential that seeps through the endless night
and the luminescence that persists through the dark
and yet, harboring all these emotions and deep feelings
i am but a shadow playing fool with myself and others
Jan 15 · 81
hsn Jan 15
coursing my veins
still blades pursue
thin threads of peace
that keep me together
with weak tendrils
of coping habits
that have barely
managed to wrap
themselves around
my flesh and mind
Jan 14 · 82
hsn Jan 14
accumulation of outer thoughts
build the mind of a fragile husk
quietly, they have been shaped
to what they are now; the effects
of a mindless egregore called influence
Jan 14 · 101
sharing a space
hsn Jan 14
an awkward feeling
that is buoyant belittlement
watching them converse
directly in front of me

im sharing a space
in contemplation
weither or not i
should leave or not
when u sit with your friend and their friend at the same time
Jan 14 · 50
hsn Jan 14
i finally feel welcome
and yet, it's not
the welcome i
truly want

it's like spike hugs
or poisonous kisses
the midas touch
withering sunlight

i feel almost too much
at ease now, as if
they have never thought
of me as anything other
than weak
being acquainted with the people you trust the least
Jan 14 · 180
hsn Jan 14
i long for the pinnacle of comfort
to be remembered and cherished
even in sleep and away from all
inspired by sparks from coldplay
hsn Jan 14
she said: "i'm pretty when i cry"
oh , how i relate to her so deep
for when i tear up, i feel weak
and yet i feel so warm and in
my skin, so comfortable and
all the more scarier through
my convulsing body
at ease
i love you lana del rey
Jan 14 · 108
heat sea
hsn Jan 14
interwoven bodies everywhere
frightening weights of "love"
they almost make me gag, this
fake admiration for another
and yet, i find myself wishing
for that same close company
all despite my irks
Jan 14 · 93
hsn Jan 14
frenzied thoughts rushing;
doubtful affirmations, all -
from doubtful people
Jan 14 · 89
the way things go
hsn Jan 14
life is
frame by frame;

pose by pose
skin by skin
smile by smile
frown by frown
love by love
hate by hate
friendship by
doubt by
Jan 14 · 70
i beat around the bush
hsn Jan 14
topsy turvy truth
silent lips and shut teeth
sweat swells solemnly  

i beat around the bush

to find the peace of mind
that has fleed in a fearful frenzy
being too afraid to say the truth
Jan 14 · 65
when pigs fly
hsn Jan 14
"god is teaching them a lesson by wildfire."

"and pigs might fly."
la catastrophe and the zealous fanatics
Jan 14 · 73
(bad) religion
hsn Jan 14
light-bound revered idol in the sky
preaches velvet soft respect for all
and  yet, it seems all too wrong
considering all believe opposite
but then call themselves  
the irony of the religiously psychotic
Jan 14 · 49
hsn Jan 14
i can see the insects up your back
crawling your skin like their colony, picking
on the tender white until it becomes red
your nails, sharp and pearly nails as they
scratch the lumps and everything
and yet despite your efforts, they persist

perhaps you and i have much
more in common than i thought
Jan 14 · 160
hsn Jan 14
mind is pacing
hands are full
calendar ticking
away towards
bound due dates
sweat in sleep that
no tablefan can fix
thoughts of
exams and fears
reoccuring torment
of embarrasing moments
that i want to keep away

why must this be the life
god has carved for me?
wrote this in msip
Jan 10 · 223
hsn Jan 10
two faces, two egos
to my face you tell me everything is fine
for every flaw i perform, for every mistake
and yet, you spit venom behind my back on my name

how funny, am i right?
Jan 10 · 67
hsn Jan 10
i've stepped foot on this land only 4 years ago
and ever since then, have i never not longed to go back
and yet, i wonder if my home would accept me for the way i act
just like the way the others have in this hellscape
highschool *****
Jan 10 · 72
hsn Jan 10
odette and odile
the ephemeral swan lake;
hsn Jan 10
automatic administering
of dense stereotypes -
the world is balanced
off of the practice of
       false sayings
and yet, you deem
yourself a good person
how hypocritical
Jan 10 · 108
hsn Jan 10
for some reason, the world
loves to block the truth behind
asterisks and black squares
Jan 10 · 117
to quell a swan
hsn Jan 10
purity stained blood red
the children mask the brutal
scene through thin hope
the ruin that follows with
every rippling

it's funny to imagine, with just a lone missile of hate
from the hands of the mighty and cruel
your life can end without reason
and in vain they will deem
your life
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