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 Sep 2015 Ashley Rodden
When a sudden silence snap the whole atmosphere
Just feeling the flow of it's story that directly 'bang' to your heart, nerve,
& bones; shivering to my body either.
Glimpse of that memory
way back to where it begins.
As we have those different style
Causing more to hype
the ordinary became
extraordinary story
of this unending song
Of yours.
Just kicking here & there

12:12 am
Aug 29, 2015
Her smile,
It's taking up to much of a file,
She always flips a coin,
And smiles when telling you,
That she found it in Spain,
And calls it her laws of nature,
Then joking refers to a yoyo she named her *** life,
She cuts words like samurai getting ahold of a dinner knife,
But speaks awkwardly everytime,
Tending to tenderness,
Who knows?
But that smile,
It's like a terrible heist movie,
With a plot line that has to do with monks,
And one actor is overpaid,
Knowing that at the end their still made,
What to do besides eat that popcorn and enjoy the show,
That smile though...
I feel like this one I'll edit...if I don't get lazy...
I’m sitting on the porch,
and I’m listening.
To the crickets, the air conditioner, the cars.
I feel, at once, very at home.
Summers of Governor’s Place past, eating Otter Pops outside until our tongues turned a weird brown-gray color from the combination of different dyes.

I remind myself to look up, to look at the stars.
Yes, they’re still there—the same ones Katie and I used to “moonbathe” under, lying on the warm concrete of her driveway.

How have I forgotten to look at the stars?
“Look at the way the light is hitting the building!” was my constant refrain in Paris. I was always looking up, soaking it in.
But of course, in Paris, everything is beautiful.

Certainly, my life now has a lot of light to be seen: In the morning, when the sun pours into the stairwell through Isaac’s stained glass.
In the evening, as red bricks seemingly absorb the sunset’s oranges and reds and then reply with a cooling lavender just as the light begins to fade.

I want to see, I want to know every chirp, every dribble.
I want to inspect each speck of dust, greet every ant circling the sink in the kitchen.
I need to know every part of my life and the life happening within and around me.

The details may not always be the shine of a moonbeam cast upon a dreamy French rooftop —but in fact, was the color of our Popsicle tongues not also the exact same hue?

Look up
Look around
Take in where you’re sitting, where you’re living. Stop counting weeks—you cannot make a science out of spontaneity.

A train sounds in the distance and I pause because I want to invite that, too, to be a part of this moment.

I keep coming back to Cheryl Strayed’s “I’m going to put myself in the way of beauty.” . . .  I just think I’m going to look closer around me.
 Sep 2015 Ashley Rodden
From the age of 7 I was told love was a beautiful thing but was never given it from the ones that told me they loved me the most and never proved it. By the age of 10 I was made to think that in order to be loved I had to give my everything to a guy that did nothing for me but ruin my life. As I saw them ruin my mothers. At the age of 13 I became confused when I was told that who I thought I loved was wrong just because they were the same gender as me. I was given looks as if I was monster, as if I didn’t belong. At the age of 14 I became depressed because I felt like I couldn’t fit in and that anyone who came into my life would eventually leave me as they always did. At the age of 15 I fell in love… I felt like I was invincible and nothing could phase us. She made me believe that my past didn’t matter as much as my future did and I could do anything as long as I loved. She broke barriers around my heart, and taught me to love myself. But like the prophecy says, nothing good can last. when I was at my happiest, she was torn from me and so went my heart. All because once again I was told the person I thought I loved was wrong. I was forced to move on, to delete my memories of her, to get over it like she wasn’t real to me. I spend 63 days crying myself to sleep, 7 out of those 63 I starved myself, it took me a week to look myself in the mirror again and it took me a day to realize I probably wont ever see you again.i was left with cruel closure. So I blame myself for falling in love and believing in love because I knew from the beginning it wasn’t meant for me.
 Sep 2015 Ashley Rodden
my heart keeps on beating and beating even when
it breaks
 Sep 2015 Ashley Rodden
It's a beautiful day , is all I want to say
Every time you look my way it's such a beautiful thing .

It's a beautiful day , that's all I wanted to say
and it's a beautiful way you brighten up my day .

You know it's true ,
when I'm feelin' blue , I lock eyes with you
and get carried away . . .

It's a beautiful day , such a beautiful day
It's amazing the way your smile changes everything .

The weather don't have to be
"Ideal," for me to see , when you're near me all I want to say
is , It's a Beautiful Day .

. . .
...just felt like writing a little happy song today :)
 Sep 2015 Ashley Rodden
I opened a door
Immoral and vile
Less than the blink of an eye
She embraced her wild
In needles and ******
And bent steel spoons
I left her there
In her anti-social doom

So long ago
When immortality ruled
The rush of madness
That we pursued
Lost like rats
In city walls
Chasing death
Until we fall...
Some of those addicts
Will never have the will to cure their minds and souls.
Perhaps they lack what we have.
 Jul 2015 Ashley Rodden
There was a mad person
We all gathered round
Quite the sensation
This strange passion
We found

No ties to morality
Could flag our attention
Those of a studied mind
Also suffered this condition

I've sat there next to killers
Staring at a thief
Pointing bloodstained fingers
Those **** solutions of the elite

Mob mentality
An anomaly that blinds nations
Social conditioning
Media manipulation

No worry
It happens to the best of us
But now it's time to look within
The world will always be in need
Of any love that we can send...
Try to understand
That’s left unsaid
Pick up subtle clues
Follow your heart
Calling of the soul
Sighs of yearning
After many eons
True heart calling
Just surrender
To be forever
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